Can anyone provide some logical information on why some people don't like it? I asked for feedback beforehand as I figured there would be some mixed feelings about it, before we moved forward, and no one chimed in.
So far it all seems to be because people somehow believe we are literally reselling from Alicloud's infrastructure which makes no sense on several levels. And previous we had a Cogent block, it doesn't mean it has anything to do with Cogent. They just have excess allocations, and sell in bulk to other provider who sells it to providers like us.
Am I unaware of some magic technology where if some company you don't like owns the block through ARIN, it acts differently?
might be Chinese are afraid of any motherland affiliation when it comes to cloud services.
One of the big reasons this forum was started by Anthony was due to the scams that were being run out of colo crossing including Alpha Racks. The below rule was made by him because of this.
Can anyone provide some logical information on why some people don't like it? I asked for feedback beforehand as I figured there would be some mixed feelings about it, before we moved forward, and no one chimed in.
So far it all seems to be because people somehow believe we are literally reselling from Alicloud's infrastructure which makes no sense on several levels. And previous we had a Cogent block, it doesn't mean it has anything to do with Cogent. They just have excess allocations, and sell in bulk to other provider who sells it to providers like us.
Am I unaware of some magic technology where if some company you don't like owns the block through ARIN, it acts differently?
No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
@fluttershy said: No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
Main issue with those IPs will be always unproper geolocation. At least in the EU nad most likely also in Tokyo (Japan). While one can obviously update some small geolocation databases like db-ip, IP2Location, and MaxMind, those IPs won't never appear as proper "German" or "Dutch" IPs allocated by RIPE LIR. Majority of clients most likely don't care about that, but those who need "properly" geolocated IPs to reach some local services or something, will find them useless.
I was a bit surprised to see that IPv6 on my Frankfurt vps show proper local presence, but then I realized that this is from xTom's RIPE DE subnet, which is cool.
@satan said: @VirMach
First order $8.88USD charged and service was pending 20 days (Invoice #1524871). Yesterday it was refunded without reason.
Second order $6.66USD is missing in services and no invoice was given. (but amount was charged from my card and still in hold).
What is going on? I patiently waited for the solution of your problems, but instead of providing me with a working service, my money was gone, the service was not provided.
Ticket without checking network status page, another one, another one. Then two tickets about the $6.66. It doesn't count as "patiently waited" if you open a ticket about it. You also replied to an automatic ticket generated that says "please do not reply to this ticket if you have already made a payment." So you were marked accordingly, and we didn't process the activation. For the $6.66 missing you said you were billed for it but in the two tickets created you didn't mention a transaction ID/payment reference number so we wouldn't be able to assist you.
Make a third/fourth ticket for it but this time include the details so we can process the refund.
I made only two tickets to which you did not answer anything and closed. The third one I closed the same day I read the explanations about the flash-sale situation on this forum.
If you could at least make the effort to post information about delays in deploying resources, as you said, on the "network status" page or anywhere else on your site, then your customers would have more peace of mind.
And now you're offended by two tickets and acting like a child, canceling my order. This is the act of a real man, a businessman!
By the way, you disabled my ability to create requests on your site, so I have to conduct a dialogue here.
@fluttershy said: No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
Main issue with those IPs will be always unproper geolocation. At least in the EU nad most likely also in Tokyo (Japan). While one can obviously update some small geolocation databases like db-ip, IP2Location, and MaxMind, those IPs won't never appear as proper "German" or "Dutch" IPs allocated by RIPE LIR. Majority of clients most likely don't care about that, but those who need "properly" geolocated IPs to reach some local services or something, will find them useless.
I was a bit surprised to see that IPv6 on my Frankfurt vps show proper local presence, but then I realized that this is from xTom's RIPE DE subnet, which is cool.
That's an issue anywhere, I use a lot of US based providers with ARIN space and those will also be not marked as allocated by RIPE. Since VirMach is a US company it would end up being the same issue, unless they got a RIPE ASN (and APNIC ASN) for EU and APAC respectively. Most providers don't bother, so this is a decently widespread issue overall.
@fluttershy said: No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
@Mumbly said: Main issue with those IPs will be always unproper geolocation. At least in the EU nad most likely also in Tokyo (Japan). While one can obviously update some small geolocation databases like db-ip, IP2Location, and MaxMind, those IPs won't never appear as proper "German" or "Dutch" IPs allocated by RIPE LIR. Majority of clients most likely don't care about that, but those who need "properly" geolocated IPs to reach some local services or something, will find them useless.
I was a bit surprised to see that IPv6 on my Frankfurt vps show proper local presence, but then I realized that this is from xTom's RIPE DE subnet, which is cool.
I want to provide a tiny geolocation lesson for everyone reading this if they're interested, not saying you'd benefit from it specifically as I'm sure you understand most of this and based on what you said you already know more than most people. Keep in mind I'm not claiming any of this to be accurate or scientific.
US companies can register/get allocation on RIPE. I don't know specifically about RIPE, it's most likely also the case, but ARIN policy does not allow any for-profit geolocation providers to use their information. I actually went deep deep down this rabbit hole because I got mad at Maxmind a long time ago and basically started working on our own geolocation project. It's nowhere close to being done outside of all the logic being worked out and some portions. We actually have a small leased /22 that's RIPE but US company owns it, so it ends up defaulting incorrect geolocation to somewhere in the US.
Maxmind ends up being the one people use the most. They are definitely not the most accurate and the people working there/running the show aren't very bright. It seems like they don't even understand what they're doing and the higher-ups have archaic policies in place that basically results in most geolocation being very wrong. Since they keep costs very low, I assume they do not employ any actual tactics to get the correct geolocation. Instead they heavily rely on being told where it is and then are slow to update it, and as a result they're not very trusting. For example, if you mentioned the word "VPN" anywhere on your website as a provider they would immediately try to end the conversation and not fulfill requests or make it annoying/difficult, because I guess some shady VPN companies thought it's a good idea to just get the geolocation updated and then pretend like they're selling services all around the global when it's all out of one location. They seem to default to whatever company data they can scrape and then average it out at the beginning if all they know is that it's a US company. That's why a lot of times, it will geolocate to Kansas since that's the "center" of the United States according to their algorithm or whatever.
Most other geolocation services seem to basically all start off by scraping the ARIN database anyway, even though they're not allowed, and I assume they stop doing it and pretend like that's not where they started once they get caught and asked to stop.
DB-IP is our favorite, but not a lot of people use them due to their pricing, which means it's rarely ever presented on a quick IP check from a random website or even most websites that use anti-fraud measures or whatever else, that ends up being Maxmind. They seem to be the only company that actually deploy a smart way of actually triangulating locations, and auto update relatively quickly. I'd consider them the only "true" geolocation provider that I know of. This does however mean that for super localized checks, they end up probably not being the best, assuming all other providers actually have any real information on it. So sometimes it might appear 50 miles off, or something like that, but it'll always be more or less correct.
IP2Location just seems like an outsourced spin-off of Maxmind. I'm not saying that literally, but it feels like someone looked at Maxmind and said "I want this" and then they tried to replicate them. At least that's the vibes I get with them. They're also the most likely to just ignore you if you make any type of change request, at least based on the last time we tried. I assume they're a smaller company and as a result maybe have less policies set in stone and it felt like they were all over the place. Sometimes they'd be weirdly accurate, other times off by a lot.
Now, let's talk about the heirarchy.
There's big players that got huge allocations, with RIPE or ARIN or whatever. This rarely ends up being what anyone goes by though because they realize it'd be highly inaccurate if they just slap on one location/company for it all especially since most of these players are at the very least somewhat global.
Then they give out big chunks to medium sized companies, in the case of the Alicloud subnet that ends up being Zenlayer, who is based in the US. So already it's far away from just being seen as "China" especially since it's also ARIN. So if any geolocation tried to go just based off whether it's ARIN = America, then that's how it would go down, and possibly creates the problem you described. Then if they go based on Zenlayer, they go, okay so it's Los Angeles, and that's where most of them are stuck at right now. Then some might look and see it's going to Virtual Machine Solutions LLC (us) for the ones that got SWIP'd correctly. And they might go okay, VMS, they're in Los Angeles, New York, blah blah. I believe the way we did it though it'd just go oh they're in Los Angeles (because this ends up being relatively rare, by this point they move on to other methods, but when it does work out, it works out really well, we might still do that.) Finally, they might look at ASN, and the really good ones might actually triangulate it in other ways.
Anyway, if we ever get to the rDNS bit I think we should get to the point where it all geolocates properly with everyone. I still haven't put in the request with Maxmind, because they changed things up and I'm waiting for developer to help us feed in the data. DB-IP is pretty much good now.
While one can obviously update some small geolocation databases like db-ip, IP2Location, and MaxMind, those IPs won't never appear as proper "German" or "Dutch" IPs allocated by RIPE LIR. Majority of clients most likely don't care about that, but those who need "properly" geolocated IPs to reach some local services or something, will find them useless.
As for this part specifically, I want to conclude by saying that any site or whatever doing "proper" geolocated IPs are actually doing quite the opposite.
@fluttershy said: No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
We haven't scrubbed blacklists yet, letting it naturally drop off and then going after the leftovers. Also comes off less shady this way once we approach them instant of instant hey we got this brand new block wipe everything.
The no rDNS, it's getting mostly stuck at the Zenlayer portion of it, I might have to just drive up to their offices after getting an appointment since email communication isn't going well.
@satan I didn't read any of that outside of looking at your screenshot. Looks like payment was authorized, not captured/rejected at some stage, and if your bank is saying it's paid they're misrepresenting information on your end. I assume it might say "pending" still somewhere. Anyway, maybe they're just slow to update it.
In this case what happens in most cases is that it "drops off" or disappears from your statement. So it never hit our billing system because there was no payment.
@satan said: @VirMach
First order $8.88USD charged and service was pending 20 days (Invoice #1524871). Yesterday it was refunded without reason.
Second order $6.66USD is missing in services and no invoice was given. (but amount was charged from my card and still in hold).
What is going on? I patiently waited for the solution of your problems, but instead of providing me with a working service, my money was gone, the service was not provided.
Ticket without checking network status page, another one, another one. Then two tickets about the $6.66. It doesn't count as "patiently waited" if you open a ticket about it. You also replied to an automatic ticket generated that says "please do not reply to this ticket if you have already made a payment." So you were marked accordingly, and we didn't process the activation. For the $6.66 missing you said you were billed for it but in the two tickets created you didn't mention a transaction ID/payment reference number so we wouldn't be able to assist you.
Make a third/fourth ticket for it but this time include the details so we can process the refund.
I made only two tickets to which you did not answer anything and closed. The third one I closed the same day I read the explanations about the flash-sale situation on this forum.
If you could at least make the effort to post information about delays in deploying resources, as you said, on the "network status" page or anywhere else on your site, then your customers would have more peace of mind.
And now you're offended by two tickets and acting like a child, canceling my order. This is the act of a real man, a businessman!
By the way, you disabled my ability to create requests on your site, so I have to conduct a dialogue here.
The 8 stages of VirMach death: purchase, tickets, chargebacks, forum posts, denials, ban, anger, no-one-cares-anymore
My Tokyo VPS went down, monitoring notified me, already in the network status page dated ~5 minutes ago. That was fast. (Well, here's hoping its recovery is fast too)
edit: It came back already. 👍
edit: It died again. Tragedy.
@MallocVoidstar said:
My Tokyo VPS went down, monitoring notified me, already in the network status page dated ~5 minutes ago. That was fast. (Well, here's hoping its recovery is fast too)
edit: It came back already. 👍
Was yours TYOC005? Mine went down too but back up after 10 minutes. It didn't reboot so maybe a network issue.
@VirMach said: Maxmind ends up being the one people use the most.
Things in the EU with so many countries and local LIR's are more complicated.
I will partially quote my old post :
EU is not one country. Some local services work only with IPs allocated by local LIRs. If service in Belgium want to limit access only to Belgian people/area they will limit access to IPs allocated by Belgian LIRs.
RIPE databases:
Example from RIPE database:
Small private geolocation services like maxmind, Ip2location etc... does not help you here. IP subnet needs to be allocated by RIPE directly to the Belgian LIR (ISP, hosting...) to be recognized by local services as "Belgian" IP.
They same way work some other services. As example I am from EU, but it took some time (years...) for Spotify to come to my country. In case I wanted to have access to the Spotify I needed to use IP from some other EU country which already had Spotify service available. And this wasn't IP geolocated by db-ip, IP2Location, MaxMind... but lets call it "proper" IP by local ISP or datacenter.
Same goes with (sports, etc...) broadcasting rights limited to certain area.
Life would be much easier if everyone would use just those small private geolocation databases like maxmind, Ip2location... but in reality just small portion of the internet use them. All bigger players like Google, MS, etc... have their own databases and many other use just RIR (RIPE, etc) databases.
You can't really win here unless you use IP from subnet assigned by local LIR (local ISP) and IPv4 shortage with fragmentation of those huge allocations into smaller subnets to sale, rent and move them around don't make things any easier.
This wasnt issue 15 - 20 years ago because wherever host colocated it got IPs for cheap or even for free by local DC, but now when host need to bring own/rented/purchased IPs things became messy, because those subnets were usually allocated elsewhere and all what host can do now is to update few relatively small private "db-ip, IP2Location, MaxMind.." databases.
@MallocVoidstar said:
My Tokyo VPS went down, monitoring notified me, already in the network status page dated ~5 minutes ago. That was fast. (Well, here's hoping its recovery is fast too)
edit: It came back already. 👍
edit: It died again. Tragedy.
That was a coincidentally timed second issue, Tokyo is also experiencing some network flapping right now. Waiting a few minutes before opening a network issue for that if it continues.
You tinkering with them Yun, Hun ?
blog | exploring visually |
Hi @VirMach I'm happy to pay the 60dollars for the mistake I made, I can do this through credit if it helps.
I don't use crypto. You can send me the invoice and let's get this going if it suits you.
Thanks to @FrankZ , I'm not going to debate about this case if this is all set for Virmach.
lol I had 50 alpha racks when they disappeared.
Nice. my 5 vcpu + 6gb ram is now ready.
what a beast you got there.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
No RDNS and the space might be blacklisted (I haven't seen any blacklisting but it could be possible I guess) due to being from Ali originally. It's honestly not a big deal though, not worth re-issuing IP addresses (again)
Thank you @VirMach
my Pending LA node got deployed.
can't wait to migrate offfff couuuursssseeee
Main issue with those IPs will be always unproper geolocation. At least in the EU nad most likely also in Tokyo (Japan). While one can obviously update some small geolocation databases like db-ip, IP2Location, and MaxMind, those IPs won't never appear as proper "German" or "Dutch" IPs allocated by RIPE LIR. Majority of clients most likely don't care about that, but those who need "properly" geolocated IPs to reach some local services or something, will find them useless.
I was a bit surprised to see that IPv6 on my Frankfurt vps show proper local presence, but then I realized that this is from xTom's RIPE DE subnet, which is cool.
Tokyo $2.22

I made only two tickets to which you did not answer anything and closed. The third one I closed the same day I read the explanations about the flash-sale situation on this forum.
If you could at least make the effort to post information about delays in deploying resources, as you said, on the "network status" page or anywhere else on your site, then your customers would have more peace of mind.
And now you're offended by two tickets and acting like a child, canceling my order. This is the act of a real man, a businessman!
By the way, you disabled my ability to create requests on your site, so I have to conduct a dialogue here.
IP reputation matters, lads. Ya will face CAPTCHA somettime for proxy usage
Fine, at least Alibaba is less worse than ColoCrossing.
Also not a fan of authoritarian state controlled corporation
Yo chap, flying what!? I double dare ya!
Ontario Dildo Inspector
@Flying_Chinaman are you happy now or still have something stuck in your ass mouth?
Happy than ever *MOAN*

Ontario Dildo Inspector
That's an issue anywhere, I use a lot of US based providers with ARIN space and those will also be not marked as allocated by RIPE. Since VirMach is a US company it would end up being the same issue, unless they got a RIPE ASN (and APNIC ASN) for EU and APAC respectively. Most providers don't bother, so this is a decently widespread issue overall.
I want to provide a tiny geolocation lesson for everyone reading this if they're interested, not saying you'd benefit from it specifically as I'm sure you understand most of this and based on what you said you already know more than most people. Keep in mind I'm not claiming any of this to be accurate or scientific.
US companies can register/get allocation on RIPE. I don't know specifically about RIPE, it's most likely also the case, but ARIN policy does not allow any for-profit geolocation providers to use their information. I actually went deep deep down this rabbit hole because I got mad at Maxmind a long time ago and basically started working on our own geolocation project. It's nowhere close to being done outside of all the logic being worked out and some portions. We actually have a small leased /22 that's RIPE but US company owns it, so it ends up defaulting incorrect geolocation to somewhere in the US.
Maxmind ends up being the one people use the most. They are definitely not the most accurate and the people working there/running the show aren't very bright. It seems like they don't even understand what they're doing and the higher-ups have archaic policies in place that basically results in most geolocation being very wrong. Since they keep costs very low, I assume they do not employ any actual tactics to get the correct geolocation. Instead they heavily rely on being told where it is and then are slow to update it, and as a result they're not very trusting. For example, if you mentioned the word "VPN" anywhere on your website as a provider they would immediately try to end the conversation and not fulfill requests or make it annoying/difficult, because I guess some shady VPN companies thought it's a good idea to just get the geolocation updated and then pretend like they're selling services all around the global when it's all out of one location. They seem to default to whatever company data they can scrape and then average it out at the beginning if all they know is that it's a US company. That's why a lot of times, it will geolocate to Kansas since that's the "center" of the United States according to their algorithm or whatever.
Most other geolocation services seem to basically all start off by scraping the ARIN database anyway, even though they're not allowed, and I assume they stop doing it and pretend like that's not where they started once they get caught and asked to stop.
DB-IP is our favorite, but not a lot of people use them due to their pricing, which means it's rarely ever presented on a quick IP check from a random website or even most websites that use anti-fraud measures or whatever else, that ends up being Maxmind. They seem to be the only company that actually deploy a smart way of actually triangulating locations, and auto update relatively quickly. I'd consider them the only "true" geolocation provider that I know of. This does however mean that for super localized checks, they end up probably not being the best, assuming all other providers actually have any real information on it. So sometimes it might appear 50 miles off, or something like that, but it'll always be more or less correct.
IP2Location just seems like an outsourced spin-off of Maxmind. I'm not saying that literally, but it feels like someone looked at Maxmind and said "I want this" and then they tried to replicate them. At least that's the vibes I get with them. They're also the most likely to just ignore you if you make any type of change request, at least based on the last time we tried. I assume they're a smaller company and as a result maybe have less policies set in stone and it felt like they were all over the place. Sometimes they'd be weirdly accurate, other times off by a lot.
Now, let's talk about the heirarchy.
There's big players that got huge allocations, with RIPE or ARIN or whatever. This rarely ends up being what anyone goes by though because they realize it'd be highly inaccurate if they just slap on one location/company for it all especially since most of these players are at the very least somewhat global.
Then they give out big chunks to medium sized companies, in the case of the Alicloud subnet that ends up being Zenlayer, who is based in the US. So already it's far away from just being seen as "China" especially since it's also ARIN. So if any geolocation tried to go just based off whether it's ARIN = America, then that's how it would go down, and possibly creates the problem you described. Then if they go based on Zenlayer, they go, okay so it's Los Angeles, and that's where most of them are stuck at right now. Then some might look and see it's going to Virtual Machine Solutions LLC (us) for the ones that got SWIP'd correctly. And they might go okay, VMS, they're in Los Angeles, New York, blah blah. I believe the way we did it though it'd just go oh they're in Los Angeles (because this ends up being relatively rare, by this point they move on to other methods, but when it does work out, it works out really well, we might still do that.) Finally, they might look at ASN, and the really good ones might actually triangulate it in other ways.
Anyway, if we ever get to the rDNS bit I think we should get to the point where it all geolocates properly with everyone. I still haven't put in the request with Maxmind, because they changed things up and I'm waiting for developer to help us feed in the data. DB-IP is pretty much good now.
As for this part specifically, I want to conclude by saying that any site or whatever doing "proper" geolocated IPs are actually doing quite the opposite.
We haven't scrubbed blacklists yet, letting it naturally drop off and then going after the leftovers. Also comes off less shady this way once we approach them instant of instant hey we got this brand new block wipe everything.
The no rDNS, it's getting mostly stuck at the Zenlayer portion of it, I might have to just drive up to their offices after getting an appointment since email communication isn't going well.
Lucifer wants his $6.66 back immediately.
Damien is pissed.
Trustpilot review will noot be favourable.
Beelzebub didn't rtfr.
Praise VirMach.
@satan I didn't read any of that outside of looking at your screenshot. Looks like payment was authorized, not captured/rejected at some stage, and if your bank is saying it's paid they're misrepresenting information on your end. I assume it might say "pending" still somewhere. Anyway, maybe they're just slow to update it.
In this case what happens in most cases is that it "drops off" or disappears from your statement. So it never hit our billing system because there was no payment.
You can't promote that provider here.
Yo ya mean the double bandwidth guy?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
The 8 stages of VirMach death: purchase, tickets, chargebacks, forum posts, denials, ban, anger, no-one-cares-anymore
My Tokyo VPS went down, monitoring notified me, already in the network status page dated ~5 minutes ago. That was fast. (Well, here's hoping its recovery is fast too)
edit: It came back already. 👍
edit: It died again. Tragedy.
Was yours TYOC005? Mine went down too but back up after 10 minutes. It didn't reboot so maybe a network issue.
Things in the EU with so many countries and local LIR's are more complicated.
I will partially quote my old post :
EU is not one country. Some local services work only with IPs allocated by local LIRs. If service in Belgium want to limit access only to Belgian people/area they will limit access to IPs allocated by Belgian LIRs.
RIPE databases:
Example from RIPE database:
(IT = Italy, NL = Netherlands, PL = Poland, FI = Finland...)
Small private geolocation services like maxmind, Ip2location etc... does not help you here. IP subnet needs to be allocated by RIPE directly to the Belgian LIR (ISP, hosting...) to be recognized by local services as "Belgian" IP.
They same way work some other services. As example I am from EU, but it took some time (years...) for Spotify to come to my country. In case I wanted to have access to the Spotify I needed to use IP from some other EU country which already had Spotify service available. And this wasn't IP geolocated by db-ip, IP2Location, MaxMind... but lets call it "proper" IP by local ISP or datacenter.
Same goes with (sports, etc...) broadcasting rights limited to certain area.
Life would be much easier if everyone would use just those small private geolocation databases like maxmind, Ip2location... but in reality just small portion of the internet use them. All bigger players like Google, MS, etc... have their own databases and many other use just RIR (RIPE, etc) databases.
You can't really win here unless you use IP from subnet assigned by local LIR (local ISP) and IPv4 shortage with fragmentation of those huge allocations into smaller subnets to sale, rent and move them around don't make things any easier.
This wasnt issue 15 - 20 years ago because wherever host colocated it got IPs for cheap or even for free by local DC, but now when host need to bring own/rented/purchased IPs things became messy, because those subnets were usually allocated elsewhere and all what host can do now is to update few relatively small private "db-ip, IP2Location, MaxMind.." databases.
tokyo's network seems a bit unstable,will lost connection a min then recovery
now it downed again
edit: recovered again after 45sec
That was a coincidentally timed second issue, Tokyo is also experiencing some network flapping right now. Waiting a few minutes before opening a network issue for that if it continues.
Next Flash Sales, infinite loop.
Hi @VirMach , can you help on this issue? Invoice 1529276, Thank you.
All my VMs have been provisioned.