★ VirMach ★ 2023 ★ NVMe SSD ★ Ryzen ★ KVM ★ Check inside for offers!



  • @bula said:
    Well I guess I am one of the 12 for DALZ010 that has not been provisioned yet. :anguished:

    I am too

  • @VirMach said:

    Don't worry we're going all Epyc after these, I've lost too many braincells and marbles with these ASRock amateur boards. Never again. And it'll be cheaper, plus maybe we'll even do something interesting like another control panel that supports IPv6 + IPv4 NAT out the box, just for you.

    Okay maybe I'm promising too much, what I can say for certain is all purchases in the near future will be Epyc.

    So, virmach will announce NAT VPS? I love IPv6 + NAT.

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • @yoursunny said:

    项目地址  https://github.com/lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck
     ** 测试时间 : Thu Jan 19 13:43:34 UTC 2023
     ** 正在测试IPv4解锁情况
     ** 您的网络为 : DediPath (31.222.*.*)
    ============[ Multination ]============
     Dazn:                                  No
     HotStar:                               Yes (Region: US)
     Disney+:                               Yes (Region: GB)
     Netflix:                               Yes (Region: US)
     YouTube Premium:                       Yes
     Amazon Prime Video:                    Yes (Region: US)
     TVBAnywhere+:                          Yes
     iQyi Oversea Region:                   US
     Viu.com:                               No
     YouTube CDN:                           Los Angeles, CA
     Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Dallas, TX
     Spotify Registration:                  No
     Steam Currency:                        USD
     ** 正在测试IPv6解锁情况
     ** 您的网络为 : Junxiao Shi (2a0a:6040:a3*:*:*)
    ============[ Multination ]============
     Dazn:                                  Failed (Network Connection)
     HotStar:                               Yes (Region: US)
     Disney+:                               No
     Netflix:                               Failed (Network Connection)
     YouTube Premium:                       Yes
     Amazon Prime Video:                    Unsupported
     TVBAnywhere+:                          Failed (Network Connection)
     iQyi Oversea Region:                   Failed
     Viu.com:                               Failed
     YouTube CDN:                           Toronto, ON
     Netflix Preferred CDN:                 Failed
     Spotify Registration:                  Yes (Region: US)
     Steam Currency:                        Failed (Network Connection)
    本 次 测 试 已 结 束 , 感 谢 使 用 此 脚 本

    Just curious, how did you manage to make the IPv6 announce as your name ?

  • @sh97 said:

    Just curious, how did you manage to make the IPv6 announce as your name ?

    Mentally strong people obtain their own RIPE ASN.

    Thanked by (1)ariq01

    No hostname left!

  • edited January 2023

    @VirMach said:
    *A little exception to this, the following have not been provisioned:

    • 12 quantity for DALZ010 offer, 4GB RAM / 4 Core / 130GB Disk

    Not sure of the issue here but if it is capacity and If it is works for you - I am ok with any location in US West (preferably Seattle)

  • edited January 2023

    @yoursunny said: Mentally strong people obtain their own RIPE ASN.


    what provider offers free bgp sessions sir?

    I’m a simple man I see gifs, I press thanks

  • @yoursunny said:

    Mentally strong people obtain their own RIPE ASN.

    Can you tell how you did it? I mean the procedure and cost? (And service provider of you used one)

  • @bula said:

    Well I guess I am one of the 12 for DALZ010 that has not been provisioned yet. :anguished:

    Me, too, I presume. Feel a little bit privileged, though.

  • @VirMach you do also realise there is no way to pay for <20 usd service with paypal or credit/debit card for non eu/us users we are forced to add 20usd credit in order to buy anything

    Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 2023

    @codelock said:
    @VirMach you do also realise there is no way to pay for <20 usd service with paypal or credit/debit card for non eu/us users we are forced to add 20usd credit in order to buy anything

    Alipay, Coinbase

    I'll go ahead and allow credit/debit.

  • Yea I noticed credit and paypal were removed at checkout (Im in Canada). Thanks @codelock, I was trying to avoid buying an Atlanta server (didn't get one during flash sale) and no credit/paypal at checkout was my only excuse not to get one.. Now that credit cards have been added back I HAVE to buy one...

  • edited January 2023

    @VirMach said: *A little exception to this, the following have not been provisioned:

    12 quantity for DALZ010 offer, 4GB RAM / 4 Core / 130GB Disk
    1 quantity for NYCB041 offer (node is having problems still)

    OK. seems I'm that 1 person waiting for NYCB041 vps to deploy :)

  • JabJab Senpai

    @DanSummer said: OK. seems I'm that 1 person waiting for NYCB041 vps to deploy


    Thanked by (1)DanSummer

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @Jab said:



  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 2023

    @DanSummer said:

    OK. seems I'm that 1 person waiting for NYCB041 vps to deploy :)

    I caught this earlier today, but more than 1 are waiting for that. It broke in a weird way where I didn't track it properly when I output that number. It's probably closer to a dozen for that too.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 2023

    Additional 30% promo removed. Prices updated.

    Non-existent Epyc Tokyo pre-order, still haven't decided if it's a good or bad idea. Leaning toward bad, might just send it first but I wanted to gauge the level of interest somehow so we know if we have to build more and to get all the orders pre-screened.

  • JabJab Senpai

    such a troll

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • ruiknoruikno Retired
    edited January 2023

    @VirMach said:
    Additional 30% promo removed. Prices updated.

    Non-existent Epyc Tokyo pre-order, still haven't decided if it's a good or bad idea. Leaning toward bad, might just send it first but I wanted to gauge the level of interest somehow so we know if we have to build more and to get all the orders pre-screened.

    This looks good, but I'm a new user, do I have to pay the extra $10? It doesn't look like a good deal.

    And february has no 31st.

  • @ruikno said:

    This looks good, but I'm a new user, do I have to pay the extra $10? It doesn't look like a good deal.

    I think Virmach was joking (31st of Febuary should have given that away). :)

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • @VirMach said:

    I caught this earlier today, but more than 1 are waiting for that. It broke in a weird way where I didn't track it properly when I output that number. It's probably closer to a dozen for that too.

    I feel less special now.

  • @ruikno said: This looks good
    @ruikno said: This looks good

    Roger, roger.

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @ruikno said: This looks good, but I'm a new user, do I have to pay the extra $10? It doesn't look like a good deal.

    And february has no 31st.

    New user, as in you have no services with us?

    @DanSummer said: I think Virmach was joking (31st of Febuary should have given that away).

    Sadly it wasn't a clever joke, I actually wrote that without thinking. It was originally 25th and I wanted to move it to the end of the month and then my brain malfunctioned and I wrote 31st.

  • @VirMach said: It was originally 25th and I wanted to move it to the end of the month and then my brain malfunctioned ..

    Yeah, yeah. That happens a lot, eh? :p

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • ruiknoruikno Retired
    edited January 2023

    @VirMach said:
    New user, as in you have no services with us?

    Actually I'm a beginner, when I just started learning VPS, I witnessed the legend of you and MJJs.
    I would like to experience the VPS with Ryzen in Tokyo, if you don't welcome customers from China, then I can only buy V.PS.

  • What makes bandwidth so limited in Japan?
    For the level of technology and investment, I thought they'd have bandwidth to spare.

  • edited January 2023

    @erk said:
    What makes bandwidth so limited in Japan?
    For the level of technology and investment, I thought they'd have bandwidth to spare.

    Island? International transit via submarine cables.

  • @VirMach Sir please help my ticket #224384


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited January 2023

    @erk said:
    For the level of technology and investment, I thought they'd have bandwidth to spare.

    This is just a huge guess but I assume they have cheap internet at high speeds for consumers, and most of it probably stays within the region (e.g, servers from Japan to customers in Japan.) Once it has to head out elsewhere is probably where it becomes expensive and it's most expensive for the carriers that have a good connection to China probably due to supply/demand.

    Cheapest I've seen it is $400/1Gbit but probably awful routing to China, I assume mainly for Tokyo --> Los Angeles/Singapore. Actually I just double checked and yep, only goes to Hong Kong, South Korea, and San Jose with that carrier.

    Then a mix of the cheapest above with some NTT, Vodafone, and Softbank (but probably for local routes) is $500-600/1Gbit

    IIJ is way more expensive. I assume Softbank to China is probably the most expensive.

    What makes bandwidth so limited in Japan?

    I'll answer this part more specific to us. IIJ = Good network to China = higher usage. We have several times more usage for the same bandwidth allocation to customers, more than anticipated, when we kept the levels the same for plans across all locations. We also got a lot of abuse, unfortunately, as a result of the plans trading hands and being used for mass file sharing. For example, one guy that ended up eventually getting suspended for other breaches was basically streaming videos to hundreds if not thousands of people and selling this service to others (so also I/O abuse, and he was also multi-account, and it was most likely sold by scalper.) Finally, the 95th is highly skewed. It goes from almost no usage to a lot of usage for maybe 1/4th or 1/3rd of the day, so higher peaks, higher 95th. This means 600Mbps to 1Gbps of average usage turns into 1.7Gbps to 2.3Gbps billed usage. Aka, it gets bottlenecked. They might have a lot of bandwidth but the fibers get saturated during peak hours and sit empty the rest of the time.

    @Mumbly said:

    Island? International transit via submarine cables.

    Yeah underwater cables go insanely expensive to China. I really don't remember the quote I received a long time ago anymore but it was probably something like $20,000 a month for 100Mbps private cable (not literally a new cable but I guess a dedicated share on an existing cable.) Just to get it to China, no actual carriers on either end, you'd have to add that on as well. I could be off by a lot.

    That ends up being top-notch though basically GFW bypass as far as that goes, front of the line.

    Thanked by (2)tototo erk
  • 👀

    Ryzen 8192
    Coupon Code: RYZE2023
    126.97 /YR
    8GB DDR4 RAM
    120GB NVMe SSD
    3 vCore Ryzen CPU
    10,000GB @ 1Gbps
    1x IPv4
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