VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    skorous - Good to see that you are picking up the slack while the Skint one is on hiatus. :)

    Thanked by (3)ehab skorous AlwaysSkint

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • Knackered at the moment: energy going on motorcycling stuff - selling /trading in/new to me bike. :-)
    By the time I sit down for a rest my brain is woozy, like the rest of me.
    Nice one, @skorous :D

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited May 2023

    @FrankZ said:
    @theloafingone - I expect it was delivered without an O/S installed. With a 4TB VM I would install from an ISO so as to make at least three partitions, one for boot, one for the O/S, and one for data. You can do this by going to the billing panel and selecting the VM, then select the "VPS Control Panel" button. This will take you to the SolusVM panel. Click "Manage" on the line with your VM (this should be the only VM available). On the next page ensure that the "Boot Order" shows "(1) CDROM (2) Hard Disk", if not, select this option. Then select "CDROM" from the line above that,. and below the buttons. This will take you to a new display on the bottom of the page where you can use the select box to select the ISO for the O/S you wish to install. After selected, click the mount button. Now click the "Reboot" button. After your VM restarts you should be able to enter into the VM via VNC and see the prompts for the ISO install.

    This worked like a charm. I'll keep it in mind for the future. Hope it helps anyone else who runs into this issue. Thanks again!

    I want to keep this deal all to myself, but against my better judgement I'll post the YABS here for LAX Quadranet:

    Thu 18 May 2023 12:01:43 AM PDT
    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes
    Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz
    CPU cores  : 2 @ 2594.206 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 1.9 GiB
    Swap       : 977.0 MiB
    Disk       : 3.8 TiB
    Distro     : Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
    Kernel     : 5.10.0-23-amd64
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline
    IPv4 Network Information:
    ISP        : LLC
    ASN        : AS8100 QuadraNet Enterprises LLC
    Host       : Zenlayer Inc
    Location   : Los Angeles, California (CA)
    Country    : United States
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 18.41 MB/s    (4.6k) | 77.57 MB/s    (1.2k)
    Write      | 18.43 MB/s    (4.6k) | 77.98 MB/s    (1.2k)
    Total      | 36.85 MB/s    (9.2k) | 155.55 MB/s   (2.4k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 377.68 MB/s    (737) | 991.00 MB/s    (967)
    Write      | 397.74 MB/s    (776) | 1.05 GB/s     (1.0k)
    Total      | 775.42 MB/s   (1.5k) | 2.04 GB/s     (1.9k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 658 Mbits/sec   | 689 Mbits/sec   | 189 ms
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | 1.09 Gbits/sec  | busy            | 160 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 1.14 Gbits/sec  | 1.23 Gbits/sec  | 151 ms
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.97 Gbits/sec  | 422 Mbits/sec   | 239 ms
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 2.97 Gbits/sec  | 2.03 Gbits/sec  | 87.1 ms
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 4.66 Gbits/sec  | 2.22 Gbits/sec  | 35.0 ms
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.22 Gbits/sec  | 5.56 Gbits/sec  | 61.4 ms
    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 620
    Multi Core      | 1196
    Full Test       |
    YABS completed in 29 min 31 sec
    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @theloafingone - I am happy that it worked out well and you were able to get your VM going !!
    Thank you for the yabs as I am trying to decide where to buy my new storage server, Los Angeles or New York, and seeing that helped me out.

    Does anyone have a recent yabs from the New York storage server or can offer an opinion on it ?

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited May 2023

    @FrankZ said:
    @JBB - You're not alone as it seems that all of Chicago DC #1 (CHIZ001, CHIZ002, CHIZ003, CHIZ004) has dropped. I'm on CHIZ003 and am getting the same "Operation Timed Out ..." error as you are. I expect it may be a DC network issue, or maybe someone unplugged the cable to VirMach's rack because you know VirMach does not have the best luck when it comes to DC hands.

    Nothing's unplugged, servers are online, IPMI functional so it seems like networking itself is probably fine. Looks like an announcement issue, and based on what I'm seeing it looks like another DC just randomly decided to announce these QN blocks? My mistake on the last part

    I'll have to look into it a little further but I'm working on those NYC nodes and this was obviously not expected in the way it happened on basically the day I've been doing that. Nicely timed as usual.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ ZA_capetown
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited May 2023

    @FrankZ said:
    @JBB - You're not alone as it seems that all of Chicago DC #1 (CHIZ001, CHIZ002, CHIZ003, CHIZ004) has dropped. I'm on CHIZ003 and am getting the same "Operation Timed Out ..." error as you are. I expect it may be a DC network issue, or maybe someone unplugged the cable to VirMach's rack because you know VirMach does not have the best luck when it comes to DC hands.

    Even better. Thanks for commenting this by the way I realized it probably had to do more with this honestly, and it did, you saved me a lot of time probably.

    They nullrouted the entire /22 in Chicago QN because of an alleged DDoS attack, and they just left it like that. They opened the ticket as if I had opened it with blank text so I missed it the first time around. Not sure why/how. And uhhh, my graphs definitely didn't resemble anything like an attack which is why I didn't even go down that route but QN's definition of that has been proven to be different. Never would I have guessed their solution would be to nullroute an entire /22 though, that's a new surprise.

    Allow me to show you what they probably called a DDoS attack. My genuine guess is some engineer saw some bad alert go off and thought hmm I'll just nullroute the whole /22 because the above 100Mbps utilization appears to be happening on more than one IPv4.

    Now we have a dilemma, do I move Hive Chicago to QN Chicago because they're threatening to de-announce our IPv4 or do I move QN Chicago to Hive Chicago because QN actually basically effectively did it?

    (edit) By the way that image is the highest spike out of any server, didn't feel like showing you the others but they're lower.

  • VirMach owned dcs when

    Thanked by (3)someTom FrankZ AlwaysSkint
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    By the way taking all recommendations for datacenters in Chicago at this point. Can be in the same facility as these people we've already tried, just maybe under different management/company.

    We've already tried out Psychz, Hivelocity, QuadraNet. So that ends up being these actual facilities:

    • Digital Realty, 600 S Federal St, Chicago, IL 60605
    • Digital Realty, 350 E. Cermak Road, Chicago, IL 60616
    • Equinix CH3, 1905 Lunt Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA

    I actually have a contact with CoreSite for their facility in Chicago since QuadraNet told us to send our servers there and then remembered that they moved out of that facility multiple years ago and we had to try to locate our servers. They (CoreSite) also seem to be used by DataPacket so maybe we can get something going under them. Either way that might end up being good, either getting power and space from CoreSite then transit with DP or going straight through DP.

    @rockinmusicgv said:
    VirMach owned dcs when

    Using our current timeline sometime after my death.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    VirMach said: By the way taking all recommendations for datacenters in Chicago


    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • rkzedrkzed OG
    edited May 2023

    @rkzed said:

    yes, exactly like you described. already put a ticket with them. hope it gets resolved soon. this is the first major problem with the VPS, otherwise, it's been stable for me.

    hi @VirMach , I know you are very busy with another thing, but if you could spend a little time to take a look at my ticket #518513, I would be very grateful. the disk is missing from VPS. I'm on TYO-C005 node.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited May 2023

    @VirMach said: They nullrouted the entire /22 in Chicago QN because of an alleged DDoS attack, and they just left it like that.

    Thanked by (3)someTom localhost ehab

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • NeoonNeoon OGSenpai

    @FrankZ said:

    Colocleansign strikes back.

  • edited May 2023

    @VirMach said: do I move Hive Chicago to QN Chicago because they're threatening to de-announce our IPv4 or do I move QN Chicago to Hive Chicago

    Can ya let your sorry fellas decide which madhouse they will reside when they order or migrate?

    Yo @VirMach storage or Tokyo or Tokyo storage promo any time soon?

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • @VirMach said:
    Now we have a dilemma, do I move Hive Chicago to QN Chicago because they're threatening to de-announce our IPv4 or do I move QN Chicago to Hive Chicago because QN actually basically effectively did it?

    So are you in any DC which isn't staffed by incompetent hamsters, so I know where to transfer my servers? :wink:

  • edited May 2023

    @VirMach said: QN Chicago because they're threatening to de-announce our IPv4

    After contemplating a while, personally QN i dare say, can't wait to get rid of the loathing Alibaba IP block!

    Ontario Dildo Inspector

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    So are you in any DC which isn't staffed by incompetent hamsters, so I know where to transfer my servers? :wink:

    xTom is the only one I can confidently say that about, hands down, every situation. Doesn't necessarily mean others don't also employ some intelligent people but I've never ever had a situation with xTom where I have to roll my eyes or tear out my hair.

    They've also gone above and beyond in helping us when we run into big problems. Like more than expected. With things like the Psychz Amsterdam scenario, obtaining IPv4, and many others.

    I just wish we could afford to use all their locations.

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @FrankZ said: Does anyone have a recent yabs from the New York storage server or can offer an opinion on it ?

    You have an interest in getting some direct experience? Toss me a public key and I'll let you poke around on the one I just picked up.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited May 2023

    @FrankZ said: Does anyone have a recent yabs from the New York storage server or can offer an opinion on it ?

    That one's my favorite. Threadripper, it ended up getting the best configuration too, it's 32 disks in RAID10 and then 4 hot spares. It also technically has like 30Gbps or something set up on it and could technically go that high. Plus we have like another 4x 1Gbps connected to it. I look forward to not having to touch it.

    It also got the best mix of drives, different batches how I wanted to do all of them.

    The Achilles heel on that one is the motherboard, they don't manufacture it anymore but as long as a replacement has PCIe we should be good.

    (edit) It also has like 3x NVMe or something like that, Samsung Pro I think, for swap, OS, templates and such.

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ skorous ZA_capetown
  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited May 2023

    Thank you @skorous for the offer, but I think I am just going to pick one up in New York.

    @VirMach said: That one's my favorite.....

    Sounds like a beast. I hope it will be one of my favorites too.
    Any chance you are going to run a "post your order number for double RAM" on storage servers next week ? :sunglasses:

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @FrankZ said: Thank you @skorous for the offer, but I think I am just going to pick one up in New York.

    Quite welcome, sir. I've been quite happy with mine thus far.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • @skorous said:

    Quite welcome, sir. I've been quite happy with mine thus far.

    Also very happy with mine!

    Just ran YABS for you, @FrankZ:


    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##



    ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##

    Fri May 19 02:08:52 PM EDT 2023

    Basic System Information:

    Uptime : 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes
    Processor : AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X 24-Core Processor
    CPU cores : 3 @ 3799.946 MHz
    AES-NI : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM : 3.8 GiB
    Swap : 4.0 GiB
    Disk : 1.8 TiB
    Distro : Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
    Kernel : 5.15.0-72-generic
    VM Type : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6 : ✔ Online / ❌ Offline

    IPv4 Network Information:

    ISP : LLC
    ASN : AS35913 DediPath
    Host : Zenlayer Inc, Virtual Machine Solutions LLC
    Location : Secaucus, New Jersey (NJ)
    Country : United States

    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):

    Block Size 4k (IOPS) 64k (IOPS)
    Read 24.36 MB/s (6.0k) 31.08 MB/s (485)
    Write 24.37 MB/s (6.0k) 31.47 MB/s (491)
    Total 48.74 MB/s (12.1k) 62.55 MB/s (976)
    Block Size 512k (IOPS) 1m (IOPS)
    ------ --- ---- ---- ----
    Read 200.41 MB/s (391) 1.61 GB/s (1.5k)
    Write 211.06 MB/s (412) 1.71 GB/s (1.6k)
    Total 411.48 MB/s (803) 3.33 GB/s (3.2k)

    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):

    Provider Location (Link) Send Speed Recv Speed Ping
    Clouvider London, UK (10G) 814 Mbits/sec 814 Mbits/sec 68.2 ms
    Scaleway Paris, FR (10G) 763 Mbits/sec 715 Mbits/sec 72.8 ms
    NovoServe North Holland, NL (40G) 382 Mbits/sec 1.27 Gbits/sec 76.9 ms
    Uztelecom Tashkent, UZ (10G) busy busy 160 ms
    Clouvider NYC, NY, US (10G) 851 Mbits/sec 480 Mbits/sec 79.8 ms
    Clouvider Dallas, TX, US (10G) 868 Mbits/sec 990 Mbits/sec 41.4 ms
    Clouvider Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) 710 Mbits/sec 903 Mbits/sec 58.7 ms

    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:

    Test | Value
    Single Core | 1098
    Multi Core | 3054
    Full Test |

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • @sh97 said:
    @Wonder_Woman which plan is this? Can you share a link?

    It's a "STORAGE-2T" plan, which I bought on sale in one of the other threads. It's specs don't quite match what is shown over here:

    Thanked by (1)sh97
  • qpsqps Hosting ProviderOG

    @VirMach said: By the way taking all recommendations for datacenters in Chicago at this point.

    What are you looking for on space/power/bandwidth? You can DM me or message me on Skype/Discord/Telegram.

    QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago

  • @qps said:

    What are you looking for on space/power/bandwidth? You can DM me or message me on Skype/Discord/Telegram.

    Do you have options without Path's protection? I looked at your stuff a bit ago and passed up on recommending you to several people due to your use of Path.

  • Is there a best guess estimate guesstimate when Chicago networking issues might be resolved? Have website (very non critical) in ChiTown and if it's most likely going to be up again shortly don't want to shuffle things around. Yes I am lazy


  • @JDMcPea said:
    Is there a best guess estimate guesstimate when Chicago networking issues might be resolved? Have website (very non critical) in ChiTown and if it's most likely going to be up again shortly don't want to shuffle things around. Yes I am lazy


    Ditto; I mean I could shift it to a more production-y server but if CHI is likely to come back in the next day or two I have better things to be doing (mostly involving beer)

  • qpsqps Hosting ProviderOG

    @fluttershy said: Do you have options without Path's protection? I looked at your stuff a bit ago and passed up on recommending you to several people due to your use of Path.

    We only use Path if you order it - it's an add-on service only.

    QuickPacket - Dedicated Servers in Ashburn, Los Angeles, Chicago

  • VirMach now has 3 people who replies on this forum!!! :lol:

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • Waiting for Chicago network back to online. Two hosts are down.

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