What's good price for Tokyo deals right now with no setup fee? We still have a lot of available colocation space in Tokyo. We also have a lot of available servers ready to go there. Show me some examples.
Okay so GreenCloud currently 4GB, E5, 750GB for $25/YR or 8GB with 1.5TB for $45/YR and both sold out. Then Bandwagon is 2GB, E5, 500GB for $900 a year. I don't get it then. Are you saying we need to just answer tickets and raise prices for future specials? No other specials at competitive pricing in terms of bandwidth? Seems like we're the only ones who like losing massive amounts of money on that.
Here, I'll let you decide, add any combo up and come up with 3 plans if you're bored.
1GB/20GB disk Ryzen will be $20 setup, or let's say $10/YR
Colocation/power will be $5/YR per 1GB/20GB chunk
IPv4 will be $5/YR
Port speed will be $1/YR per 100Mbps
Bandwidth will be $5/YR per 500GB
Bad support will be $0/YR
Good support will be $50/YR
PayPal will be $30 setup or $30/YR
Up to 1 core free per 1.5GB RAM, otherwise +$10/YR per core
More disk $0.20/YR per 10GB
Certain combos can maybe have up to 20% taken off the total price. Biennial can maybe be 1.6x annual price in most cases but all plans have to be biennial only then, up to you.
Will be pre-order with 3 week delivery time guaranteed, we need to sell at lest enough plans to ship out 1 server but can do up to like 20 servers ready if it ends up being popular. Come up with the plans and I'll actually use them for the sale. Or if it all looks bad then no sale.
Their flash sale & promotion price is similar to yours => https://virmach.com/special-offers/
except that they will answer yor tickets in two hours
MJJ and Chinaman is patiently waiting for their 10th birthday promotion
That sweaty yorsunny chap has their 6666 plan I presume
vps9 is BFNVMeOSJP-1 of Black Friday 2022 sale, acquired from@Brueggus .
It has 1x Xeon E5-2697v3, 1967 MiB RAM, 50 GiB storage, and 1000 GB monthly bandwidth bidirectional counting, YABS link.
This is not the 6666 plan; the 6666 plan has same price as the 9999 plan but fewer resources, so that it is not a good value.
GreenCloudVPS answers tickets automatically in 10 minutes, but technician's answer may arrive in up to 64 minutes.
Oh and you misspelled my name.
Would you like to buy a sweaty shirt?
It's $69/ea, does not include shipping cost.
@VirMach said:
Here, I'll let you decide, add any combo up and come up with 3 plans if you're bored.
1GB/20GB disk Ryzen will be $20 setup, or let's say $10/YR
Colocation/power will be $5/YR per 1GB/20GB chunk
IPv4 will be $5/YR
Port speed will be $1/YR per 100Mbps
Bandwidth will be $5/YR per 500GB
Bad support will be $0/YR
Good support will be $50/YR
PayPal will be $30 setup or $30/YR
Up to 1 core free per 1.5GB RAM, otherwise +$10/YR per core
More disk $0.20/YR per 10GB
Certain combos can maybe have up to 20% taken off the total price. Biennial can maybe be 1.6x annual price in most cases but all plans have to be biennial only then, up to you.
@yoursunny said: Would you like to buy a sweaty shirt? It's $69/ea,
Yo it is a rip off, besides that I don't indulge such fetish
@VirMach said: Are you saying we need to just answer tickets and raise prices for future specials? No other specials at competitive pricing in terms of bandwidth
Yo, so that is intentional non-reply?
Also no sane provider will give 6TB per month bandwidth and 450GB dik in Japan for a $20/year plan except VirmAch, yep I mean Tokyo storage! GCV had charged $40 for 500GB Tokyo storage with only 1TB bandwidth limit, before I switched to Tokyo pre-order.
@VirMach said: Here, I'll let you decide, add any combo up and come up with 3 plans if you're bored.
KVM special 512 Tokyo
1 vCore
0.5 GB RAM
15 GB dik
500 GB traffic
KVM special 1024 Tokyo
1 vCore
1.5 RAM
25 GB dik
1 TB traffic
@VirMach Could you please spend some time to process the Push order? It has been a while since we heard anything, and we have already made the payment.
@FrankZ said: @VirMach said: Around 500~ tickets of backlogs recently processed. About 700 or so still left.
About 350 left. Some abusers took up a lot of time, and then planning for some IPv4 changes and power maintenances. It's not going too well on the planning side, so the notices are going to end up being shorter than I wanted. IP change notices were supposed to go out early June and give everyone an entire month, so yeah...
I really don't want to jinx it but it looks like the last final final final patch that went out made everything silky smooth finally, so that's some amazing news there. It'll end up freeing up so much time for everything else.
NYCB027 should be good to go this weekend, sorry for the delay.
Requests have been mostly fixed, so like IP changes and migrations, they were throwing errors this week.
Controls have been fully restored as of a few days ago for MIAZ014 and whatever other(s) that had problems.
Missing LVMs have been mostly corrected, a few handful left but all nodes with significant previous issues where someone may have re-installed and made it go away have been cleaned up, and new script pushed out to most of them to try to prevent that from happening moving forward.
Disaster recovery backups have had to be paused. We have to do a full revamp, we've been having a lot of trouble with these, it hasn't been playing well with previous backups we kept from migrations as we paused pruning on those and then a handful of other problems. We're going to be fixing them to where they're much more reliable.
**IPv6* we can begin talking about this again soon, I'm just really not loving how it's currently implemented into SolusVM and we've already begun running into minor issues with those that already have IPv6. Basically it's going to definitely create a headache for any migrations, there's no API, etc.
rDNS on SolusVM may have broken, I haven't had time to look into it but I see a few reports. So that's on the list.
Dedicated servers are still a big mess. There's a big backlog of requests on these, and setups. We're going to try to clean these up and then just stop selling dedicated servers for the time being and phase them out, most likely, until we have a much better system. I'd say we would wait until we deploy our own but that's not going to happen any time soon.
@FrankZ said: @VirMach said: Around 500~ tickets of backlogs recently processed. About 700 or so still left.
About 350 left. Some abusers took up a lot of time, and then planning for some IPv4 changes and power maintenances. It's not going too well on the planning side, so the notices are going to end up being shorter than I wanted. IP change notices were supposed to go out early June and give everyone an entire month, so yeah...
I really don't want to jinx it but it looks like the last final final final patch that went out made everything silky smooth finally, so that's some amazing news there. It'll end up freeing up so much time for everything else.
NYCB027 should be good to go this weekend, sorry for the delay.
Requests have been mostly fixed, so like IP changes and migrations, they were throwing errors this week.
Controls have been fully restored as of a few days ago for MIAZ014 and whatever other(s) that had problems.
Missing LVMs have been mostly corrected, a few handful left but all nodes with significant previous issues where someone may have re-installed and made it go away have been cleaned up, and new script pushed out to most of them to try to prevent that from happening moving forward.
Disaster recovery backups have had to be paused. We have to do a full revamp, we've been having a lot of trouble with these, it hasn't been playing well with previous backups we kept from migrations as we paused pruning on those and then a handful of other problems. We're going to be fixing them to where they're much more reliable.
**IPv6* we can begin talking about this again soon, I'm just really not loving how it's currently implemented into SolusVM and we've already begun running into minor issues with those that already have IPv6. Basically it's going to definitely create a headache for any migrations, there's no API, etc.
rDNS on SolusVM may have broken, I haven't had time to look into it but I see a few reports. So that's on the list.
Dedicated servers are still a big mess. There's a big backlog of requests on these, and setups. We're going to try to clean these up and then just stop selling dedicated servers for the time being and phase them out, most likely, until we have a much better system. I'd say we would wait until we deploy our own but that's not going to happen any time soon.
@VirMach said: IPv6 we can begin talking about this again soon, I'm just really not loving how it's currently implemented into SolusVM and we've already begun running into minor issues with those that already have IPv6. Basically it's going to definitely create a headache for any migrations, there's no API, etc.
Yo @VirMach the greedy, Tokyo setup fee also effects other specials
It says $10 setup fee, but literally ends up with $30 at the check out page
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Only $15 setup fee for Tokyo in the cart when you select biennial with the 50% discount code.

But yes it does still show a $10 setup fee on the selector in the page you linked above.

Fixed by putting it out of stock.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Damn it, the arrogant virmach has not processed push orders for a long time
What's good price for Tokyo deals right now with no setup fee? We still have a lot of available colocation space in Tokyo. We also have a lot of available servers ready to go there. Show me some examples.
Yor Tokyo competitors
Their flash sale & promotion price is similar to yours => https://virmach.com/special-offers/
except that they will answer yor tickets in two hours
MJJ and Chinaman is patiently waiting for their 10th birthday promotion
until their Chinese marking guy got fired
Ontario Dildo Inspector
NYCB027 node is still in a down state, the node is locked.
rip my coinbase ticket💀
Yo I am plan to do BTC arbitrage by combining grid transaction & put spread
Gonna setup my IBKR quant process on VirmAch, hope me good luck
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Okay so GreenCloud currently 4GB, E5, 750GB for $25/YR or 8GB with 1.5TB for $45/YR and both sold out. Then Bandwagon is 2GB, E5, 500GB for $900 a year. I don't get it then. Are you saying we need to just answer tickets and raise prices for future specials? No other specials at competitive pricing in terms of bandwidth? Seems like we're the only ones who like losing massive amounts of money on that.
Here, I'll let you decide, add any combo up and come up with 3 plans if you're bored.
1GB/20GB disk Ryzen will be $20 setup, or let's say $10/YR
Colocation/power will be $5/YR per 1GB/20GB chunk
IPv4 will be $5/YR
Port speed will be $1/YR per 100Mbps
Bandwidth will be $5/YR per 500GB
Bad support will be $0/YR
Good support will be $50/YR
PayPal will be $30 setup or $30/YR
Up to 1 core free per 1.5GB RAM, otherwise +$10/YR per core
More disk $0.20/YR per 10GB
Certain combos can maybe have up to 20% taken off the total price. Biennial can maybe be 1.6x annual price in most cases but all plans have to be biennial only then, up to you.
Will be pre-order with 3 week delivery time guaranteed, we need to sell at lest enough plans to ship out 1 server but can do up to like 20 servers ready if it ends up being popular. Come up with the plans and I'll actually use them for the sale. Or if it all looks bad then no sale.
vps9 is BFNVMeOSJP-1 of Black Friday 2022 sale, acquired from @Brueggus .
It has 1x Xeon E5-2697v3, 1967 MiB RAM, 50 GiB storage, and 1000 GB monthly bandwidth bidirectional counting, YABS link.
This is not the 6666 plan; the 6666 plan has same price as the 9999 plan but fewer resources, so that it is not a good value.
GreenCloudVPS answers tickets automatically in 10 minutes, but technician's answer may arrive in up to 64 minutes.
Oh and you misspelled my name.
Would you like to buy a sweaty shirt?
It's $69/ea, does not include shipping cost.
No hostname left!
Total: $5 setup fee and $3.12 every two years.
No hostname left!
Yo it is a rip off, besides that I don't indulge such fetish
Yo, so that is intentional non-reply?
Also no sane provider will give 6TB per month bandwidth and 450GB dik in Japan for a $20/year plan except VirmAch, yep I mean Tokyo storage! GCV had charged $40 for 500GB Tokyo storage with only 1TB bandwidth limit, before I switched to Tokyo pre-order.
KVM special 512 Tokyo
1 vCore
0.5 GB RAM
15 GB dik
500 GB traffic
KVM special 1024 Tokyo
1 vCore
1.5 RAM
25 GB dik
1 TB traffic
Hetzner CAX11
2 vCore
40 GB dik
2 20 TB traffic
Netcup VPS 500 G10s
4 vCore
80 GB dik (RAID 10) RAID 0
4 80 TB traffic
Ontario Dildo Inspector
@VirMach Could you please spend some time to process the Push order? It has been a while since we heard anything, and we have already made the payment.
my vps in TYOC035 is offline
Yo VirmAch disappeared again
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Maybe he is working.
VirmAch is working, unbelievable, I dare say
Sigh, patience is a virtue...
Ontario Dildo Inspector
About 350 left. Some abusers took up a lot of time, and then planning for some IPv4 changes and power maintenances. It's not going too well on the planning side, so the notices are going to end up being shorter than I wanted. IP change notices were supposed to go out early June and give everyone an entire month, so yeah...
I really don't want to jinx it but it looks like the last final final final patch that went out made everything silky smooth finally, so that's some amazing news there. It'll end up freeing up so much time for everything else.
NYCB027 should be good to go this weekend, sorry for the delay.
Requests have been mostly fixed, so like IP changes and migrations, they were throwing errors this week.
Controls have been fully restored as of a few days ago for MIAZ014 and whatever other(s) that had problems.
Missing LVMs have been mostly corrected, a few handful left but all nodes with significant previous issues where someone may have re-installed and made it go away have been cleaned up, and new script pushed out to most of them to try to prevent that from happening moving forward.
Disaster recovery backups have had to be paused. We have to do a full revamp, we've been having a lot of trouble with these, it hasn't been playing well with previous backups we kept from migrations as we paused pruning on those and then a handful of other problems. We're going to be fixing them to where they're much more reliable.
**IPv6* we can begin talking about this again soon, I'm just really not loving how it's currently implemented into SolusVM and we've already begun running into minor issues with those that already have IPv6. Basically it's going to definitely create a headache for any migrations, there's no API, etc.
rDNS on SolusVM may have broken, I haven't had time to look into it but I see a few reports. So that's on the list.
Dedicated servers are still a big mess. There's a big backlog of requests on these, and setups. We're going to try to clean these up and then just stop selling dedicated servers for the time being and phase them out, most likely, until we have a much better system. I'd say we would wait until we deploy our own but that's not going to happen any time soon.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
You guys selling Mumble Voice Servers? since when?
No hostname left!
It was part of a combo for paid Minecraft servers and I think we also tried doing Counter Strike servers back then too, maybe.
VirmAche holly tits, there is a control panel company literally called Virtfusion
Yo @VirMach can ya'do math?
Yor victims customers can wait,
they deserve it nevertheless.
Cuz they are all masochists nevertheless
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Oh I thought I replied to you. I think I wrote it all out then deleted it and didn't hit send.
Yo go to drain your clogged ticket queue then,
those are daily obstruction and more toxic than me I presume
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Why is outgoing port 23 blocked in Frankfurt??
Hetzner storage box uses port 23 for ssh all ssh based tools.
They use the telnet port? Why? ( smh )
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.