VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • Since my VM SJCZ002 and RYZE.SEA-Z003.VMS change new IP we cannot update almalinux8

    Error: Error downloading packages:
    Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for [Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused]

    Try reinstall RYZE.SEA-Z003.VMS to [Ryzen Compatible] AlmaLinux 8.3 still disabled.
    Ticket #882263

  • Has anyone actually had a ticket replied to recently??

  • @abjr said:
    Has anyone actually had a ticket replied to recently??

    I guess no

  • Nope. I don’t think anyone works there apart from hobby. It’s on auto pilot

  • whole building is crumbling.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    is it a one man show now?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • with or without AI copilot?

    Have the honor of being the crybaby who pays $20 for a 128MB VPS at VirMach in 2023.

  • Ok, the recent comments are pretty concerning.

    I did get an email from Virmach on June 9, 2024 saying my SJC VPS IP was changing. That was a bit rough as I was on vacation without a proper PC/laptop so I couldn't properly use VNC to manually fix the networking (the fix networking button doesn't work - it just updated the IP address in /etc/network/interfaces but the NIC was set to eth0 which isn't right - it was enp0s3 for me). I have some small websites running due to other providers cancelling their cPanel hosting, now it looks like I need to find a new provider soon.

  • SJCZ007 has not been assigned a new IP address ...
    TYOC007 has not been assigned a new IP address ...
    VirMach what are you doing, why didn't I receive any email notifications ...

  • TYOC007 is back online.

    Thanked by (1)tototo

    Have the honor of being the crybaby who pays $20 for a 128MB VPS at VirMach in 2023.

  • @tulipyun said:
    TYOC007 is back online.


    Last 24 hours uptime:  3.1944% (3.1944%)
    Last 7 days uptime:    0.4563% (0.4563%)
    Last 30 days uptime:  71.1667% (71.1667%)
  • My LAXA032 server is up now

  • edited June 24

    Miami seems to have gone down, at least for one node. :(
    Has this been relocated to the Asian hotspot (California)?

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • vyasvyas OG
    edited June 24

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    Miami seems to have gone down, at least for one node. :(
    Has this been relocated to the Asian hotspot (California)?

    Summer season = cost to coast road trip on the Information Superhighway.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint

    Squats are the new Push-ups

  • MIA back up - phew! Highlighted a wee issue with my backup method, so very glad to get it alive again!

    Thanked by (1)skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @AlwaysSkint said:
    MIA back up - phew! Highlighted a wee issue with my backup method, so very glad to get it alive again!

    You and me both. It's been so stable I kinda got used to it being there

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • what's the problem with JP-005?

  • @tulipyun said:
    TYOC007 is back online.

    what about TYO 005?

  • @yohototo said:

    @tulipyun said:
    TYOC007 is back online.

    what about TYO 005?

    I don't have a VPS on that node, so I can't answer your question.

    However, based on the information on, it is assumed that the node went offline three days ago.

    It also seems that Virmach is no longer updating the network status page, so I don't know how to find the information anymore.

    Have the honor of being the crybaby who pays $20 for a 128MB VPS at VirMach in 2023.

  • @tulipyun said:

    @yohototo said:

    @tulipyun said:
    TYOC007 is back online.

    what about TYO 005?

    I don't have a VPS on that node, so I can't answer your question.

    However, based on the information on, it is assumed that the node went offline three days ago.

    It also seems that Virmach is no longer updating the network status page, so I don't know how to find the information anymore.

    thank you all the time

  • My shared hosting just auto-renewed. I'm tempted to see if PayPal can reverse it while the funds are still in transit. It's not something I would mind paying if there was any proof VirMach was still among the living. But as it stands, (at least my tickets) go unanswered for weeks... Just not a good sign. Could also be he got busted trying to smuggle his servers into or out of the datacenter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • @ATInDaHause said:
    My VM at TPAZ005 is down and I couldn't access the Service Control, anyone else?

    Erros message:
    "We cannot load the controls for your service at this time.

    This could either mean:

    A) It took too long to load.
    B) The server controls have been automatically disabled due to an anomoly.
    C) The server could be offline, in which case we have already been notified"

    I'm still can't access the Service Control at TPAZ005 and the server isn't pinging, somebody else?

  • edited June 28

    Shared hosting just came back online. Weird.

    Edit, I think I spoke too soon. The httpd is able to serve content, but cPanel and the webmail interfaces remain inaccessible and return HTTP 500 errors.

  • SJCZ007 The network is still not restored, VirMach what are you doing

  • @Panda_233 said:
    SJCZ007 The network is still not restored, VirMach what are you doing

    Smoking gange

    URL Shortener | YetiNode | Come join us on the MetalVPS IRC channel!!! | Don't be a jerk, let YetiNode do the work.

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