@sh97 said: @VirMach OS install seems busted on AMSD034?
Tried installing multiple OS, always shows Alma and wrong password.
Thought of installing via ISO, mounted it and tried VNC but shows "Failed to connect to server (code: 1011, reason: Failed to connect to downstream server)"
Create ticket or any work arounds?
Power off first, then reinstall. SolusVM for some reason doesn't know to do that sometimes. Also make sure to pick a different OS to reinstall because SolusVM also gets confused with that too. These aren't 100% but some of the common possibilities for what you described.
Of course the other could be: OS installs are busted on AMSD034 (which I'll check.)
Let's try something while I'm busy doing other things, I'm interested in seeing if this gets more uses or less than the last one (and some other things.) Coupon can expire at any time, no total quantity limit (limit one per customer.) I'll probably expire it in 1-2 hours like last time.
For 60% off one-time only/nonrecurring (applies to first payment, renews without discount.) If you guys end up sharing the coupon elsewhere, please remind people to cancel their service by clicking cancel any time from activation until about 360 days from now (or 330 days if you have store credit.) As in if you do not want to renew it without the coupon, probably place the cancellation request in today so you don't forget in a year and have it renew.
@sh97 said: @VirMach OS install seems busted on AMSD034?
Tried installing multiple OS, always shows Alma and wrong password.
Thought of installing via ISO, mounted it and tried VNC but shows "Failed to connect to server (code: 1011, reason: Failed to connect to downstream server)"
Create ticket or any work arounds?
Power off first, then reinstall. SolusVM for some reason doesn't know to do that sometimes. Also make sure to pick a different OS to reinstall because SolusVM also gets confused with that too. These aren't 100% but some of the common possibilities for what you described.
Of course the other could be: OS installs are busted on AMSD034 (which I'll check.)
@VirMach - got a VM in AMS. Looks like the VM is provisioned without IPv6 (expected based on what you've said before). Possible to get IPv6 or else move/reprovision the VM to another node where IPv6 is available?
On a related note, other than Amsterdam and Tokyo (I don't see Frankfurt any more - so I assume that is gone/moved to AMS), are there any other locations where IPv6 exists and one can ask for nicely?
@risturiz said:
We need some "merge" addon xD ... So i can convert some servers into one ( i don't care if i lost de Ipv4 jaja )
Realistically would have to be highest CPU count gets taken, highest IP count gets taken, and then it adds the rest. Then maybe bumps up the AUP on CPU. Probably some extra rules on merging two different locations (maybe has to go to the larger of the two.) Then probably has to be within certain "per unit value" of eachother so you can't collect a bunch of $5/yr plans and use them to create some 64GB memory monstrosity. By the time it's said and done, it'll (a) not be very appealing to most people and confusing, as well as (b) very appealing to people who figure out how to do something weird that wasn't accounted for in the logic.
I do like this other idea I just came up with that's equally confusing (and probably bad.)
Later on we do a flash sale where you purchase and collect resource pieces. At the end of the sale whatever you got, you can use to build plans however you want. Solves the problem of having too many VMs that will idle, creates many new problems, and now you still have VMs that will idle.
Later on we do a flash sale where you purchase and collect resource pieces. At the end of the sale whatever you got, you can use to build plans however you want. Solves the problem of having too many VMs that will idle, creates many new problems, and now you still have VMs that will idle.
Or, just let us sell some of the idlers back for half the price
@ususk said: Or, just let us sell some of the idlers back for half the price
what do you have?
15ish what I cant even remember, only know I failed to grab large disk deals
I just checked my card bill and it seems that I can get a greencloud 1111 plan (6 epyc milan cores, 11GB RAM, 111GB NVMe SSD, 11TB bandwidth for 3 years) and still have some left with how much I spent on the flash sale idlers.
Good morning again
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Power off first, then reinstall. SolusVM for some reason doesn't know to do that sometimes. Also make sure to pick a different OS to reinstall because SolusVM also gets confused with that too. These aren't 100% but some of the common possibilities for what you described.
Of course the other could be: OS installs are busted on AMSD034 (which I'll check.)
Try Ubuntu 24, always worked for me
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
I'm not on AMSD034, but this is what I did and worked fine first try (with Debian 11).
Website: thomassen.sh
Let's try something while I'm busy doing other things, I'm interested in seeing if this gets more uses or less than the last one (and some other things.) Coupon can expire at any time, no total quantity limit (limit one per customer.) I'll probably expire it in 1-2 hours like last time.
For 60% off one-time only/nonrecurring (applies to first payment, renews without discount.) If you guys end up sharing the coupon elsewhere, please remind people to cancel their service by clicking cancel any time from activation until about 360 days from now (or 330 days if you have store credit.) As in if you do not want to renew it without the coupon, probably place the cancellation request in today so you don't forget in a year and have it renew.
Please summon 1 VPS with 3 or 6 IPs again please, i want to try order with that new coupon, thx u
I’m a simple man I see gifs, I press thanks
a combination of these worked, thank you!
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals | Cheap VPS Deals | VirMach Flash Sales Notifier
No one wants my pack ?
I was too horny
@VirMach - got a VM in AMS. Looks like the VM is provisioned without IPv6 (expected based on what you've said before). Possible to get IPv6 or else move/reprovision the VM to another node where IPv6 is available?
On a related note, other than Amsterdam and Tokyo (I don't see Frankfurt any more - so I assume that is gone/moved to AMS), are there any other locations where IPv6 exists and one can ask for nicely?
I ordered a VM on RYZE.SEA-Z009.VMS a couple of hours ago. OS won't install. Tried shutting it down, reinstalling. Nothing.
3072MB RAM
Tks Virmach!
We need some "merge" addon xD ... So i can convert some servers into one ( i don't care if i lost de Ipv4 jaja )
inb4 @AlwaysSkint
No hostname left!
Where is the 1TB nvme deal?
Donde está la promo de 1TB NVMe?
doko wa 1TB deal desu ka?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@virmach the miracle, long waited sign, the eclipse done again
aaand miami shows up
May I know which OS?
Asking whether a customer is trying to install something orally or anally is very thorough service. 👍
Realistically would have to be highest CPU count gets taken, highest IP count gets taken, and then it adds the rest. Then maybe bumps up the AUP on CPU. Probably some extra rules on merging two different locations (maybe has to go to the larger of the two.) Then probably has to be within certain "per unit value" of eachother so you can't collect a bunch of $5/yr plans and use them to create some 64GB memory monstrosity. By the time it's said and done, it'll (a) not be very appealing to most people and confusing, as well as (b) very appealing to people who figure out how to do something weird that wasn't accounted for in the logic.
I do like this other idea I just came up with that's equally confusing (and probably bad.)
Later on we do a flash sale where you purchase and collect resource pieces. At the end of the sale whatever you got, you can use to build plans however you want. Solves the problem of having too many VMs that will idle, creates many new problems, and now you still have VMs that will idle.
I think you missed it twice. I'd post another but you'd miss it.
Coupon is expiring soon. I'll wait to expire it once a really nice plan is about to come up. Actually I'll forget, coupon expires... now.
i am eagerly waiting for your action with some love
ticket #991497
Or, just let us sell some of the idlers back for half the price
@Saragoldfarb mount netboot.xyz iso. manually install OS
what do you have?
@VirMach ah, NOGAMESONETIME code expired
15ish what I cant even remember, only know I failed to grab large disk deals
I just checked my card bill and it seems that I can get a greencloud 1111 plan (6 epyc milan cores, 11GB RAM, 111GB NVMe SSD, 11TB bandwidth for 3 years) and still have some left with how much I spent on the flash sale idlers.
you will learn son, you wil learn