VirMach * 2024 * RYZEN * NVMe ** VPS Black Friday * Flash Deals ** Check inside for offers!



  • I'm a little late, but I figured I'd just add what I could do so far (mostly on the right track based on the hints).

    I got the UKW-C (I was trying multiples in some hope) and I thought "see" was a pun but it wasn't italicised and so didn't catch on.

    I'm trying 1-3-5 but no luck yet.

    Need to get the ring AND position right... will post (not really interested in any more VMs but the challenge is what is egging me on)

  • @user123 said:

    I guess I'm still stuck here:

    Italicized letters/words: see [UKW C] / one [enigma ver#] / position to [20 15] / three [C] / five [E] / ring a [1] / two [20 23 15]

    Plus, @VirMach said it's rotors I-IV, meaning it's the 4-rotor version.

    Using T, O, C, E as the position of rotors, and A, T, W, O as the position of the rings...still gets me gibberish for deciphering the instructions. This also assumes the instructions are encrypted with the same cipher as the codes.

    He said rotors I through V, those are the choices for Engima I with 3 rotors

    Thanked by (1)user123
  • @VirMach, do I win anything for first decoding the instructions? :'(

  • @Wonder_Woman said:

    He said rotors I through V, those are the choices for Engima I with 3 rotors

    Hi @Wonder_Woman, Me Dumdum. Nice meet you, yes?

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • @adly said:
    @VirMach, do I win anything for first decoding the instructions? :'(

    Did you decode the instructions?

  • @Wonder_Woman said:

    Did you decode the instructions?

    Yes. ;)

  • @adly said:

    Yes. ;)

    Well c'mon then, share with the class!

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    @adly said:
    @VirMach, do I win anything for first decoding the instructions? :'(

    If you decoded the instructions you should share them with everyone so they can get the second part, because if it's done you guys will basically have access to 50 codes. I'll go ahead and give you the first coupon code via private message, which you basically already solved for but haven't tried.

    (If you go the private message route, private message me instructions as well for your initial code.)

  • edited December 2024

    @VirMach said:

    If you decoded the instructions you should share them with everyone so they can get the second part, because if it's done you guys will basically have access to 50 codes. I'll go ahead and give you the first coupon code via private message, which you basically already solved for but haven't tried.

    (If you go the private message route, private message me instructions as well for your initial code.)


    Edit: I didn't decode the instructions. I just DMd @VirMach.

    Thanked by (1)kidoh
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    That doesn't count you need the instructions!

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • @VirMach said:

    If you decoded the instructions you should share them with everyone so they can get the second part, because if it's done you guys will basically have access to 50 codes. I'll go ahead and give you the first coupon code via private message, which you basically already solved for but haven't tried.

    (If you go the private message route, private message me instructions as well for your initial code.)

    OK - appreciated.

    For those who want to decode themselves:

    Reflector - UKW C
    Rotor I - 2 - A
    Rotor III - 1 - A
    Rotor V - 1 - B

    For everyone else:

    the key to the next cipher can be found on the first page of the thread follow the sign there is one letter missing and the missing letter needs to be added back to the code as a different letter only one will ingtially work contact virmach and he will activate the others

  • I'm always impressed at how fast people here solve Virmach's posts like this, I've just been throwing hardware at it to try and brute force because I am out of my area here.

  • @adly said:

    OK - appreciated.

    For those who want to decode themselves:

    Reflector - UKW C
    Rotor I - 2 - A
    Rotor III - 1 - A
    Rotor V - 1 - B

    For everyone else:

    the key to the next cipher can be found on the first page of the thread follow the sign there is one letter missing and the missing letter needs to be added back to the code as a different letter only one will ingtially work contact virmach and he will activate the others

    Nice job!

    I could have swore I tried those settings... let me check it in what I was using

    Thanked by (3)adly sh97 FAT32
  • "We apologize for any errors/typos within this offer." planned this.

    Thanked by (3)Wonder_Woman bakageta imok
  • Offer no #1000 coming up

    What about

    $10 😂

    Thanked by (1)FAT32
  • And I still don't see a sign with a misspelling. I think my brain is dead at this point.

    Thanked by (1)Wonder_Woman
  • Good night guys. Glad you are having fun. I'm still confused.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @VirMach said:

    We're running out of time so yes, "see" = C

    The C is the UKW reflector. The rotors are I through V. Positions are 1 (A) through 26 (Z) and rings are 1 (A) through 26 (Z) so these are a lot more important to solve than the reflector (since there's 26 of them per rotor.) This is for Enigma I which corresponds to the Bombe machine photo I showed (that one cracked Enigma I, it's the one made by Alan Turing.)

    My bruteforcer is pretty much useless unless you know more details from the clues, otherwise it'll take forever to run. I'm going to add settings for it just in case you guys have most of the stuff but not all of it and share the code if you're interested. If you have all of it then you can pretty much decrypt it in a second.

    why are you selling virmachines?

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • edited December 2024

    That was fantastic.

    @VirMach - Thanks for a very entertaining puzzle. Totally bot proof and almost definitely average human proof.

    Thanks @adly and @Wonder_Woman (also others who I am not sure about) for providing valuable clues

    Really enjoyed it.

    My "mis steps" (apart from being rather late for serious trial and error):

    Got the UKW-C (relatively straightforward once I got the pun clue)

    Then it was hard - I was too stuck on ring 2 (B) and thought that was fixed while playing with 2-3-5 for the rotors and trying some things for the position. (so totally in brute force land rather than in thinking land)

    Saving grace - at least I got Enigma 1+UKW-C and the right terms (wheel/ring/position).

    Nice history lesson as well.


    theke ytoth enext ciphe rcanb efoun donth efirs tpage ofthe threa dfoll owthe signt herei sonel etter missi ngand themi ssing lette rneed stobe added backt othec odeas adiff erent lette ronly onewi llini tiall ywork conta ctvir macha ndhew illac tivat etheo thers

  • FAT32FAT32 OGSenpai

    I strongly believe VirMach has pretty high IQ in real life :joy:

    食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.

  • @Wonder_Woman said:

    Turns out the SHA256 "cipher" bit was all a red herring.

    SHA256 = 32 byte hash

    32 bytes = 64 character
    64 / 8 (length of coupons) = 8 coupons

    I told you, he was toying with us (but nicely).

    Well done yet again!

    Thanked by (2)Wonder_Woman FAT32
  • @FAT32 said:
    I strongly believe VirMach has pretty high IQ in real life :joy:

  • @FAT32 said:
    I strongly believe VirMach has pretty high IQ in real life :joy:

    Smart bad. Smart mean no discount for @user123. Dumb good. Dumb like dumb rock better. Dumb like dumb dumb rock best. Dumb like dumb dumb rock mean good discount for @user123 and friends.

    Thanked by (2)Wonder_Woman FAT32
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited December 2024

    Going to use spoilers for this as well in case some of you don't want it to see it and want the additional challenge. I'm not giving much away, just clarifying the instructions.

    So to explain what the missing letter means, as I don't want you guys to be confused by the wording, it means you will exclude that letter from the decoding. Let's say you think it's the letter "A" you would exclude that from decoding, and therefore it remains as "A" after decoding. And then it gets replaced after decoding (all A's in this specific example only, will get replaced with one other letter, from B to Z. This takes some bruteforcing which is why I said you guys should work together. That means you have 49 codes x 25 letter swaps or up to 1225 codes you have to try out, assuming you get the decoding part right. Otherwise you just have a bad night.) You'll then message me the code that works currently (it's not the code I messaged @adly that's just a bonus for figuring out the instructions) and once I verify that it's the right one, I'll activate the other 48.

    They key is important. It's on page one. You also still need to figure out which cypher uses a key, and enter the right key for the coupon block.

    Good luck! Only 2 hours left.

    Any questions let me know.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    this is quite underwhelming for me because

    • got no discount
    • I feel dumb

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Arg, ok, I was really holding out and not buying more stuff I don't need, but offer #997 was like hand-crafted for me. Looks like I grabbed the last one, sold out. SturdyHotpink is a fantastic generated name, this bodes well.

  • @cybertech said: this is quite underwhelming for me because

    • got no discount
    • I feel dumb

    Yea, I can relate...

  • OIP-C-f536a85614adf77799dcc9dfe0aa1a1a.jpg

    I still don't know what to do

    Thanked by (3)KernelPanic FAT32 imok
  • @VirMach said:
    Going to use spoilers for this as well in case some of you don't want it to see it and want the additional challenge. I'm not giving much away, just clarifying the instructions.

    So to explain what the missing letter means, as I don't want you guys to be confused by the wording, it means you will exclude that letter from the decoding. Let's say you think it's the letter "A" you would exclude that from decoding, and therefore it remains as "A" after decoding. And then it gets replaced after decoding (all A's in this specific example only, will get replaced with one other letter, from B to Z. This takes some bruteforcing which is why I said you guys should work together. That means you have 49 codes x 25 letter swaps or up to 1225 codes you have to try out, assuming you get the decoding part right. Otherwise you just have a bad night.) You'll then message me the code that works currently (it's not the code I messaged @adly that's just a bonus for figuring out the instructions) and once I verify that it's the right one, I'll activate the other 48.

    They key is important. It's on page one. You also still need to figure out which cypher uses a key, and enter the right key for the coupon block.

    Good luck! Only 2 hours left.

    Any questions let me know.

    It's far too late/early for me to keep going (UK time) - already blew past a few deadlines :'(.

    Fun challenge though - better than competing with bots. =)

    Thanked by (4)FrankZ VirMach FAT32 imok
  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited December 2024

    @cybertech said:
    this is quite underwhelming for me because

    • got no discount
    • I feel dumb

    You can run a couple of YABS to feel better. Then, have chatGPT explain to you the results ... make it explain like you were a fifth grader. Suddenly you will feel "I know this!" I did the same.

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