@ususk said: There is no NYC only phony NY aka Secaucus, not even in NY like Buffalo
Secaucus is a stone's throw from NYC. Hell, within view across the bridge.
Most providers are there, I started calling Secaucus 'NYC Metro' when working at HVH in 2012 and it seems to have stuck well. It is in the NYC Metro area. Most 'NYC' providers are in Long Island / Telehouse Chelsea at this point. 111 8th and others became too expensive.
NYC didn't do great during Irene or other storms. Unless you're doing high frequency trading they're the same, except Secaucus is safer flood plane wise. I know this after Atlantic Metro lost one of HVH's servers in the ceiling to avoid it being damaged, luckily I had setup external backups the week before.
Meanwhile Buffalo might as well be in Canada in terms of how far it is from 'NYC' - plus the connectivity is all going to be backhauled to NYC anyway.
@ususk said: There is no NYC only phony NY aka Secaucus, not even in NY like Buffalo
Secaucus is a stone's throw from NYC. Hell, within view across the bridge.
Kris with a much more in depth answer. I was just going to say, "Which is more NYC, the one < ten miles away or the one three hundred miles plus away ....".
I know where Secaucus is. NYC metro is a BS term. It's either in NYC or not.
Buffalo DCs dont claim themselves in NYC
Hivelocity is in Staten Island, so it's in technically NYC
If Buffalo might as well be in Canada, the whole NY state except for NYC might as be in Canada also
Offer CANDLE #3
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$70 per 2 YEARS> @ususk said:
There is no NYC only phony NY aka Secaucus, not even in NY like Buffalo
There is NYC Metro area though.
At least you called it the NYC metro on your website, bs term as it is
@ususk said: I know where Secaucus is. NYC metro is a BS term. It's either in NYC or not.
It's an actual term. I live in the area, and commute and see NYC daily, while taking the Secaucus exit. It's a PITA and I hate the turnpike and GSP, but don't blow smoke up our arse saying a DC in Buffalo, within a stone's throw to Niagra Falls is more NYC than a provider less than 0.1ms away and 10 miles. I would say a few data centers play loose with it (Piscataway) but still is valid.
All your Buffalo traffic is backhauled to NYC, at best. I think I saw one route take Albany once.
Meanwhile here's the DC in question, 8 miles to 111 8th Ave - probably less as the crow flies.
Now let's review what you call 'real new york' - I call it eastern Canada. 6.5 hours to 111 8th Ave, NYC.
So, it's Secaucus, NJ which is a bridge, toll, and some congestion away from NYC at 0.1ms, or ~20ms to near Canada where everything will backhaul to NYC. Buffalo? yeah, you're basically hosting in Canada.
@ususk said: I know where Secaucus is. NYC metro is a BS term. It's either in NYC or not.
So, it's Secaucus, NJ which is a bridge, toll, and some congestion away from NYC at 0.1ms, or ~20ms to near Canada where everything will backhaul to NYC. Buffalo? yeah, you're basically hosting in Canada.
When did I ever talk about distance to central NYC? If distance is more important then the statue of liberty should be a part of NJ, no?
If NYC metro is a thing why none of the DC in Buffalo call themselves something like Toronto metro? or hiding the Buffalo part and just calling themselves NY DC. I give them props for their honesty and integrity
@ususk said: I know where Secaucus is. NYC metro is a BS term. It's either in NYC or not.
So, it's Secaucus, NJ which is a bridge, toll, and some congestion away from NYC at 0.1ms, or ~20ms to near Canada where everything will backhaul to NYC. Buffalo? yeah, you're basically hosting in Canada.
When did I ever talk about distance to central NYC? If distance is more important then the statue of liberty should be a part of NJ, no?
If NYC metro is a thing why none of the DC in Buffalo call themselves something like Toronto metro? or hiding the Buffalo part and just calling themselves NY DC. I give them props for their honesty and integrity
Perhaps you're familiar with the Detroit Metro Area? Or Chicago Metro Area? Or San Diego Metro Area? Some cities choose Greater instead as in the Greater Toronto Area or Greater Los Angeles area but Metro Area is a Real Thing (tm) as Kris says. Why doesn't Buffalo call themselves part of Greater Toronto Area? Probably because they think they're big enough not to join a foreign country.
@Kris said:
So, it's Secaucus, NJ which is a bridge, toll, and some congestion away from NYC at 0.1ms, or ~20ms to near Canada where everything will backhaul to NYC. Buffalo? yeah, you're basically hosting in Canada.
@WSS said: Why the fuck do you live in this hellscape?
I don't, I commute to Northern NJ.
But NJ has some of the top schools in the nation, 2 airports nearby (I don't count LGA) that are international and nearby to fly anywhere and reachable in 30mins-1 hour.
NJ shore, suburbs, etc. 1-5Gbps FTTH, and things don't close at 5-6pm like in some flyover states. If you get out of the NYC area, the air is quite nice and internet's fast. Also not landlocked in the middle of the nation.
Have lived in Denver, Santa Monica, always came back to NJ. Denver was amazing, but rents quickly jumped and it became over developed.
Santa Monica has great weather, terrible people that are holier than thou due to the amount they make.
YMMV, but couldn't give a shit (sorry, from NJ - have to say such)
@WSS said: A'ight. Not so sure about the schools, since nobody in the world can translate the accent. I just don't understand the "BIG CITY" mentality.
Me neither. I don't like the city, not a fan of the city, and wouldn't be caught dead driving in. It's very good for internet transit though, and Secaucus is across the bridge from NYC. You also have 165 Halsey St in Newark, and things like NYIIX that bring this down to routing. CC is fine in Buffalo, just add 20ms or so.
Well there is always the Pine Barrens and I expect there are still trees out by the Delaware water gap.
Can you still ski down in Pine Hill or do you need to go out to the Poconos these days ?
I'd take Wildwood or Ocean City over the left coast. Where you can hear people say "Hey yous guys, over here."
I used to love that Philly accent down at the Jersey shore.
Perhaps you're familiar with the Detroit Metro Area? Or Chicago Metro Area? Or San Diego Metro Area? Some cities choose Greater instead as in the Greater Toronto Area or Greater Los Angeles area but Metro Area is a Real Thing (tm) as Kris says. Why doesn't Buffalo call themselves part of Greater Toronto Area? Probably because they think they're big enough not to join a foreign country.
You mean the loser cities that are too ashamed to use their true identities?
If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
@ususk said: If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
I've never actually heard anybody say that they are from NYC metro or NA. Do they really say such things ?
@ususk said: Hivelocity is in Staten Island, so it's in technically NYC
Is it better to be "technically NYC" and further away than what most people would envision as NYC, or be non-technically NYC by being in the NYC Metro area and closer, as well as closer to the communication hub where most internet traffic flows? That's a rhetorical question since you've already basically answered, I just disagree.
P.S. I didn't like calling it NYC Metro but got so many tickets with people confusing Secaucus / NYC / NYC Metro than I went ahead and just put NYC Metro. There'd be people that wanted NYC and would go with Buffalo because it had NY in it as well over NJ.
"NYC Metro" 74 average ping to NL (74.4 worst)
Hivelocity "Technically NYC" with 77 ping to NL (77.93 worst)
@ZA_capetown said: Wait... typo and not really 558GB RAM, right? that would be pretty insane and this was only supposed to be wild?
MB. But I decided to skip over that and figure something else out for it so they get something, and accidentally posted it with my reply.
Perhaps you're familiar with the Detroit Metro Area? Or Chicago Metro Area? Or San Diego Metro Area? Some cities choose Greater instead as in the Greater Toronto Area or Greater Los Angeles area but Metro Area is a Real Thing (tm) as Kris says. Why doesn't Buffalo call themselves part of Greater Toronto Area? Probably because they think they're big enough not to join a foreign country.
You mean the loser cities that are too ashamed to use their true identities?
If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
@FrankZ said: Can you still ski down in Pine Hill or do you need to go out to the Poconos these days ?
Still can ski up there, but Poconos and actually lower upstate (Hunter mountain and Catskills) have made a bit of a comeback. I really loved the weather in Santa Monica but the people were a little different speed.
@ususk said: Hivelocity is in Staten Island, so it's in technically NYC
Is it better to be "technically NYC" and further away than what most people would envision as NYC, or be non-technically NYC by being in the NYC Metro area and closer, as well as closer to the communication hub where most internet traffic flows? That's a rhetorical question since you've already basically answered, I just disagree.
P.S. I didn't like calling it NYC Metro but got so many tickets with people confusing Secaucus / NYC / NYC Metro than I went ahead and just put NYC Metro. There'd be people that wanted NYC and would go with Buffalo because it had NY in it as well over NJ.
Yep, I wouldn't call Telehouse Chelsea technically NYC, it's got about 3ms overhead than 'NYC Metro' Secaucus. It may be technically NYC because of Long Island, I personally go by fiber and latency.
After seeing a Manhattan data center being kept online with staff and buckets of fuel kept online during a storm you start to think weigh the benefits of being across the bridge in NJ and that 0.1-0.5ms latency addition. A lot of data centers in downtown NYC failed because they had generators and fuel, but the fuel needed pumps and power to get up there. I'm sure a lot of gravity fed systems and tanks plus redundancy have been built in after that, but the most enterprise of NYC datacenters were in bad shape during Irene and Sandy.
Buffalo is great, probably good DR site, but it's going to backhaul a lot of transit to NYC or.. I dunno 151 Front? That would technically be a better diverse drop with dark fiber with CC's location. 2 hours and 158km vs. 6.5 hours back to NYC.
@ususk said: If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
No one called themselves from the NYC metro area. You claimed the area doesn't exist. You stomped your feet and got mad and dissed other cities.
If someone claims that Buffalo, NY is more of a NY host than Secaucus, that's how I know you're not from this earth.
@ususk said: If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
I've never actually heard anybody say that they are from NYC metro or NA. Do they really say such things ?
Same for NYC metro, but NA, yes. I've heard it many times
Perhaps you're familiar with the Detroit Metro Area? Or Chicago Metro Area? Or San Diego Metro Area? Some cities choose Greater instead as in the Greater Toronto Area or Greater Los Angeles area but Metro Area is a Real Thing (tm) as Kris says. Why doesn't Buffalo call themselves part of Greater Toronto Area? Probably because they think they're big enough not to join a foreign country.
You mean the loser cities that are too ashamed to use their true identities?
If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
@ususk said: If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
No one called themselves from the NYC metro area. You claimed the area doesn't exist. You stomped your feet and got mad and dissed other cities.
If someone claims that Buffalo, NY is more of a NY host than Secaucus, that's how I know you're not from this earth.
And no one here claims that, no? Just saying NYC metro is a stupid name to me
BTW I left my comment in reply to someone who claims they had enough NYC VPS. and @VirMach looking glass hostname for NYC metro is nyc.lg.virmach.com and the description is
Secaucus (NYC): https://nyc.lg.virmach.com
I've never actually heard anybody say that they are from NYC metro or NA. Do they really say such things ?
Can't speak for NYC but at least for Detroit we do.
Other person: "Where you from?"
ME: "Detroit."
Branch A: If the person you're talking to knows nothing about the city ( or only bad stuff ) they'll say something like, "Oh I saw on the news the other day about [ water shut-offs, urban blight, a shooting, etc...]. How do you deal with that?" and I have to respond with "Whoa, whoa, Detroit Metro. I'm ten minutes outside the city. We don't generally have [whatever they mentioned]."
Branch B: If the person has actually been to Detroit or has some familiarity with it. "Oh really? It must be amazing to live in a city with [EMF, Grand Prix, (strangely now) the Detroit Lions, etc...]. I partied there back in [x] and everybody was super nice." At which point I have to say, "Sadly I'm just Detroit Metro. We're nice outside the city too and I get to do those things but I have to drive to do it."
This may well be because we're Midwest not East Coast pretentious though. :-/
@ususk said: shoulda used something like EWR instead
EWR is Newark. Our LG for Los Angeles is LAX but it's technically not at LAX, it's about a block away. Chicago's not even in Chicago, it's in Elk Grove Village, even though it's in the Chicago metro area. You make a good point, we should probably just rename NYC Metro to NYC at this point unless we're going to change Chicago to CHI Metro. Our Atlanta location is a lie too, it's actually in Alpharetta. But there's no airport near it, what do we call the LG? And then our San Jose is probably the biggest offender, it's actually Santa Clara, which is its own well known area, but luckily they do have an airport. SNU. No wait that's technically San Jose's airport.
Tokyo's kind of a large area too, our Tokyo location is only Tokyo because it's in the "Tokyo Metropolis." Otherwise it's in Kōtō City. I wouldn't want to just put "Koto" in the URL, do we do it as xn--kto-2ia.lg.virmach.com to be technically correct?
There is no NYC only phony NY aka Secaucus, not even in NY like Buffalo
Secaucus is a stone's throw from NYC. Hell, within view across the bridge.
Most providers are there, I started calling Secaucus 'NYC Metro' when working at HVH in 2012 and it seems to have stuck well. It is in the NYC Metro area. Most 'NYC' providers are in Long Island / Telehouse Chelsea at this point. 111 8th and others became too expensive.
NYC didn't do great during Irene or other storms. Unless you're doing high frequency trading they're the same, except Secaucus is safer flood plane wise. I know this after Atlantic Metro lost one of HVH's servers in the ceiling to avoid it being damaged, luckily I had setup external backups the week before.
Meanwhile Buffalo might as well be in Canada in terms of how far it is from 'NYC' - plus the connectivity is all going to be backhauled to NYC anyway.
Kris with a much more in depth answer.
I was just going to say, "Which is more NYC, the one < ten miles away or the one three hundred miles plus away ....".
Memory lane: I was there about 25 years ago, at a certain large software company - snippet of totally useless information.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I know where Secaucus is. NYC metro is a BS term. It's either in NYC or not.
Buffalo DCs dont claim themselves in NYC
Hivelocity is in Staten Island, so it's in technically NYC
If Buffalo might as well be in Canada, the whole NY state except for NYC might as be in Canada also
At least you called it the NYC metro on your website, bs term as it is
It's an actual term. I live in the area, and commute and see NYC daily, while taking the Secaucus exit. It's a PITA and I hate the turnpike and GSP, but don't blow smoke up our arse saying a DC in Buffalo, within a stone's throw to Niagra Falls is more NYC than a provider less than 0.1ms away and 10 miles. I would say a few data centers play loose with it (Piscataway) but still is valid.
All your Buffalo traffic is backhauled to NYC, at best. I think I saw one route take Albany once.
Meanwhile here's the DC in question, 8 miles to 111 8th Ave - probably less as the crow flies.
Now let's review what you call 'real new york' - I call it eastern Canada. 6.5 hours to 111 8th Ave, NYC.
So, it's Secaucus, NJ which is a bridge, toll, and some congestion away from NYC at 0.1ms, or ~20ms to near Canada where everything will backhaul to NYC. Buffalo? yeah, you're basically hosting in Canada.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
What's that line down the middle?
I have no idea why we doing USA (and Canada!) geography lessons now, but
I like trains.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
When did I ever talk about distance to central NYC? If distance is more important then the statue of liberty should be a part of NJ, no?
If NYC metro is a thing why none of the DC in Buffalo call themselves something like Toronto metro? or hiding the Buffalo part and just calling themselves NY DC. I give them props for their honesty and integrity
Perhaps you're familiar with the Detroit Metro Area? Or Chicago Metro Area? Or San Diego Metro Area? Some cities choose Greater instead as in the Greater Toronto Area or Greater Los Angeles area but Metro Area is a Real Thing (tm) as Kris says. Why doesn't Buffalo call themselves part of Greater Toronto Area? Probably because they think they're big enough not to join a foreign country.
Why the fuck do you live in this hellscape?
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
I don't, I commute to Northern NJ.
But NJ has some of the top schools in the nation, 2 airports nearby (I don't count LGA) that are international and nearby to fly anywhere and reachable in 30mins-1 hour.
NJ shore, suburbs, etc. 1-5Gbps FTTH, and things don't close at 5-6pm like in some flyover states. If you get out of the NYC area, the air is quite nice and internet's fast. Also not landlocked in the middle of the nation.
Have lived in Denver, Santa Monica, always came back to NJ. Denver was amazing, but rents quickly jumped and it became over developed.
Santa Monica has great weather, terrible people that are holier than thou due to the amount they make.
YMMV, but couldn't give a shit (sorry, from NJ - have to say such)
A'ight. Not so sure about the schools, since nobody in the world can translate the accent. I just don't understand the "BIG CITY" mentality.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
It's a thing.
Me neither. I don't like the city, not a fan of the city, and wouldn't be caught dead driving in. It's very good for internet transit though, and Secaucus is across the bridge from NYC. You also have 165 Halsey St in Newark, and things like NYIIX that bring this down to routing. CC is fine in Buffalo, just add 20ms or so.
Well there is always the Pine Barrens and I expect there are still trees out by the Delaware water gap.
Can you still ski down in Pine Hill or do you need to go out to the Poconos these days ?
I'd take Wildwood or Ocean City over the left coast. Where you can hear people say "Hey yous guys, over here."
I used to love that Philly accent down at the Jersey shore.
You mean the loser cities that are too ashamed to use their true identities?
If someone claims they're from NYC metro you know they aren't from NYC same way someone who claims they're from NA are 100% not from the US.
I've never actually heard anybody say that they are from NYC metro or NA. Do they really say such things ?
Is it better to be "technically NYC" and further away than what most people would envision as NYC, or be non-technically NYC by being in the NYC Metro area and closer, as well as closer to the communication hub where most internet traffic flows? That's a rhetorical question since you've already basically answered, I just disagree.
P.S. I didn't like calling it NYC Metro but got so many tickets with people confusing Secaucus / NYC / NYC Metro than I went ahead and just put NYC Metro. There'd be people that wanted NYC and would go with Buffalo because it had NY in it as well over NJ.
"NYC Metro" 74 average ping to NL (74.4 worst)
Hivelocity "Technically NYC" with 77 ping to NL (77.93 worst)
MB. But I decided to skip over that and figure something else out for it so they get something, and accidentally posted it with my reply.
< eye roll > Where are you from again?
Still can ski up there, but Poconos and actually lower upstate (Hunter mountain and Catskills) have made a bit of a comeback. I really loved the weather in Santa Monica but the people were a little different speed.
Yep, I wouldn't call Telehouse Chelsea technically NYC, it's got about 3ms overhead than 'NYC Metro' Secaucus. It may be technically NYC because of Long Island, I personally go by fiber and latency.
After seeing a Manhattan data center being kept online with staff and buckets of fuel kept online during a storm you start to think weigh the benefits of being across the bridge in NJ and that 0.1-0.5ms latency addition. A lot of data centers in downtown NYC failed because they had generators and fuel, but the fuel needed pumps and power to get up there. I'm sure a lot of gravity fed systems and tanks plus redundancy have been built in after that, but the most enterprise of NYC datacenters were in bad shape during Irene and Sandy.
Buffalo is great, probably good DR site, but it's going to backhaul a lot of transit to NYC or.. I dunno 151 Front? That would technically be a better diverse drop with dark fiber with CC's location. 2 hours and 158km vs. 6.5 hours back to NYC.
No one called themselves from the NYC metro area. You claimed the area doesn't exist. You stomped your feet and got mad and dissed other cities.
If someone claims that Buffalo, NY is more of a NY host than Secaucus, that's how I know you're not from this earth.
Same for NYC metro, but NA, yes. I've heard it many times
Somewhere on the earth
And no one here claims that, no? Just saying NYC metro is a stupid name to me
BTW I left my comment in reply to someone who claims they had enough NYC VPS. and @VirMach looking glass hostname for NYC metro is nyc.lg.virmach.com and the description is
Secaucus (NYC):
shoulda used something like EWR instead
Can't speak for NYC but at least for Detroit we do.
Other person: "Where you from?"
ME: "Detroit."
Branch A: If the person you're talking to knows nothing about the city ( or only bad stuff ) they'll say something like, "Oh I saw on the news the other day about [ water shut-offs, urban blight, a shooting, etc...]. How do you deal with that?" and I have to respond with "Whoa, whoa, Detroit Metro. I'm ten minutes outside the city. We don't generally have [whatever they mentioned]."
Branch B: If the person has actually been to Detroit or has some familiarity with it. "Oh really? It must be amazing to live in a city with [EMF, Grand Prix, (strangely now) the Detroit Lions, etc...]. I partied there back in [x] and everybody was super nice." At which point I have to say, "Sadly I'm just Detroit Metro. We're nice outside the city too and I get to do those things but I have to drive to do it."
This may well be because we're Midwest not East Coast pretentious though. :-/
EWR is Newark. Our LG for Los Angeles is LAX but it's technically not at LAX, it's about a block away. Chicago's not even in Chicago, it's in Elk Grove Village, even though it's in the Chicago metro area. You make a good point, we should probably just rename NYC Metro to NYC at this point unless we're going to change Chicago to CHI Metro. Our Atlanta location is a lie too, it's actually in Alpharetta. But there's no airport near it, what do we call the LG? And then our San Jose is probably the biggest offender, it's actually Santa Clara, which is its own well known area, but luckily they do have an airport. SNU. No wait that's technically San Jose's airport.
Tokyo's kind of a large area too, our Tokyo location is only Tokyo because it's in the "Tokyo Metropolis." Otherwise it's in Kōtō City. I wouldn't want to just put "Koto" in the URL, do we do it as xn--kto-2ia.lg.virmach.com to be technically correct?
Why to xTom NL?
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