News from the Gutter ...



  • That guy (martin_r) is a "Junior Guru Wannabe": it somehow seems fitting that a person with that title would promote LEB

    Thanked by (1)vpsgeek

    "A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)

  • uptimeuptime OG
    edited December 2019

    @tgl - as you may know I am a fan of teh lulz ... big fan.

    But in this situation I would humbly suggest and request erring on the side of caution and due respect for possibly innocent bystanders (or by-sitters, as the case may be in the photo from glassdoor)

    put it this way - that could just as easily be you or me (or brother/sister/second cousin twice removed etc) sitting in that yoga pose ... I'm sure most people working at CC are decent folks.

    however would also suggest please do feel free to post in this thread all the funny pix of verified dickheads such as fabozzi and biloh as much you can stand to (within the limits of common sense and decency, of course)

    thanks bro!

    Thanked by (1)angstrom

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • @pepa65 said:

    Yes, but I am almost 100% sure that FastSpring, being a payment processor, won't handle chargebacks, so you will need to contact Paypal or your creditcard company.

    Chargebacks are always done via your bank or credit card issuer, always.

    Thanked by (1)pepa65
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • uptimeuptime OG
    edited December 2019

    Refund Policy

    When we get a refund request from a customer, we usually direct the request to your support contact so that you may handle it. The only time that we refund an order without consulting you is when a customer who has purchased with a credit card has contacted us about a fraudulent charge. In this case, the order is refunded to prevent a chargeback. Credit cards refunds can generally be done up to six months after an order, but PayPal has a 90 day refund limit. The refund fee is 3.5% of the order total.


    Chargebacks are different than refunds. A chargeback is the return of funds to a consumer, forcibly initiated by the consumer's issuing bank. The customer signs an affidavit with their credit card provider claiming they did not make the purchase. The only way a merchant can dispute this claim is to provide trackable shipping to the customer's address. Since most orders are only digital, we typically cannot provide this information, and the issuing bank decides in favor of the customer.

    Note emphasis added in final opention sentence.

    Though should also note that italicized wrinkle about "claiming they did not make the purchase" - which does not seem to be an entirely accurate or complete description of all possible reasons a dispute could be filed via credit card / paypal "buyer protection" policies etc.

    Thanked by (1)pepa65

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • So I have a question, maybe @Francisco can answer this one.

    When you provide IP blocks to customers e.g. do you have no regulation or regulatory body insisting that you do any due diligence on the details you are putting in against the whois for the IP block?

    I know in the past I have practically had to provide blood for this as a customer, perhaps it is different for ARIN and RIPE?
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • tgltgl OG
    edited December 2019

    @uptime got your point man, but that wasn't my intent, if they made it public to promote their company, there's nothing wrong with it

    there could be many great people working there, but there's a great deal of them keeping quiet about the things that are going on, for example the 3 guys from the picture have also pictures of them working in the datacenter, now i am pretty sure they are aware who the customer is and what content is on those websites, but as most providers on LET, they ignore it, because it suits them and its not their business for sure, that does not make them great people unfortunately

    anyway, it does not matter, as i said above, i got your point

    Thanked by (2)uptime pepa65
  • @tgl said:
    @uptime got your point man, but that wasn't my intent, if they made it public to promote their company, there's nothing wrong with it

    there could be many great people working there, but there's a great deal of them keeping quiet about the things that are going on, for example the 3 guys from the picture have also pictures of them working in the datacenter, now i am pretty sure they are aware who the customer is and what content is on those websites, but as most providers on LET, they ignore it, because it suits them and its not their business for sure, that does not make them great people unfortunately

    anyway, it does not matter, as i said above, i got your point

    Sure, they may know the customer but why would you assume DC staff would know or even care about the content? Most are just there to play remote hands if needed.

  • tgltgl OG
    edited December 2019

    it could be, and i could be wrong, but honestly i dont care that much, just saying because I saw also that Nick stuff, saying he is a good guy, no he's not or we can't be sure of it, he is paid to be friendly to people, thats a different thing, anyway, each person has their own right to their opinion and I respect that

    same thing goes for virmach, its exactly like buying a stolen car and running a good cab service, if the rumors are true it means that part of the money used to buy those servers they rent was scammed from LEB, and I think they are aware of the shady business practices of their provider, but keep renting servers there and chose to ignore them, its great, but it does not make it ethical, and it makes them always an excuse for ColoCrossing: 'yes, but virmach is also hosting there' I think was used 1000 times on LET

    i prefer to keep things black or white

    Thanked by (1)pepa65
  • uptimeuptime OG
    edited December 2019

    @tgl - thanks for understanding. And if you catch me at some random moment of the morning, I'm as likely as any other cynic to confess my deepest suspicion that maybe there is no such thing as a truly innocent bystander in this world, original sin and all that. (But catch me later on in the afternoon and I'll be getting well stoned in my own glass house, so ... there's that. Which is nice.)

    As far as this here thread goes ... just a couple things come to mind.

    1) when it starts getting cringey, I have a strong instinct to just back away, slowly ... (with all due respect, love, and understanding)
    2) and yet I sure wouldn't mind seeing people focus a bit more to do the needful in terms of serious investigative work - and collect that $200 bounty for nailing the principal schemers behind the "2019 LEB shitpool 25" - with some hard evidence to name names - but carefully!
    3) also might be interesting to see what the next leg of the scam looks like - or have they finally rolled it up ...?

    But at the present moment, personally I'm finding myself mostly somewhere between points 1) and 2) ... Frankly, there may be bigger fish to fry in this wild wild world of jokers and thieves - and the best revenge is living well, etc etc etc. ( Not that I have any skin in this game anyway - pretty much just an academic exercise as far as I'm concerned. But inquiring minds do want to know - for great justice!)

    Thanked by (1)pepa65

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • FranciscoFrancisco Hosting ProviderOG

    @AnthonySmith said:
    So I have a question, maybe @Francisco can answer this one.

    When you provide IP blocks to customers e.g. do you have no regulation or regulatory body insisting that you do any due diligence on the details you are putting in against the whois for the IP block?

    I know in the past I have practically had to provide blood for this as a customer, perhaps it is different for ARIN and RIPE?

    ARIN lets you put whatever you want, you can even just make a record that says 'CUSTOMER ALLOCATED BLOCK' for privacy reasons.

    Thing is, Colocrossing has a long history of forging SWIP records for the purpose of fattening their records.

    There was the Kris guy on LET that worked for HudsonValleyHost (before CC bought it) that saw them put HVH's information on something like a /20 (4k IP's) when CC had only allocated them a /24 (256 IP's) or so. Chris Miller had the same experience when he ran UrPad.


    Thanked by (3)vpsgeek pepa65 ChrisMiller
  • I see, so they don’t care, ARIN don’t care making it essentially impossible to back track.. handy.

    Thanked by (1)vpsgeek
    Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.

  • @AnthonySmith said:
    I see, so they don’t care, ARIN don’t care making it essentially impossible to back track.. handy.

    There really is no due dilligence for anything SWIPPed. Half the time I got a weird IP abuse message that I'd never seen before, it was on a block that was never mine in the first place, but looky there..

    There really is no requirement for SWIPping even now, but it's a good thing to do.

    Thanked by (2)vpsgeek pepa65

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • Francisco said: ARIN lets you put whatever you want

    Didn't Frantech/BuyVM IPs at some point have an address that wasn't related to the company listed on the IPs? I remember reading some article or blog post or something about that.

    WSS said: Half the time I got a weird IP abuse message that I'd never seen before, it was on a block that was never mine in the first place, but looky there..

    I once got one for an IP range I had used at a server company many many years prior. They just never removed my name from the whois even though I'm pretty sure they're supposed to update it within a week? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai
    edited December 2019

    I don't really understand the 10 day extension..

    If ColoCrossing aren't deeply affiliated with the brands, the brand owner could simply terminate the services on the day they closed business. It's making me see like three weird situations about that customer data and the extension.

  • SmallWeb said: three weird situations

    lol - so, I am wondering ... specifically which three weird situations are you seeing here?

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • tgltgl OG
    edited December 2019

    i dont know, they also offered some refounds to some people, maybe they realized it was too obvious, or well there's another plan we cannot know

    could be some people asked some questions, the 10 days extension is very simple, its to not make people lose their data, if you lose $5 is not that much, but if you lose some important data you will freak out really bad

    Thanked by (1)uptime
  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai
    edited December 2019

    @uptime said:

    lol - so, I am wondering ... specifically which three weird situations are you seeing here?

    One of them involves a toilet, a desk lamp and somebody named Chris.

    That's my version of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe anyway.

    But like, hey we'll keep you online as a good will gesture! > Brand owner can't delete data because ColoCrossing is brand owner.
    Or if brand owner deleted the data/offlined server then ColoCrossing's extension is just redundant and digs the grave even deeper.

    If the brand owner is independant and wanted to close on a specific day, what gives ColoCrossing the right to take control of that data and keep it running outside of the brand owner's decision? Unless...

  • @SmallWeb said: [...]

    Thanked by (1)MichaelCee

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee Hosting ProviderOGServices ProviderSenpai
    edited December 2019

    If we are starting GIF wars

    Ontopic: Boo scammers!

    Thanked by (1)uptime
  • uptimeuptime OG
    edited December 2019

    EDIT: Twenty-five coconuts ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

    Thanked by (1)MichaelCee

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

  • There have been a few other incidents where a DC kept servers alive for a while after a reseller deadpooled, so customers could retrieve their data. It just seemed like a good and thoughtful gesture.

    Thanked by (2)uptime Abdullah
  • The company could delete everything and the datacenter couldn't do anything about it, and that is one scenario. Usually when a company goes out of business they don't take the time to remove anything and just leave it to the DC to unprovision.

    Thanked by (2)pepa65 Abdullah
  • @SmallWeb said:
    One of them involves a toilet, a desk lamp and somebody named Chris.

    There is no doubt that Chris Fabozzi is the mastermind behind all CC based scams under the leadership of Jon Biloh

    Thanked by (1)pepa65

    Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode

  • @vpsgeek said:

    There is no doubt that Chris Fabozzi is the mastermind behind all CC based scams under the leadership of Jon Biloh

    actually if they are behind this operation, they seem like petty thieves, a real scam operation is hijacking millions from banks, not collecting $5-$10 from suckers

  • @tgl said:
    a real scam operation is hijacking millions from banks, not collecting $5-$10 from suckers

    Their plan seems to be keep running smaller scam operations repeatedly but under different names because people are less likely to take them to court for only receiving 4 months of service on a $10/yr vps

    Thanked by (2)Daniel uptime

    Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode

  • @vpsgeek said:

    Their plan seems to be keep running smaller scam operations repeatedly but under different names because people are less likely to take them to court for only receiving 4 months of service on a $10/yr vps

    also the authorities wont get involved in these small operations, they have bigger fish to fry, but if the media gets hold of it, they will seize quickly because usually petty thieves are also cowards, so they run at the first sign of danger

    anyway, i think they will wait until the new year maybe, or they could also organize some xmas scam, i mean as they say: its that time of the year [to scam people]

    i cannot predict but this 25 host is already expired, things have settled, they offered a few 'refounds' to complaining people, started to pump normal hosts on LEB to cover up the scams, but they'll be back

    this is just theoretical again if they are behind it, i believe there is no direct link between CC and these 25 hosts, but I am pretty sure there is some insider there that is helping these scam websites to thrive or i am sorry, but you cannot accept payment from 1 customer and let him run 25 websites and also promote them on your website and say you did not suspect anything

  • @tgl said:
    this is just theoretical again if they are behind it, i believe there is no direct link between CC and these 25 hosts, but I am pretty sure there is some insider there that is helping these scam websites to thrive or i am sorry, but you cannot accept payment from 1 customer and let him run 25 websites and also promote them on your website and say you did not suspect anything

    You do realize that they're a big multiple-location datacenter, and they likely have other companies that rerent/lease out boxes too, right? Not everyone who uses a cheap shitty datacenter is trying to scam folks, and if someone with actual money for those boxes rented a couple dozen, I wouldn't bat an eyelash about it. That's the way many resellers do the middleman stuff.

    Do not take this as me sticking up for CC in any way; they don't have clean noses, faces, or fingers.

    Thanked by (3)uptime pepa65 vimalware

    My pronouns are like/subscribe.

  • uptimeuptime OG
    edited December 2019

    I must say, it does warm the cockles of my warped and cynical heart to see a few seeds of thoughful analysis beginning to sprout in this discussion.

    but riddle me this, uptime: what is the scale of the scam?

    Any guesses as to the number of punters taken, and the total dollar amounts (let's say, over the course of a year - and maybe also over the last several years?)


    Just about ready to cut it up

    She said "wait a minute honey I'm gonna

    Add it up" Add it up add it up add it up


    Thanked by (1)vpsgeek

    HS4LIFE (+ (* 3 4) (* 5 6))

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