[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • They closed my ticket about my VPS that is on this node, it doesn't matter. :'(
    I hope that the migration to Miami will take place soon. B)

  • edited September 2022

    @VirMach said:

    Miami should definitely work. Can you private message me your account/service details as I'd like to give it a try and see what errors it's throwing.

    Ryzen Migrate from SJC to MIA still isn't working.
    (requested info PM'ed on Aug 27)

    I noticed a change though: after a failed submission, the Ryzen Migrate button would disappear for an hour before reappearing.

    No hostname left!

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @yoursunny said: I noticed a change though: after a failed submission, the Ryzen Migrate button would disappear for an hour before reappearing.

    I expect that this is a feature, not a bug. As it keeps people from mashing the Ryzen migrate button over and over again.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @yoursunny said:

    Ryzen Migrate from SJC to MIA still isn't working.
    (requested info PM'ed on Aug 27)

    I noticed a change though: after a failed submission, the Ryzen Migrate button would disappear for an hour before reappearing.

    @FrankZ said:

    I expect that this is a feature, not a bug. As it keeps people from mashing the Ryzen migrate button over and over again.

    It used to be a hidden rate limit and it would allow you to keep spamming it and then just not allow it in the background. Now there's an indicator (the button disappears.)

    @kidoh said:
    They closed my ticket about my VPS that is on this node, it doesn't matter. :'(
    I hope that the migration to Miami will take place soon. B)

    It was going to happen today, but it was also going to happen yesterday and the day before that.

    We just keep running into other issues, like someone randomly deciding to attack our main website after I finally updated the Favicon, fixed the Login button and SSL. Like they waited a month just to do it on the exact hour I was working on the site? I don't know.

    @skorous said:

    I have the same thing except Chicago and New York. I just turned off the NY one and if it doesn't get automatically cleaned up I'll ticket about it when it slows down.

    Just using context clues as I can't read everything right now, but if you guys are speaking of duplicate VMs we're actively tracking them and were going to clean them up this week. There's around 1,000 of them.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai


    Any plans to make the duplicate vps a feature?

    Maybe during BF…

    Random vps would be a “Doppelgänger package”

    Ie get a second vps free at a random location??

  • @Ademan said:

    My VPS in DALZ004 still has a corrupted /dev/vda. Per your other message, I DMed you all the info I could dig up but I will dig deeper if I can help you help me get my data back...

    @VirMach still hosed here...

  • JabJab Senpai
    edited September 2022

    @VirMach said: like someone randomly deciding to attack our main website after I finally updated the Favicon, fixed the Login button and SSL. Like they waited a month just to do it on the exact hour I was working on the site? I don't know.

    Errrrmmmm all signs points to simpler explanation: You broke it.

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited September 2022

    I wanted to provide you guys an update on Tampa as we originally were supposed to get many more servers online about two months ago. I'm going to have it in the form of a highly simplified screenplay.

    VirMach: Hey, we've had these servers in New York for a while now and they can't get them up. If I have them ship it to Los Angeles and then back, it'll take too long. I have an idea to save a lot of time.

    Narrator: he would not save any time, in fact...

    Tampa Sales: Oh yeah we have a cabinet ready. I'll also confirm with the lead tech on if we can help you troubleshoot those servers.

    VirMach: I've sent four servers for now, cables, and a switch. They'll arrive July 20th. Here's the tracking.

    Narrator: the switch would not arrive.

    VirMach: Oh can you guys get us one or should I next day air one?

    Tampa NOC: Which facility? The one it says right here on the order?

    VirMach: Yes, that'd be the one.

    Tampa NOC: Okay we'll have an eye on them. We can get you to sales for the switch to see if we have any.

    Narrator: Surely the sales team can't check a facility but let's give it a shot.

    VirMach: Hey sales team, I figured I'd reach out to you directly. Do you have a switch?

    Tampa Sales: I'd have to check with NOC.

    Tampa Sales: We have one, this is the price. Just let them know, I'll be gone for a few days.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Servers arrived. How to proceed?

    VirMach: Rack them per instructions. Please get us a switch for immediate setup, we already checked with sales, if you can do it quick.

    Tampa Sys Admin I have contacted sales. Please provide the rack instructions you just provided. By the way you should set everything up before you send it so you don't have to pay us.

    VirMach: Sales isn't here, I followed what they said to do. What other instructions do you need?

    Tampa Sys Admin: I have made a ticket to contact sales.

    VirMach: Can you at least do everything outside the switch so that can go right in and everything's good?

    Tampa Sys Admin: We charge for that. Proceed?

    VirMach: Confirmed... (they've told me this twice now.)

    Tampa Tech: Delayed but we did it. There's excess rails and power cables which we stored.

    VirMach: Our switch finally arrived.

    Tampa Sys Admin: We'll rack the switch.

    Narrator: Wow, everything has been completed and only delayed by a couple days.


    Narrator: VirMach loses his mind and then regains his composure. Hey, at least there would be many more servers on the way since NYC was informed to send them out with urgency.

    VirMach: It's July 22nd. The cabinet was confirmed with PDU & ready on July 15th.

    VirMach: Look it's okay we'll just pay you for a PDU even though it's supposed to come with it if you want. That's way better than any alternative at this point such as waiting for sales to go over it again.

    Tampa Tech: I think we'll go with that one, the part you said you specifically didn't want because sales isn't there. By the way do you have instructions? You know, the ones you provided already? Oh and sales won't actually be able to get the PDU set up which is why we're asking him, then we have to confirm it with another team. You know like with the switch.

    VirMach: I've copy pasted it for you from the original instructions.

    Tampa Tech: Okay I'll put it on hold so we can get it sorted by sales tomorrow morning.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me. I'm not a tech, I'm a sys admin. I wanted to tell you the exact same thing you just heard from the last guy. I also contacted sales!

    Narrator: It is tomorrow morning.

    VirMach: Okay but sales won't be there. I'll pay. We can't get a PDU at your main location?

    VirMach: I've ordered a bunch of PDUs as a backup since this is probably going to not work out well.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It turns out sales wasn't here probably so I'll just contact the other team that can actually do something about it.

    Narrator: Wow they actually lis--

    Tampa Sys Admin: We do not have a single PDU that would fit in the entire facility.

    VirMach: Okay remember the thing I asked you guys to do earlier this week so we could have this up without running into road blocks? You told me you basically did it but you didn't so we can do that now? I'm okay with your fees (pre-emptively confirming.)

    VirMach: More info on PDU, also make sure the cables and everything will reach.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It will cost you money. Oh hey I'm the guy that did this last time. Also remember when sales told you we're 24x7? We're not for this vague team that handles the power drop which we still haven't done by the way. See ya in a few days.

    VirMach: Let's make it easy. 1) Does cabinet have power drop? 2) Can you pack them for pickup or can I come get them? 3) Who's this team you keep mentioning?

    Tampa Tech: Hey so the team in your #3 question, those guys, they're actually here. What's PDU specs?

    VirMach: I have copy pasted it for you.

    Tampa Tech: Okay see ya in a few days.

    Tampa Jr Network Engineer: Hello, I am a junior network engineer but I'm kind of amazing. I somehow coordinated everything that everyone else couldn't do and did it for you tonight.

    Narrator: Maybe everything would be right after all. VirMach's faith in humanity had been immediately restored.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me again the guy you literally spoke to about the everything a few days ago. We received a package. I wonder what it could be?

    VirMach: Here's the info.

    Tampa Tech: It matches.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Still need the PDUs you sent?

    VirMach: Keep the best one as a backup, can it be mounted? What's your storage fee?

    Tampa Sys Admin: I'll do it.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Got the other one.

    VirMach: Okay it's been a few weeks or something now since we've been talking about NYC to send it to Tampa with urgency. Looks like it'll arrive August 5th. These need troubleshooting. We confirm your bill rate.

    Tampa NOC: I'll let you know when it arrives.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It arrived, how do you want to proceed? I'm the guy that keep asking you this.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey I'm not making this up, I'd like to let you know again that they arrived. How do you want to proceed? I'm the guy that keeps asking you this.

    VirMach: I've already confirmed above how to proceed.

    Narrator: It is now August 12th.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me again. I'm not making this up, I'm going to ignore your instructions regarding the whole troubleshooting servers thing. Instead, remember those PDUs I told you I would handle? Well it turns out one of the three PDUs you sent didn't come. This is for some reason extremely important now at this exact time, weeks later. I figured this would be the perfect time to come in and let you know that I didn't do the thing I said I would do but I did just remember it so I'll focus on this instead of your current urgent issue. Oh by the way remember when I gave you the PDU specifications? And remember how two of them came like three to four weeks ago? Yeah, I didn't actually even open them until now. And remember how you asked for a confirmation on the size and such when we got them? Well I just remembered that it needs to be basically none of the ones you sent so I basically didn't do it and none of this matters anymore but I want to hyperfocus on this specific issue you didn't even bring up. So yeah this is to answer your question from July 24th asking if we were able to mount it.

    VirMach: Two packages. Server. August 5th. Troubleshooting. Racking.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Yes but on July 26th, which is not August 5th or server related, we were doing the PDU thing and we haven't got one of them. I'm very worried about the $200. So worried that I am also willing to measure everything out for you to tell you again why it won't fit even though you didn't even mention the PDUs specifically so this wouldn't be de-railed again. In fact, the only things you did not mention is what we are talking about. We're going to also make our messages long so we take up more of your time and make it more convoluted to back out of this whole PDU thing at this point.

    Narrator: It is now August 28th. All hope was lost. Many days passed.

    Narrator: September has arrived.

    VirMach: I will send an equally long message addressing everything, hoping one person can read it and understand it. But I'm really busy, please don't make me repeat it a .. 4th? 5th? time.

    Tampa Team Lead: I understood. I'll get it going.

    Sys Admin: Diagnosed. Senior techs come in Monday at 8AM time slot.

    VirMach: Here's some information that may be helpful. Feel free to use it or proceed as you otherwise would.

    Sys Admin: Ok.

    Sys Admin: Hey it's me your old friend. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION. I will speak to the last guy to see what was already done, BUT I NEED YOU TO CONFIRM THE BILL RATE DO YOU AGREE? I do not see the irony in this.

    Sys Admin: It's me again later today. I saw one of your 5 to 10 confirmations that you're OK with the bill rate, by chance, so I'll actually proceed. But when I say proceed I mean I'll troubleshoot it, the thing that has already been done.

    VirMach: Can we please get someone else to work on this ticket? Please even if you work on it, have someone else communicate with us. Also someone already troubleshooted this by the way. As they stated. Right before you. Again.

    Sys Admin: Hey it's me again. Turns out no one told me it was already done. I tried a bunch of troubleshooting. I will write a wall of text to honor your request above.

    Narrator: And thus VirMach spent way too long typing this to vent some frustration and avoid ruining his entire week.

    @vyas said:

    Any plans to make the duplicate vps a feature?

    Maybe during BF…

    Random vps would be a “Doppelgänger package”

    Ie get a second vps free at a random location??

    It already happens a lot and that's with us trying to prevent it. Sometimes we don't do a great job at cleaning them up so it means a second VPS free for several months until it disappears.

    @Ademan said:

    @VirMach still hosed here...

    Sorry it got overwhelming as you sent several messages, I can only generally help like this if it's quick but I do feel pretty guilty about just writing the screenplay above and definitely wasting time so I'll look at it right now, I do genuinely have a headache from the above situation though.

    Your LVM exists so it's not an LVM issue. You were most likely previously on a specific node we have records of that was already having a lot of problems. The migrations were having a lot of problems but had to be done because we were afraid of the server failing in which case it meant everyone's data could be lost. Unfortunately this also meant it had troubles with the several rounds of backups we took. I'd have to look into it much further but this is one of the very few servers where it's fully stricken out. Those are the ones where it's possible at least a few people didn't get migrated off before it died and it's possible you were one of the people who partially migrated before it fully died.

    I don't have any other information. I hope that helps answer some of your questions. I wouldn't be able to help you get the data cleaned up but I can give you some tips. It's just very time consuming and one of the reasons data recovery experts charge so much money (of course they do it to a much more complex level as well.) Nor would we feel comfortable doing it for liability reasons. Even if we make a copy there's been cases where we've tried helping people out and they accused us of making it worse and so on.

    The first thing you should do is mount an appropriate ISO and clone the whole thing before you start messing with it. Then, mount a live boot version/ISO of an appropriate OS and get networking going. You can start searching online for basic steps to take to try to mount and recover SOME files from it.

    Then, with a copy of the disk image, you can use your computer to try to emulate the disk and there's a lot more advance things you can do there to try to get it working and you basically have infinite tries as long as you keep a good initial copy.

    But yeah in this case it wasn't necessarily the migration that was the problem or anything like that it turned into an emergency situation where we had a ticking time bomb and happened to catch it around when it was starting to happen. Most people got saved. Yours unfortunately came out scarred.

    (edit) I'll try to locate the older backups and on the chance that you're insanely lucky and it's there, it happened to be the specific segment that got copied over fully intact, and so on. It'll take several days at the very least. Make sure you have a priority ticket if you already don't.

  • @VirMach can you check my PM, server is not accesible and network reconfigure doesnt work. i opened a ticket days ago.


  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    Can anyone confirm if in the last decade SolusVM actually haven't added any API for assigning IPv6?

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited September 2022

    @VirMach said: I wanted to provide you guys an update on Tampa

    It sounds like this screenplay was based on ...

  • edited September 2022

    @VirMach Hi,l spent 3$ to migrate VPS to Tokyo, but the VPS is offline, please solve for me......
    Ticket ID: 975789

  • TYOC039 is online, however my service is offline and I can't access to the VNC, I have tried to re-install it, but it seems not working. Could you check it? :) Ticket #572433

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai
    edited September 2022

    @VirMach said:

    Turned to audio to prevent avoid reading a very interesting post. Walked my dog while listening to this post, before rains forced us to return.


    I wanted to provide you guys an update on Tampa as we originally were supposed to get many more servers online about two months ago. I'm going to have it in the form of a highly simplified screenplay.

    VirMach: Hey, we've had these servers in New York for a while now and they can't get them up. If I have them ship it to Los Angeles and then back, it'll take too long. I have an idea to save a lot of time.

    Narrator: he would not save any time, in fact...

    Tampa Sales: Oh yeah we have a cabinet ready. I'll also confirm with the lead tech on if we can help you troubleshoot those servers.

    VirMach: I've sent four servers for now, cables, and a switch. They'll arrive July 20th. Here's the tracking.

    Narrator: the switch would not arrive.

    VirMach: Oh can you guys get us one or should I next day air one?

    Tampa NOC: Which facility? The one it says right here on the order?

    VirMach: Yes, that'd be the one.

    Tampa NOC: Okay we'll have an eye on them. We can get you to sales for the switch to see if we have any.

    Narrator: Surely the sales team can't check a facility but let's give it a shot.

    VirMach: Hey sales team, I figured I'd reach out to you directly. Do you have a switch?

    Tampa Sales: I'd have to check with NOC.

    Tampa Sales: We have one, this is the price. Just let them know, I'll be gone for a few days.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Servers arrived. How to proceed?

    VirMach: Rack them per instructions. Please get us a switch for immediate setup, we already checked with sales, if you can do it quick.

    Tampa Sys Admin I have contacted sales. Please provide the rack instructions you just provided. By the way you should set everything up before you send it so you don't have to pay us.

    VirMach: Sales isn't here, I followed what they said to do. What other instructions do you need?

    Tampa Sys Admin: I have made a ticket to contact sales.

    VirMach: Can you at least do everything outside the switch so that can go right in and everything's good?

    Tampa Sys Admin: We charge for that. Proceed?

    VirMach: Confirmed... (they've told me this twice now.)

    Tampa Tech: Delayed but we did it. There's excess rails and power cables which we stored.

    VirMach: Our switch finally arrived.

    Tampa Sys Admin: We'll rack the switch.

    Narrator: Wow, everything has been completed and only delayed by a couple days.


    Narrator: VirMach loses his mind and then regains his composure. Hey, at least there would be many more servers on the way since NYC was informed to send them out with urgency.

    VirMach: It's July 22nd. The cabinet was confirmed with PDU & ready on July 15th.

    VirMach: Look it's okay we'll just pay you for a PDU even though it's supposed to come with it if you want. That's way better than any alternative at this point such as waiting for sales to go over it again.

    Tampa Tech: I think we'll go with that one, the part you said you specifically didn't want because sales isn't there. By the way do you have instructions? You know, the ones you provided already? Oh and sales won't actually be able to get the PDU set up which is why we're asking him, then we have to confirm it with another team. You know like with the switch.

    VirMach: I've copy pasted it for you from the original instructions.

    Tampa Tech: Okay I'll put it on hold so we can get it sorted by sales tomorrow morning.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me. I'm not a tech, I'm a sys admin. I wanted to tell you the exact same thing you just heard from the last guy. I also contacted sales!

    Narrator: It is tomorrow morning.

    VirMach: Okay but sales won't be there. I'll pay. We can't get a PDU at your main location?

    VirMach: I've ordered a bunch of PDUs as a backup since this is probably going to not work out well.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It turns out sales wasn't here probably so I'll just contact the other team that can actually do something about it.

    Narrator: Wow they actually lis--

    Tampa Sys Admin: We do not have a single PDU that would fit in the entire facility.

    VirMach: Okay remember the thing I asked you guys to do earlier this week so we could have this up without running into road blocks? You told me you basically did it but you didn't so we can do that now? I'm okay with your fees (pre-emptively confirming.)

    VirMach: More info on PDU, also make sure the cables and everything will reach.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It will cost you money. Oh hey I'm the guy that did this last time. Also remember when sales told you we're 24x7? We're not for this vague team that handles the power drop which we still haven't done by the way. See ya in a few days.

    VirMach: Let's make it easy. 1) Does cabinet have power drop? 2) Can you pack them for pickup or can I come get them? 3) Who's this team you keep mentioning?

    Tampa Tech: Hey so the team in your #3 question, those guys, they're actually here. What's PDU specs?

    VirMach: I have copy pasted it for you.

    Tampa Tech: Okay see ya in a few days.

    Tampa Jr Network Engineer: Hello, I am a junior network engineer but I'm kind of amazing. I somehow coordinated everything that everyone else couldn't do and did it for you tonight.

    Narrator: Maybe everything would be right after all. VirMach's faith in humanity had been immediately restored.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me again the guy you literally spoke to about the everything a few days ago. We received a package. I wonder what it could be?

    VirMach: Here's the info.

    Tampa Tech: It matches.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Still need the PDUs you sent?

    VirMach: Keep the best one as a backup, can it be mounted? What's your storage fee?

    Tampa Sys Admin: I'll do it.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Got the other one.

    VirMach: Okay it's been a few weeks or something now since we've been talking about NYC to send it to Tampa with urgency. Looks like it'll arrive August 5th. These need troubleshooting. We confirm your bill rate.

    Tampa NOC: I'll let you know when it arrives.

    Tampa Sys Admin: It arrived, how do you want to proceed? I'm the guy that keep asking you this.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey I'm not making this up, I'd like to let you know again that they arrived. How do you want to proceed? I'm the guy that keeps asking you this.

    VirMach: I've already confirmed above how to proceed.

    Narrator: It is now August 12th.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Hey it's me again. I'm not making this up, I'm going to ignore your instructions regarding the whole troubleshooting servers thing. Instead, remember those PDUs I told you I would handle? Well it turns out one of the three PDUs you sent didn't come. This is for some reason extremely important now at this exact time, weeks later. I figured this would be the perfect time to come in and let you know that I didn't do the thing I said I would do but I did just remember it so I'll focus on this instead of your current urgent issue. Oh by the way remember when I gave you the PDU specifications? And remember how two of them came like three to four weeks ago? Yeah, I didn't actually even open them until now. And remember how you asked for a confirmation on the size and such when we got them? Well I just remembered that it needs to be basically none of the ones you sent so I basically didn't do it and none of this matters anymore but I want to hyperfocus on this specific issue you didn't even bring up. So yeah this is to answer your question from July 24th asking if we were able to mount it.

    VirMach: Two packages. Server. August 5th. Troubleshooting. Racking.

    Tampa Sys Admin: Yes but on July 26th, which is not August 5th or server related, we were doing the PDU thing and we haven't got one of them. I'm very worried about the $200. So worried that I am also willing to measure everything out for you to tell you again why it won't fit even though you didn't even mention the PDUs specifically so this wouldn't be de-railed again. In fact, the only things you did not mention is what we are talking about. We're going to also make our messages long so we take up more of your time and make it more convoluted to back out of this whole PDU thing at this point.

    Narrator: It is now August 28th. All hope was lost. Many days passed.

    Narrator: September has arrived.

    VirMach: I will send an equally long message addressing everything, hoping one person can read it and understand it. But I'm really busy, please don't make me repeat it a .. 4th? 5th? time.

    Tampa Team Lead: I understood. I'll get it going.

    Sys Admin: Diagnosed. Senior techs come in Monday at 8AM time slot.

    VirMach: Here's some information that may be helpful. Feel free to use it or proceed as you otherwise would.

    Sys Admin: Ok.

    Sys Admin: Hey it's me your old friend. I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LACK OF COMMUNICATION. I will speak to the last guy to see what was already done, BUT I NEED YOU TO CONFIRM THE BILL RATE DO YOU AGREE? I do not see the irony in this.

    Sys Admin: It's me again later today. I saw one of your 5 to 10 confirmations that you're OK with the bill rate, by chance, so I'll actually proceed. But when I say proceed I mean I'll troubleshoot it, the thing that has already been done.

    VirMach: Can we please get someone else to work on this ticket? Please even if you work on it, have someone else communicate with us. Also someone already troubleshooted this by the way. As they stated. Right before you. Again.

    Sys Admin: Hey it's me again. Turns out no one told me it was already done. I tried a bunch of troubleshooting. I will write a wall of text to honor your request above.

    Narrator: And thus VirMach spent way too long typing this to vent some frustration and avoid ruining his entire week.

    @vyas said:

    Any plans to make the duplicate vps a feature?

    Maybe during BF…

    Random vps would be a “Doppelgänger package”

    Ie get a second vps free at a random location??

    It already happens a lot and that's with us trying to prevent it. Sometimes we don't do a great job at cleaning them up so it means a second VPS free for several months until it disappears.

    @Ademan said:

    @Ademan said:

    @VirMach said: I believe we've already fixed all LVM issues meaning all virtual servers should have basic functionality and only network could still have a problem.

    My VPS in DALZ004 still has a corrupted /dev/vda. Per your other message, I DMed you all the info I could dig up but I will dig deeper if I can help you help me get my data back...

    @VirMach still hosed here...

    Sorry it got overwhelming as you sent several messages, I can only generally help like this if it's quick but I do feel pretty guilty about just writing the screenplay above and definitely wasting time so I'll look at it right now, I do genuinely have a headache from the above situation though.

    Your LVM exists so it's not an LVM issue. You were most likely previously on a specific node we have records of that was already having a lot of problems. The migrations were having a lot of problems but had to be done because we were afraid of the server failing in which case it meant everyone's data could be lost. Unfortunately this also meant it had troubles with the several rounds of backups we took. I'd have to look into it much further but this is one of the very few servers where it's fully stricken out. Those are the ones where it's possible at least a few people didn't get migrated off before it died and it's possible you were one of the people who partially migrated before it fully died.

    I don't have any other information. I hope that helps answer some of your questions. I wouldn't be able to help you get the data cleaned up but I can give you some tips. It's just very time consuming and one of the reasons data recovery experts charge so much money (of course they do it to a much more complex level as well.) Nor would we feel comfortable doing it for liability reasons. Even if we make a copy there's been cases where we've tried helping people out and they accused us of making it worse and so on.

    The first thing you should do is mount an appropriate ISO and clone the whole thing before you start messing with it. Then, mount a live boot version/ISO of an appropriate OS and get networking going. You can start searching online for basic steps to take to try to mount and recover SOME files from it.

    Then, with a copy of the disk image, you can use your computer to try to emulate the disk and there's a lot more advance things you can do there to try to get it working and you basically have infinite tries as long as you keep a good initial copy.

    But yeah in this case it wasn't necessarily the migration that was the problem or anything like that it turned into an emergency situation where we had a ticking time bomb and happened to catch it around when it was starting to happen. Most people got saved. Yours unfortunately came out scarred.

    (edit) I'll try to locate the older backups and on the chance that you're insanely lucky and it's there, it happened to be the specific segment that got copied over fully intact, and so on. It'll take several days at the very least. Make sure you have a priority ticket if you already don't.

  • @VirMach no response to my contact attempts.
    Do message me so I can help you.

  • several times tried migrating locations without data and paying 3$ for each location move,
    the last migration was successful, the VPS became 3 IPs, and now the information in the panel:

    Status : Disabled
    This virtual server has been suspended by the administrator. Please contact your service provider for details

    there is no information in the email or in the panel the reason for the suspension, already contacted via ticket @VirMach and now waiting for response

    Has anyone here experienced the same thing??

  • @Lurkrazy said:
    TYOC039 is online, however my service is offline and I can't access to the VNC, I have tried to re-install it, but it seems not working. Could you check it? :) Ticket #572433

    @VirMach I tried the rescue mode, it's not working too.

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    Cancel and move on!!

    Problem solved

    @vgood said:
    several times tried migrating locations without data and paying 3$ for each location move,
    the last migration was successful, the VPS became 3 IPs, and now the information in the panel:

    Status : Disabled
    This virtual server has been suspended by the administrator. Please contact your service provider for details

    there is no information in the email or in the panel the reason for the suspension, already contacted via ticket @VirMach and now waiting for response

    Has anyone here experienced the same thing??

    @Lurkrazy said:

    @VirMach I tried the rescue mode, it's not working too.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Lurkrazy said:
    TYOC039 is online, however my service is offline and I can't access to the VNC, I have tried to re-install it, but it seems not working. Could you check it? :) Ticket #572433

    Did you by any chance use the Ryzen Migrate button without mentioning it because it sounds like a likely possibility and expected as a risk especially for Tokyo with too many people pressing it at once.

  • @VirMach said:

    Did you by any chance use the Ryzen Migrate button without mentioning it because it sounds like a likely possibility and expected as a risk especially for Tokyo with too many people pressing it at once.

    I used Migrate button. It was in LA, and I wanted to move to Denver, but it failed. Today I tried to move to Tokyo, and now it's offline. I tried, but it seems like it's not possible to access the service, will this migration be canceled or moved to another node? :)

  • edited September 2022

    I've been pretty happy with the service for the past few years, but why am I getting 3 "SMTP-relay" invoices for $15 each for a blacklisted IP that you migrated me to? I've never done anything SMTP-related on this vps. Tickets: 444779, 146156, and 301029.

    Invoices: 1475755, 1475756, and 1475757

    It's fine if you want to move it to a new IP address to fix the problem, but your system is going to try to charge me on 9/14.

  • may I know the repair progress of TYOC040? It's still offline, at least since 08/15. of course, i noticed that Network Status mentioned it. but there hasn't been an update on its progress in a long time.

  • My service relocated for $3 and moved to Tokyo two months ago. But moved to LA yesterday, please help me move back to Tokyo.
    Ticket #911287

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited September 2022

    @jinxy said:
    I've been pretty happy with the service for the past few years, but why am I getting 3 "SMTP-relay" invoices for $15 each for a blacklisted IP that you migrated me to? I've never done anything SMTP-related on this vps. Tickets: 444779, 146156, and 301029.

    Invoices: 1475755, 1475756, and 1475757

    It's fine if you want to move it to a new IP address to fix the problem, but your system is going to try to charge me on 9/14.

    Bug in the code. It broke and it got re-activated today and decided to go through all the backlogs, we're going to reply to those and clear them out.

    (edit) Well not necessarily a bug just a concern I had with how it was coded out to use the API. Needs to be improved so it doesn't do that in cases it wasn't meant for such as it breaking for some time then comparing old data.

    Thanked by (1)jinxy
  • I just got 3 different $15 "IP blacklist" invoices and tickets for a VPS that has been offline for months. The IP address specified is not the one that the VPS was originally been on, though maybe it got migrated. The tickets say "worm/spambot" and are #'s 296087, 678802, 861808.

  • @VirMach any hopes of getting replacement Dedicated server? Its been over 5 weeks now since the CC server shutdown.
    Ref. Ticket #342867 if it helps.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @bula said:
    @VirMach any hopes of getting replacement Dedicated server? Its been over 5 weeks now since the CC server shutdown.
    Ref. Ticket #342867 if it helps.

    Your combination of preferences has made it more difficult to fill. We can get you one if you can throw out some other potential preferences and we do have a sheet we update with the specifications and keep an eye out.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @willie said:
    I just got 3 different $15 "IP blacklist" invoices and tickets for a VPS that has been offline for months. The IP address specified is not the one that the VPS was originally been on, though maybe it got migrated. The tickets say "worm/spambot" and are #'s 296087, 678802, 861808.

    Yeah so these will be cleared out tomorrow (the incorrect bills.) I'm trying to send out mass messages tonight before people get concerned.

  • I'm now getting ticket updates saying the invoices were bogus and are being cancelled.

  • edited September 2022

    @VirMach said:
    The first thing you should do is mount an appropriate ISO and clone the whole thing before you start messing with it. Then, mount a live boot version/ISO of an appropriate OS and get networking going. You can start searching online for basic steps to take to try to mount and recover SOME files from it.

    Then, with a copy of the disk image, you can use your computer to try to emulate the disk and there's a lot more advance things you can do there to try to get it working and you basically have infinite tries as long as you keep a good initial copy.

    Thanks, I actually did this already, it looks like there's exactly 0x8c0000000 0s (~37GB) at the start of the disk, then the partition table, which is very strange. Once I cut out the 0s I was able to mount (a copy!) loopback and unfortunately it's just completely boned, my home directory isn't even there. Using strings on the (copy!) of the raw image to try to see what might be recoverable pretty much proved all relevant data is gone. That post, but probably not worth looking further into if you have backups

    But yeah in this case it wasn't necessarily the migration that was the problem or anything like that it turned into an emergency situation where we had a ticking time bomb and happened to catch it around when it was starting to happen. Most people got saved. Yours unfortunately came out scarred.

    (edit) I'll try to locate the older backups and on the chance that you're insanely lucky and it's there, it happened to be the specific segment that got copied over fully intact, and so on. It'll take several days at the very least. Make sure you have a priority ticket if you already don't.

    I think that's really the best I can hope for at this point, thank you for going the extra mile on this! My latest backup is (negligently on my part...) ~May, so if you have anything newer than that, I'll take it! Late June would be great, an obviously if there was something from that week I'd be over the moon.

    RE: priority ticket, I created a very general one should I have a specific one for a backup restoration? The ticket I already created won't let me reply to it even to add context I missed when I created it heh.

This discussion has been closed.