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- SheGivMeItAgain
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(Quote) I doubt they would do that for some unknown platform.
(Quote) I have heard scans of a government provided ID is required now? If so a lot of people won't be able to use as people don't get given a ID until like 16-18.
(Quote) Also note: I'm 14.
(Quote) I was just about to install visual studio before the server got shut down so I doubt it even got installed fully and probably got corrupted...> @ralf said: (Quote) I do not have a bank account, I have asked my mom plenty of times and she…
(Quote) I was just about to install visual studio before the server got shut down so I doubt it even got installed fully and probably got corrupted...
(Quote) Don't forget some schools block inbound mail from outside of the domain.
(Quote) Yeah but that's not ID/Student ID
(Quote) No card so thats currently not on the list.
(Quote) By "personal documents" if you mean ID I do not hold one currently, for school based documents I do not consent to providing those as this isn't github or anything that is 10000% protected/security guaranteed. I am very careful wit…
(Quote) For the .edu its wrong! My school uses .co.uk actually! But has students, also doesn't allow emails from out the school/schools email or emails that arent whitelisted.
(Quote) I'm actually classed as homeless, I had to move from a hotel in birmingham into a flat 2 weeks ago, iirc. It's been hard the past few years. Most of this is cause of my fucking landlord being a stuck up twat.
(Quote) Your welcome! Just let me know if you do end up putting them in place!
(Quote) I have thought about it, and thanks to @terrorgen, I have thought of a idea. Here is what I roughly thought about the filtering issue: * Limiting how many users should even be allowed on the server * Asking them to prove "Their PCs CA…
(Quote) Yeah I feel like this should be shared. I don't have a PC myself, as I physically can't afford one for reasons I do not feel comfortable sharing. However, people like Tom give me the opportunity to learn VMs, like nested virtualization, KVM …
(Quote) Does this mean it will back on today? Or...? I don't understand how hetzner support team works. Sorry!
(Quote) Yeah that would be pretty cool. You could always try setup a websocket chat VIA the terminal if needed.
(Quote) Alright! I'll wait then. Also apologies for rushing you, I was in the middle doing something and it stopped and I am not sure if I lost data or anything.
(Quote) Yeah that's understandable, I agree with you.
(Quote) Ah, alright, any chance I could be added to that?
@Not_Oles any updates?
(Quote) Apologies I misread the question: You can Google how to ssh into the VPS using your publickey for your specified app. E.G: Putty.
(Quote) Tom said: (Quote) Your public key will automatically be selected if your using openssh-client for others, depending on the app, you may have to Google the solution. Shouldn't be that hard.
(Quote) What happened? Did it kernel panick?
(Quote) 1 - No clue lol 2 - It's not crazy! Some people are kinda (like you) and give away stuff so some people decide to help keep it alive! Also I want to forward the iGPU from the VPS to the windows 11 VM I have (KVM), any clue? Google wasn't he…
(Quote) As always mate, gotta let other users be able to use it.
(Quote) Apologies for the extensive use, I was supposed to 8 cores 8GB ram as chrome eats memory (as usual).
(Quote) @Not_Oles apologies my wifi was acting up. I don't mind you taking a day off! Your choice.
(Quote) Have you missed my previous question about an ETA/response about having access?
(Quote) Alright, any ETA when you can setup an account for me? Or if you even?
(Quote) I'm using termux 😂
(Quote) Oh sorry must've missed that question! I'm from the UK, in England.
(Quote) Its a new one and yes it is a new public key.
(Quote) Also @Not_Oles what usage are we allowed to used. Is it dependant on the usage or?
(Quote) Also one question how much RAM and storage does the VPS have and does /dev/KVM ACTUALLY exist.
(Quote) Thanks!
(Quote) Ah got it. Also here is my ssh pub key: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICcks+nF7gVTDBnAgRd+ByWp3FZkhPQxknfWM6gFEMKR u0_a330@localhost
(Quote) 🤦 I'm stupid... Is "SHA256:DBipwmEKCQG3mpe2ejelAQpSdt16GmLnRgIp6222mUQ u0_a330@localhost" the public key that would be the correct formatted one?
(Quote) This is what I did in terminal, also I'm using a keyboard using a OTG cable: ~ $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.ssh/id_ed25519): /data…
(Quote) Also another question Tom, how does one obtain sudo permissions as well?
(Quote) Ah my bad, I'm new to public keys as I use password based auth a lot 😂, anyway I do hope this SSH key works if not let me know; ssh-ed25519 xlL9W0ia4fhK+K1hR4Aw47kHPjTmAA53jryNf+a1Q/0 u0_a330@localhost Also I am going to be accessing this o…