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  • (Quote) Nobody is disputing that, and every effort should be made to undo the wrongs of the past. But the TLD wasn't taken from anyone, it was brought into existence by an unrelated entity long after the forced deportation. (Quote) "neither th…
  • (Quote) I still can't see how residents, who admittedly were expelled by force in 60s-70s, would be owed royalties from a domain TLD established by a private company in the 90s. The TLD wasn't taken from anyone, and indeed it's unlikely it would eve…
  • (Quote) Vultr is also free to/from B2, which could be a viable option. There may be others, the Bandwidth Alliance partner agreements aren't clear beyond to/from Cloudflare.
  • (Quote) There have been no permanent residents on the islands for decades, and the domain came into existence while there was no permanent residents. It's right that the court ruled the way it did and that sovereignty is being returned, but who exac…
  • (Quote) I'd be surprised if there weren't suitable compute options (DigitalOcean, Scaleway, Vultr, etc.) with low latency to Backblaze B2.
  • (Quote) As others have said, Hetzner and German providers in general are a poor choice for anything even slightly out of the norm - it shouldn’t be the case and nobody can be expected to simply know this, but it sadly is what it is. Interestingly t…
  • (Quote) Depends how hacky of a solution is tolerable really. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility to create a small API script on the hypervisor that translates API calls to BashVM commands (not too hacky), or have the FOSSBilling module connect…
  • Another option with various models, including this and Llama 3.1 70B is Perplexity Labs, though only free via the web interface.
  • Perhaps OpenAI GPT4o-mini using the batch API is an option? ($0.075 / 1M input tokens, $0.30 / 1M output tokens)
  • (Quote) MC is typical corporate America. If you ‘dress pretty’ (i.e. appear exploitable), they’ll provide good value rates. That’s not to say it is what occurred or the only way, but everyone should know what kind of arrangement they’re entering int…
  • (Quote) I mean given the SPF requirement it isn’t possible in practice, but I don’t believe the SMTP account itself is restricted. For what it’s worth, I also believe this is true of MailChannels unless you enable “Domain Lockdown” which they added…
  • (Quote) I agree overall, however (and I may be wrong/outdated) I believe while they provide a SMTP account to authenticate with, you can use that account to send from any domain. As such, I believe this is their attempt at ensuring you are authorise…
  • (Quote) That’s an unusual and disappointing policy. I can potentially see why they have it, but surely a better way would be to permit providing sender IPs in a control panel rather than in public SPF records.
  • Dismissing software based on the language it is written in is an interesting choice. PHP may have somewhat of a reputation due to how easy it has typically been to get started and historical issues, but modern PHP is no worse than many other langua…
  • (Quote) While the original complaint may be one sided, you’re making some very generous assumptions here to side with Cloudflare. The truth is likely somewhere between what has been claimed and what actually happened, but to take the case (along wi…
  • (Quote) So you’re going to remove the ‘made by …’? Permissive as the MIT licence is, it doesn’t generally allow making minuscule changes and claiming the overall work as your own. Even if @babywhale doesn’t mind in this situation, you’re demonstrat…
  • (Quote) It shouldn’t be anywhere near anything you haven’t made.
  • Props to @babywhale for being open to changes and updating the license, but it’s generally bad form to rip something off wholesale and claim it as your own (“Website by …”) when you’ve made at best minor changes.
  • (Quote) Credit where it’s due, they also broke the menu (on mobile/iOS anyway) so it now covers half the page. 🫠
  • (Quote) Not being Cloudflare is probably enough for a large audience.
    in Namecrane is live Comment by adly May 25
  • (Quote) Your change of licence is welcome, but I’m sorry if you got the idea that I wanted you to change it. I have zero issue with similar licences like the FSL and BUSL, and completely understand why they are used. The objection was using the ter…
  • (Quote) Agreed, the OSI don’t have an exclusive use of the “open source” term, but realistically there would is a fairly universal understanding of “open source” which isn’t met in this case.
  • (Quote) Your efforts to make your source code available are commendable and I’m sympathetic to the reasons for using a license that restricts direct competition. There are other similar licences such as the Functional Software Licence used by Sentr…
  • (Quote) Fair comment, I assumed it was more universal as it also applies in the UK (here), Canada (here), and potentially other countries.
  • (Quote) As much as I'm for unencumbered progress and the Yi-large-preview appears to be doing well, I've found China is always generally behind (perhaps as they're followers rather than innovators to date - but that's a personal opinion).
  • (Quote) 🤷‍♂️ Just basing it on the PayPal website - "You can no longer accept friends and family payments on your Business account. However, if you’d like to receive friends and family payments, you can use or create a Personal account. If you …
  • (Quote) Common sense would suggest not violating the terms and conditions of your payment provider in the first place. Additionally, PayPal states business accounts can’t receive friends & family payments anymore, so I guess they’re also using …
  • (Quote) Hopefully you're in a country where you’re allowed to charge a surcharge. The UK, for example, went further than banning card payment surcharges and included providers like PayPal.
  • (Quote) The biggest problem with these services is you typically aren’t getting the full/same experience compared to going direct due to differences in the API versions of the models (mainly around the initial prompt) and how the APIs are used. Wit…
  • (Quote) Interestingly, I’d say ChatGPT 4o is the worst of those three which is unexpected as it apparently an upgrade from ChatGPT 4. I’d also say the Claude 3 Opus answer has better formatting/is more concise than ChatGPT 4, even though the answer…
  • (Quote) There doesn’t appear to be any logical reason for an inbound limit, whether daily or hourly. You have a fixed about of space - surely you’re should be free to use that however you feel fit. The only possible reason is to force an upgrade if…
  • (Quote) Agreed - in the case it’s a marketing tactic - I was just curious if there was an actual logical reason. I would also easily fit within the limits, but then I wouldn’t go for a service that is being artificially limited in such a way purely …
  • (Quote) I understand, however you already have size limits - what does limiting the incoming amount further achieve? The actual receipt of email isn’t exactly a resource intensive task.
  • (Quote) What is the logic behind an incoming email limit?
  • (Quote) I think you're vastly over estimating the scale if you think simply by using PHP, the solution won't scale well enough to serve any web hosting provider.
  • (Quote) To be fair, it’s come a long way since BoxBilling and is being improved regularly. Though, admittedly there’s still quite a bit to do…