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  • (Quote) Also I'm not sure if this technically qualifies as a NAT VPS since it looks like there's an IPv4 assigned to the machine (the ssh instructions ask me to ssh directly via IPv4 on the usual port 22)
  • (Quote) it's free to set one up and @szymonp gave really good instructions so you can confirm (I'm probably doing something wrong)
  • Thanks! Got one just setup. Not sure how the uptime became 15 days since I just created an account and this container a few minutes ago. Maybe they pre-spin up a few containers and clear out files then assign them out to accounts? (Image)
  • (Quote) Funnily enough my free tier account in Osaka got banned a couple of weeks ago as well. At first I didn't know I was banned; I can still log in to the account but I just can't create any new resources and the arm server I had setup before was…
  • (Quote) Tokyo please :)
  • (Quote) Not sure if you already have a market research strategy, but I wonder if you can keep feature requests/bug reports in some sort of public issue tracker (like a read-only trello board) and have some sort of priority list and possible voting o…
  • (Quote) Sydney works for me (I move around Asia) but Singapore or Japan would be even better :P
  • (Quote) I wanted to try out a few more combinations and I didn't want to leave idle/unused servers around, so I wanted to delete them. Maybe I'm going blind but I can't seem to find a way to delete server instances :(
  • Filled in the form :) Now that my mrvm is currently in limbo, I'm looking for an alternative. For these NAT/low cost VPS I'm not sure I'd be able to make use of fast storage, so if using spinning drives can lower the cost even more (or alternativel…