[2022] ★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ The Epic Sales Offer Thread ★★



  • Looks like TYOC031 is being hammered quite hard right now, hope the anti-abuse script finds the culprit soon.

  • Boss please help me, now there are several problems with vps:
    Migration order not completed Ticket#461588
    vps offline for two months
    The vps is about to expire but the renewal bill has not yet been paid.
    Node Name:SJCZ004

  • @Ademan said: (basically the output from hexdump -C /dev/vda although rescue doesn't have hexdump so I had to download an image of /dev/vda first)

    Try vda1 instead of vda.

    Thanked by (1)Ademan
  • @willie said:

    Try vda1 instead of vda.

    Thanks but there is no /dev/vda1 (I presume) because the partition table on /dev/vda is boned. fdisk -l lists no partitions for /dev/vda either.

  • TYO-C040 offline since 2d 17hr ago, and i can't reinstall it

    benchmark score of the vps I've ever had

  • edited August 2022

    @VirMach said:

    This was already supposed to be enabled but there's so many segmentation of packages and locations that there's obviously some cases where it's not going through. I'm going to see if we can change the filter today to make it more of a free-for-all.

    In case some examples help, I don't see the button for my services with IDs 132295, 616449, 564859 and 52388.

    dnscry.pt - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/

  • same here, storage vps where working and are offline now =(

    opened a ticket but not answer yet

  • Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received

  • @dedicados said: storage vps where were working and are offline now


    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • CHI2Z028 went down almost 4 hours ago now. It had been solid after the migration to it from a crapcrossing server until now.

  • @AlwaysSkint said: AlwaysGrammarly

    that fixed my server, thanks. stupid

  • skorousskorous OGSenpai

    @dedicados said:

    that fixed my server, thanks. stupid

    C'mon now. If you're going to be like that you have to at least use, "Bite my shiny metal ass".

    Thanked by (1)dedicados
  • LOL

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • haha you are right.

    i am kidding dont worry guys.

    Thanked by (1)skorous
  • edited August 2022

    @VirMach said:

    Migrations to Tokyo end up having a lot of issues and they're vastly more popular than other requests. I don't know if yours is a Tokyo request but if it is then please understand there are hundreds of requests we're trying to catch up with in Tokyo.

    My server in Chicago CHI026 is down and I can't get into the background
    It keeps showing Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received
    You moved the server that was working fine in Buffalo to Chicago without my permission, and now it doesn't work at all. What do you want to do? I have nothing to say. Please fix the problem now, thanks

    I opened a ticket #462238

  • SJC2005 appears to be offline (was ok a few days ago, idk when it went out), and other SJC server (SJC2003?) has been out for quite a while. Client alert area says SJC2008 is having trouble. Altogether it sounds like the whole SJ site is not doing too well.

  • @huah6571 said:

    My server in Chicago CHI026 is down and I can't get into the background
    It keeps showing Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received
    You moved the server that was working fine in Buffalo to Chicago without my permission, and now it doesn't work at all. What do you want to do? I have nothing to say. Please fix the problem now, thanks

    I opened a ticket #462238

    uh oh OGF users are coming

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @soulchief said:

    uh oh OGF users are coming

    I just hope that virmach's service can be more stable. It was very stable before, but since it was launched in Japan, it has not been normal, and it has been tossing and turning again and again.

  • My VM on TYOC035 has been down for 24hrs+. Seems the whole node is down.

  • edited August 2022

    @VirMach long time no see

  • vyasvyas OGSenpai

    @dedicados said:
    Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received

    My new wallpaper :/)

    Thanked by (1)dedicados
  • Have you read the opening post?

    Refunds? Personal Order Status Updates? Management? Look At My Ticket First?
    No. No. No. No.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint

    Contribute your idling VPS/dedi (link), Android (link) or iOS (link) devices to medical research

  • so virmach is deadpool?

  • That's what you got out of the last 60+ pages?

  • @dedicados said:
    so virmach is deadpool?

    Yep. They spent probably hundreds of thousands on new Ryzen servers just so they can deadpool a month later.

    /s (obviously, but with OGF users starting to come here I feel like that disclaimer is needed for some of them)

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ pikachu
  • @hzz said: ..no one replied to the work order..

    One thinks that one should return to the OGF. :|

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • @hzz said:
    Yes, it started to be unstable. Then the VPS went offline for 8 days, and no one replied to the work order. It is estimated that the pace of running is required.

    Woooooorrrrkkkk Ooorrrdeeeeeeeer

  • Problems at the machine room.

  • I have a cpanel service through the VPShared brand. It is still surviving. Seems weird they would spend the effort to migrate it a few weeks ago to the new node but then give up, given how expensive servers are atm...

  • @rockinmusicgv said:
    I have a cpanel service through the VPShared brand. It is still surviving.

    Interesting, mine has been unreachable for months, supposedly because CC had permanently nullrouted the node IP. I ended up moving my site from it to a VPS. Was yours in Buffalo? It would be nice if I could get access to mine, even if it's not publiclyback on the air.

This discussion has been closed.