VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat




    You have owned this domain for 20 years? But it has been registered for almost 14 years so far.??

  • edited October 2024

    @tetech said:

    "Go away", "Bye" and "Blah blah blah" are not going to exactly endear yourself to the community. Seems you joined LES today just to rant.

    Ok, and LOL, the thread is named "VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat" so what do you expect?

    Fair enough, I edited that out, but, that is NOT why I joined LES. I was fine to leave it at the summary description, but then "helpful" people kept trying to defend Virmach or point out that I was probably an idiot misinformed or unaware that I, rather than Virmach, was responsible in some way. So, to make the point I have to keep putting more and more detail out there to show it is a substantial case since my other goal is to have the information out there so people can make an informed decision about who they choose or what risks they are taking.

    It should be somewhat understandable that one might begin to feel frustrated by the repeating and dogged hints that the report was in essence misplaced blame on Virmach because supposedly I didn't know what the heck was going on with an account I've had for a significant number of years.

    Also, those phrases were OBVIOUSLY not to the community as a whole, but rather to the specific poster who kept insisting that I was more than likely to blame across numerous posts even after it was stated that community support wasn't needed.

    Hint, check out their reviews for the last couple of years on TrustPilot, or heck even on even though there are a whole lot of spam 5 star reviews there - which is a whole other story.

  • edited October 2024

    @cnencc said:

    You have owned this domain for 20 years? But it has been registered for almost 14 years so far.??

    Good eye, you caught me in a mistake. The web content posted on that domain for more than 20-25 years. The changelog shows activity date="09/20/1997" is when the site content first originated.

    activity date="December 2010 - February 2011"
    group title=" is born."
    My wife and an acquaintance knew I have had a hankering to get my own
    domain for years. They joined forces and ended up giving gifts that
    amount to about four years of hosting with a domain registration.

    Yeah, I have an offline backup.

    My bad on that one detail. Regardless, a site that has been alive since 1997 is now down for ten months because of this fiasco.

  • edited October 2024

    Domain Renewal was $5.00 USD?
    what was it? so cheap.

  • edited October 2024

    @tenpera said:
    Domain Renewal was $5.00 USD?
    what was it? so cheap.

    Heh, IDK, maybe someone wants me to dump them because I got too good of a RECURRING Black Friday deal? I guess it has become somewhat clearer that they offered too many of those deals, and now are having trouble maintaining the accounts.

  • @Brayvin said: Ok, and LOL, the thread is named "VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat" so what do you expect?

    I expect rants without comments like "Go away" directed to forum users.

  • edited October 2024

    @tetech said:

    I expect rants without comments like "Go away" directed to forum users.

    Yeah, you already mentioned that. I guess you left out the part where I said "fair enough" on that point (and edited them out).

  • @Brayvin said:

    Yeah, you already mentioned that. I guess you left out the part where I said "fair enough" on that point (and even edited them out).


    @Brayvin said:
    Shared Unmetered Hosting - ... (11/22/2023 - 11/21/2024) $30.00 USD
    Domain Renewal - ... - 1 Year/s (12/26/2023 - 12/25/2024) $5.00 USD

    Just show this to @VirMach and they will help you get your domain back.

    Thanked by (1)Brayvin
  • edited October 2024

    @tuc said:


    Just show this to @VirMach and they will help you get your domain back.

    LOL, at the end of all that, some great advice and encouragement! I did not yet know about @Virmach magic. I hope you're right. Realistically, its hard to hold out much hope after this long, but hey, it would be great if that's what happens!

  • @Brayvin said:

    Heh, IDK, maybe someone wants me to dump them because I got too good of a RECURRING Black Friday deal? I guess it has become somewhat clearer that they offered too many of those deals, and now are having trouble maintaining the accounts.

    @Brayvin said:

    Shared Unmetered Hosting - ... (11/22/2023 - 11/21/2024) $30.00 USD
    Domain Renewal - ... - 1 Year/s (12/26/2023 - 12/25/2024) $5.00 USD
    Sub Total $35.00 USD
    Credit $0.00 USD
    Total $35.00 USD

    But then again, domain renewal was originally included with the web hosting. At some point they broke that binding (yes I have documentation from past tickets). So they created a disparity between the start/end dates of the hosting account and the domain registration. At that time I had to intervene to prevent loss of the domain. They said they could not re-attach it and I'd have to pay separately (a rip-off for their mistake). Again, I have the receipts. Muddle about in someone else's business. Hmph. Maybe not, you're actually helping make it clearer and clearer why someone should NOT do business with them!

    Haha, better fix this too to avoid another fact check. The $5 was deducted from the original $35 recurring cost when domain registration was included in the hosting fee, so, it was a wash, not a rip-off for their mistake. They lowered the hosting fee and allocated $5 to renewal to keep the original price - so not a rip-off at all.

    Yup, it's not ideal to post when salty over all the downtime and being ignored. I suppose the $5 was a token fee rather than the actual price. That, at least, was nice of them to try to fix it that way, though I suspect this is part and parcel why the problem occurred this time around.

  • @Brayvin said: I transferred it over to Virmach.

    Sorry to rub it in: not the brightest of moves. This is why I explicitly say to clients to register domains in their own name, even if it means I need to "handhold" them to do so.

    Virmach has been swamped for quite some time but the intention is to do right for clients (from history on here). Whether this mess can be fixed remains to be seen.. watch this space, or not.

    Thanked by (2)bakageta skorous

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • edited October 2024

    @AlwaysSkint said:

    Sorry to rub it in: not the brightest of moves. This is why I explicitly say to clients to register domains in their own name, even if it means I need to "handhold" them to do so.

    Virmach has been swamped for quite some time but the intention is to do right for clients (from history on here). Whether this mess can be fixed remains to be seen.. watch this space, or not.

    I rather consider that advice rather than you rubbing it in. Live and learn! I'll have to figure that out now.

    I dare say another bit of advice is: If you have a domain under the care of someone else, check it following renewal. I'd been overtaken by life events, knew the site was broken because it broke before renewal, and didn't check the domain itself..


    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint skorous
  • JabJab Senpai
    edited October 2024

    My BF deals started to generate invoices, help me :(


    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint skorous

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:

    Sorry to rub it in: not the brightest of moves. This is why I explicitly say to clients to register domains in their own name, even if it means I need to "handhold" them to do so.

    When I first got serious about running my own mailserver, a wise man advised me to register my domain directly with a registrar, run my own auth DNS, and host my VPS somewhere other than the registrar. The idea was to limit the 'blast radius', so to speak, if something went wrong.

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint eezcloud
  • edited October 2024

    @JBB said:

    When I first got serious about running my own mailserver, a wise man advised me to register my domain directly with a registrar, run my own auth DNS, and host my VPS somewhere other than the registrar. The idea was to limit the 'blast radius', so to speak, if something went wrong.

    I'm kind of confused what to look for in a vendor.

    Or is it it more like picking a certain class of domain registrars?

    Or are you saying just make sure it is not obtained from the hosting service? So if a site that registers domains has a hosting service, just register the domain and use a different vendor for the DNS infrastructure? I have a namecheap account, for example, to support dynamic DNS, but I don't host anything there.

  • @Jab said: Services are still inaccessible

    Thank you :)

    ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    If anyone has been waiting more than about a day for a response to their ticket as of this comment, it means something went wrong, since we've finished clearing out any ticket backlogs. Close your ticket and open a new one, referencing the old ticket ID (so we can see how long you were waiting and potentially credit you appropriately.)

    So far I've only located one ticket by @Brayvin (I believe) where this occurred but it could be more widespread. Looks like a specific bug with our old third party AI response system when it ran into an issue combined with ticket mergers.

  • What? All tickets resolved?

    Can I open one and you leave it on hold? Just for the old times?

  • @VirMach, Ticket #277107

  • NyrNyr OG
    edited October 2024


    Ticket #474282

    It shows as open or closed depending on where in the client area I check, I am unable to close it, but get warned when trying to open a new one. Anyway, it has been open without response for almost half a year, so please check it when you can.


  • Gosh Virmach cleared the tickets!

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    @fan said:
    Gosh Virmach cleared the tickets!

    im going to win the lottery

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • New Black Friday sales this year?

  • When will Japanese chicks use Softbank?
    NTT/IIJ is terrible.

    VirMach: Customer’s Service cannot use more than 10% of the monthly allocated bandwidth in under twenty-four (24) hours.

  • What is the current status of the machines in Phoenix? How long will it take to recover?

  • @cybertech said:

    im going to win the lottery

    Thanked by (1)ehab

    Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!

  • edited October 2024

    @VirMach said:
    If anyone has been waiting more than about a day for a response to their ticket as of this comment, it means something went wrong, since we've finished clearing out any ticket backlogs. Close your ticket and open a new one, referencing the old ticket ID (so we can see how long you were waiting and potentially credit you appropriately.)

    So far I've only located one ticket by @Brayvin (I believe) where this occurred but it could be more widespread. Looks like a specific bug with our old third party AI response system when it ran into an issue combined with ticket mergers.

    @VirMach can you see Ticket #489532, or is it in a black hole also? AI responded. (Gosh, I hate the nothingburger AI responses - since they effectively told me to wait [months] for a support agent.)

    Thanked by (1)VirMach
  • I paid the bills from Virmach,hope very thing will be Okay.

  • @VirMach will you customers have some fun this year BF?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @tuc said:
    @VirMach will you customers have some fun this year BF?

    We're likely going to be doing a flash deal public beta test soon. The entire system has been reworked and I'm pretty excited for it.

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