Our last several attempts at data recovery were unsuccessful and we were unable to keep the server stable enough for migrations, but more recently, we have been able to recover some services. We have extended your service due date by an additional 60 days and will begin migrating the recovered virtual servers.
If your VPS is facing other data issues, we'll continue attempting data recovery, but this may take longer, so in these cases, the migration will likely not be completed today. Your service will move to Los Angeles, with a new IP address, which can be checked on the service details page. You'll have to reconfigure networking to use the new IP address.Only AFTER your service has migrated, please contact us if there is any data issues on your VPS, if your data is important. Mention that you were migrated from PHXZ002.
If after one week we are unable to recover the data, we will move you to a new server, without the data. We'll post a network status update with the number of virtual servers affected by data loss. You will receive a new IP an you will have to re-install your operating system. We'll then finally have the hardware shipped back to us and attempt to perform further data recovery efforts, so we'll include instructions in the network status update on how to specifically contact us to request we perform a final attempt to recover your data at a later date.
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents (upload is disabled, download is legal in NL), which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
You literally use the word "torrent". You were fully aware torrents are not allowed. You broke the rules. You got suspended. Enjoy the suspension and good luck negotiating that with support.
I shall refuse to go into a technical discussion about distinguishing between downloading and torrenting. No. I shall not do that. I refuse to do that. Lack of knowledge does not create an exception for terms.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
You literally use the word "torrent". You were fully aware torrents are not allowed. You broke the rules. You got suspended. Enjoy the suspension and good luck negotiating that with support.
I shall refuse to go into a technical discussion about distinguishing between downloading and torrenting. No. I shall not do that. I refuse to do that. Lack of knowledge does not create an exception for terms.
Downloading torrents is allowed. If that policy has changed then fine, but there's nothing in the terms that disallow it.
Also, you're the most officious twit I've encountered in a while.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
You literally use the word "torrent". You were fully aware torrents are not allowed. You broke the rules. You got suspended. Enjoy the suspension and good luck negotiating that with support.
I shall refuse to go into a technical discussion about distinguishing between downloading and torrenting. No. I shall not do that. I refuse to do that. Lack of knowledge does not create an exception for terms.
Downloading torrents is allowed. If that policy has changed then fine, but there's nothing in the terms that disallow it.
Sure. Terms have changed. The word "torrent" is not in the terms right now and was never there in the past. You're right. Be happy and positive as usual
Also, you're the most officious twit I've encountered in a while.
True. There is nothing wrong in talking and explaining things to a @nutjob - nothing wrong with that.
@nutjob said:
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents, which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Anything else will usually include a short description. It may be that we received an abuse report, or we may have sent previous communication or may send further communication after the suspension in some cases.
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. Also I've been doing this for several years and it's never happened. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content): involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
You literally use the word "torrent". You were fully aware torrents are not allowed. You broke the rules. You got suspended. Enjoy the suspension and good luck negotiating that with support.
I shall refuse to go into a technical discussion about distinguishing between downloading and torrenting. No. I shall not do that. I refuse to do that. Lack of knowledge does not create an exception for terms.
Downloading torrents is allowed. If that policy has changed then fine, but there's nothing in the terms that disallow it.
Sure. Terms have changed. The word "torrent" is not in the terms right now and was never there in the past. You're right. Be happy and positive as usual
@root said: If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
Before and after suspension graphs, for the entire node. I'm not sure if he mentioned torrenting in his appeal.
@nutjob the only reason your appeal got approved without a fee is because I assumed you'd be able to figure it out but after reading your response here and your final reply on the ticket (saying nothing you're running would appear on our end as many small chunks and thousands of small reads and writes), please definitely make sure you understand how all of this works to a higher level before resuming anything.
Your best bet to make sure you do everything correctly is to have a conservation with AI probably. Here, I got it started for you and it'll definitely point you in the right direction.
@root said: If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
Before and after suspension graphs, for the entire node. I'm not sure if he mentioned torrenting in his appeal.
@nutjob the only reason your appeal got approved without a fee is because I assumed you'd be able to figure it out but after reading your response here and your final reply on the ticket (saying nothing you're running would appear on our end as many small chunks and thousands of small reads and writes), please definitely make sure you understand how all of this works to a higher level before resuming anything.
Your best bet to make sure you do everything correctly is to have a conservation with AI probably. Here, I got it started for you and it'll definitely point you in the right direction.
I didn't mention torrenting because it's a red herring. I knew that would be blamed for everything (and it was) but that doesn't make any sense. I've run Transmission (BT client) on there since I purchased the node in 2021 with no problems whatsoever. I did install SyncThing more recently (this month) and it's a slightly strange config, so that seemed to be the best bet, or a node break in.
I understand how these things work perfectly well. I've been a professional programmer for the last 40 years. I know for a single 1.5GB torrent, downloading from 1 peer, with outgoing peers disabled, it is not going to generate that much IO. Given that things are buffered, it's a single file, a single peer, that pattern of IO doesn't make much sense. Instead it's going to look a lot like a linear download.
For SyncThing that pattern of IO makes much more sense, especially if it got itself into a strange state for some reason, thus my talking about it exclusively.
Anyway thank you for resuming my node without a fee, and for posting the graphs. I really think this is all due to a weak password or a security issue in Transmission.
We are not buying from deadpool provider.
If it's $6.63/year 3GB RAM 66GB SSD, we might make an exception.
No hostname left!
Virmach Deals
with 3 cores
PHXZ002 Any new news? Mine's almost expired. It's not delayed... It's been broken for a long time.
Dear VirMach Customers,
Our last several attempts at data recovery were unsuccessful and we were unable to keep the server stable enough for migrations, but more recently, we have been able to recover some services. We have extended your service due date by an additional 60 days and will begin migrating the recovered virtual servers.
If your VPS is facing other data issues, we'll continue attempting data recovery, but this may take longer, so in these cases, the migration will likely not be completed today. Your service will move to Los Angeles, with a new IP address, which can be checked on the service details page. You'll have to reconfigure networking to use the new IP address.Only AFTER your service has migrated, please contact us if there is any data issues on your VPS, if your data is important. Mention that you were migrated from PHXZ002.
If after one week we are unable to recover the data, we will move you to a new server, without the data. We'll post a network status update with the number of virtual servers affected by data loss. You will receive a new IP an you will have to re-install your operating system. We'll then finally have the hardware shipped back to us and attempt to perform further data recovery efforts, so we'll include instructions in the network status update on how to specifically contact us to request we perform a final attempt to recover your data at a later date.
Can anyone provide any guidance here?
I've just had my service suspended for I/O abuse, there's not much explanation, and I have no access to the server to see what's going on.
Obviously I can appeal but I'm not sure what my basis should be. I've been using the server for several years for the same things: I've used it to download torrents (upload is disabled, download is legal in NL), which is allowed as I understand and I also run Syncthing on it, and this has never happened. I can say "I've done nothing wrong and you should unsuspend me", but I suspect that's not going to be convincing. Should I ask for logs or will that just annoy the infamously grizzled @VirMach ? Any idea on how to proceed?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hiding something nefarious, because almost everyone here is. I wish I was, because then I'd know what happened.
Here's the start of the email:
Your service has been suspended, or placed in a "paused" state. Common reasons are (1) payment issue, (2) breach of terms of service or acceptable usage policy, (3) running out of resources such as allocated bandwidth.
Suspension Reason: I/O Abuse (3GB Migration Special)
How to proceed & FAQ
If the reason above is not clear, some common default reasons have the below explanations:
Using torrents generates a lot of I/O usage, because it is not just downloads, but it reads a lot of data for seeding, and data checking for synchronization with trackers. If we also encompass the fact that you might need SWAP if there is not enough RAM, this generates another I/O usage.
Usually with Virmach you need to keep torrenting really low if you want to use their service for something like this.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
It is just downloads, I don't seed for any amount of time, it's disabled. I download stuff on occasion, not continuously, maybe a 50-100GB a month. The service is 3 core 3 GB 10TB transfer.
I find it hard to believe that's the problem. Maybe Syncthing is doing something crazy.
If you download 100GB/month occasionally then Virmach is right. That download at high speed generates a lot of I/O. This triggered the automated systems correctly.
If you really want to use Virmach for torrenting, download something light using a cheap VPN to create network congestion on VPS and keep the writing on disk really low; then keep the torrent up just for seeding and get rating in private trackers.
And from a community perspective, you deserve your suspension because you don't seed. I hereby kindly ask @Virmach to keep you suspended, because I feel bothered of you as person who is greedy and does not seed. If you abuse the service by downloading 100GB month, at least have the decency to share.
Oh, and just so you know: it is in the terms. Always read the terms. The terms represent the holy rules. According to Virmach terms it is clearly stated in Acceptable Use Policy, Section A (Prohibited Content):
involves mass public file storage of any kind (image hosting site, video hosting site, torrents, etc);
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
I read the terms, and I read the discussion about torrenting, and the word was downloading was ok, but seeding was not (more or less). I'm not serving any files at all so the quoted term doesn't apply to me.
Your pontification about my not seeding is irrelevant. VirMach doesn't allow seeding, neither does the Dutch government. I'm not going to break any rules (well, kinda).
You literally use the word "torrent". You were fully aware torrents are not allowed. You broke the rules. You got suspended. Enjoy the suspension and good luck negotiating that with support.
I shall refuse to go into a technical discussion about distinguishing between downloading and torrenting. No. I shall not do that. I refuse to do that. Lack of knowledge does not create an exception for terms.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Countless days without sleep here we go again...
食之无味 弃之可惜 - Too arduous to relish, too wasteful to discard.
Downloading torrents is allowed. If that policy has changed then fine, but there's nothing in the terms that disallow it.
Also, you're the most officious twit I've encountered in a while.
Sure. Terms have changed. The word "torrent" is not in the terms right now and was never there in the past. You're right. Be happy and positive as usual
True. There is nothing wrong in talking and explaining things to a @nutjob - nothing wrong with that.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
This couldn't happen to a nicer person
You started receiving offers for Black Friday?
With regards to @Virmach - their Black Friday page is not updated, yet.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
I know!
OK, so you are hard of reading.
Please stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Before and after suspension graphs, for the entire node. I'm not sure if he mentioned torrenting in his appeal.
@nutjob the only reason your appeal got approved without a fee is because I assumed you'd be able to figure it out but after reading your response here and your final reply on the ticket (saying nothing you're running would appear on our end as many small chunks and thousands of small reads and writes), please definitely make sure you understand how all of this works to a higher level before resuming anything.
Your best bet to make sure you do everything correctly is to have a conservation with AI probably. Here, I got it started for you and it'll definitely point you in the right direction.
I wrote out a reaaallllyy long post explaining what'd happen black friday and then didn't post it. I hope that helps clarify everything.
I'm more interested for the revamped flash sales by VirBot
The Ultimate Speedtest Script | Get Instant Alerts on new LES/LET deals | Cheap VPS Deals | VirMach Flash Sales Notifier
You may kinbdly just post the gif of the buffalo and lets' call it even ??
blog | exploring visually |
Tokyo node network failure

VirMach: Customer’s Service cannot use more than 10% of the monthly allocated bandwidth in under twenty-four (24) hours.
@VirMach should pick an Indian buffalo/location this time.
I didn't mention torrenting because it's a red herring. I knew that would be blamed for everything (and it was) but that doesn't make any sense. I've run Transmission (BT client) on there since I purchased the node in 2021 with no problems whatsoever. I did install SyncThing more recently (this month) and it's a slightly strange config, so that seemed to be the best bet, or a node break in.
I understand how these things work perfectly well. I've been a professional programmer for the last 40 years. I know for a single 1.5GB torrent, downloading from 1 peer, with outgoing peers disabled, it is not going to generate that much IO. Given that things are buffered, it's a single file, a single peer, that pattern of IO doesn't make much sense. Instead it's going to look a lot like a linear download.
For SyncThing that pattern of IO makes much more sense, especially if it got itself into a strange state for some reason, thus my talking about it exclusively.
Anyway thank you for resuming my node without a fee, and for posting the graphs. I really think this is all due to a weak password or a security issue in Transmission.
"(sigh) Programmersalways think they understand what's truly going on." -- System Administrator
Look at all the muscles flexing. That's a beast!
Buffalo has bigger triceps than me.
I'm jealous.
No hostname left!