@emperor said:
Anyone else is offline in Phoenix? Reason im showed is : Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received
Dear VirMach Customers,
On Monday, November 14th, 2022, between approximately 7AM to 11PM PST, our Phoenix servers are scheduled to be physically moved to a new datacenter. Earlier this year, Evocative (formerly named VPLS) acquired most the datacenters owned by INAP (Internap.) While the Phoenix location was not acquired, INAP has decided to close their Phoenix facility/not renew their lease on the facility.
Luckily, instead of our initial plans of merging Phoenix into Los Angeles, our datacenter partner was able to acquire new space in another Phoenix facility on short notice, so your service will remain in Phoenix. The date & time was not determined until this week. We meant to notify you on Wednesday, so we do apologize for the shorter notice in this case. We will publish the new details on our facilities and network pages on Monday as well. If you prefer to move to Los Angeles instead, we will offer a free migration. To request this optional migration, please create a ticket titled "PHX to LAX" by November 15th.
Your IP address will remain the same, and the data will remain intact, barring any rare chance of physical damage/complications. All configuration and physical network equipment will remain the same.
On Monday, November 14th, 2022, between approximately 7AM to 11PM PST, our Phoenix servers are scheduled to be physically moved to a new datacenter. Earlier this year, Evocative (formerly named VPLS) acquired most the datacenters owned by INAP (Internap.) While the Phoenix location was not acquired, INAP has decided to close their Phoenix facility/not renew their lease on the facility.
Luckily, instead of our initial plans of merging Phoenix into Los Angeles, our datacenter partner was able to acquire new space in another Phoenix facility on short notice, so your service will remain in Phoenix. The date & time was not determined until this week. We meant to notify you on Wednesday, so we do apologize for the shorter notice in this case. We will publish the new details on our facilities and network pages on Monday as well. If you prefer to move to Los Angeles instead, we will offer a free migration. To request this optional migration, please create a ticket titled "PHX to LAX" by November 15th.
Your IP address will remain the same, and the data will remain intact, barring any rare chance of physical damage/complications. All configuration and physical network equipment will remain the same.
Thank you.
Mail must have been lost in the pipes somewhere thanks for info
@jtk said:
Maybe it is just me, or maybe I missed some news, but it also may be, at the moment at least, it is impossible to "Cancel Service". I'm getting a "Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn't process your request." page in response. Hotel California. Any one else confirm or know what's up?
This seems to have been fixed now.
My cancellation appeared to process . It was a nice run but all good things come to an end. Best of luck to Virmach and his customers.
@Civalo said: @VirMach I know things are busy, but I'm still waiting on that OS change for our dedi server. Ticket #218112.
Trying to be patient, but really would like to get this going and it's been a couple months since it all started.
Sorry, it shouldn't have taken this long. I do see why but we should have identified it and changed the ticket title accordingly. We usually received "Dedicated Server Migration" tickets per the email we sent out and if conversation changed to OS re-install they're processed on the same ticket. I'll get it corrected, and credit you for the 2~ months (plus the initial month so actually 3.)
(edit) Basically since it was called "Change of OS" it unfortunately didn't get flagged. We did do a search query for "dedicated" and renamed all those but "dedicated" wasn't mentioned in the message body either. I'm not trying to blame you or anything like that, just explaining where we failed to pick this one up and put it in the same queue. Otherwise it essentially looked like a lot of other tickets we have a backlog on that are considered not priority since we assume it's customer requesting OS re-install on a VPS which was already corrected around that time for some servers.
@VirMach Can you please look into this again? Whoever picked up the ticket just merged it into the billing ticket and put it back on hold. Thank you.
Hello, I found that there may be something wrong with the configuration of paypal. It seems that there is an extra '/' at the end of the Url.
I'm not sure if this will lead to unknown problems.
This is very helpful, I haven't had time to look into it and I'm reviewing communication with our developer. I can't think of anything we may have recently changed that would be causing this outside of maybe a hook (but it wouldn't be specific to PayPal I don't think.) I'm working on all these now, the PayPal payment issue, the mass pay issue, and cancellation issue.
Glad this helped you, can you help to check the ticket #863566?
Because the service is about to expire and I haven't received a reply, I have to renew my service first. And in the process I found this little problem.
@matheny515 said: @VirMach it seems like some people, including me, are getting double charged, when and how do you plan to fix this (refund, credit?)
I need someone to include all the details in one message if they want me to look at it seriously. Otherwise we're aware and gathering the details already. So far I've only come across tickets that sound more like this post (and maybe you did include other details elsewhere) so today I'll be checking the replies back hopefully and getting the actual invoice IDs, transaction IDs, payment method information, and so on.
This definitely seems like something that just needs a billing ticket and we'll get it sorted. Of course if our system somehow caused you to be double charged we'll rectify that with a refund.
@Jab said:
Pheonix (let's hope for the move to different DC!) went down 14 Nov 17:02 UTC+1 according to HetrixTools.
and ping is back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 18:35:36 (UTC 01:00)
and ping is down again
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 18:37:36 (UTC 01:00)
and ping is back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 19:52:29 (UTC 01:00)
and it's down again, I guess I will stop +1 post count until it's stable
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 20:02:30 (UTC 01:00)
and back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 20:08:35 (UTC 01:00)
the MOVE been completed? seems the route not changed
I have to double check but it's the INAP datacenter that was shutting down, not their blend, which was already sold to Unitas Global. Aka, it should be the same blend. I do need to update the page as promised but didn't get to it. I'm basically just waiting on 100% confirmation on what I've been told so far before posting it officially.
@VirMach said: I'll be checking the replies back hopefully and getting the actual invoice IDs, transaction IDs, payment method information, and so on.
From a couple of pages back. I also walked him thru filling out a billing ticket with this info but I do not know the ticket number. If he followed instructions ticket should be titled "Double payment of Invoice 1501639 Please refund second payment to account credit". I have asked him for ticket number by DM and will update this post if/when he responds.
@FrankZ said: @VirMach - FYI OP requests over/double payment be credited to account credit.
@VirMach said: I'll be checking the replies back hopefully and getting the actual invoice IDs, transaction IDs, payment method information, and so on.
From a couple of pages back. I also walked him thru filling out a billing ticket with this info but I do not know the ticket number. If he followed instructions ticket should be titled "Double payment of Invoice 1501639 Please refund second payment to account credit". I have asked him for ticket number by DM and will update this post if/when he responds.
@FrankZ said: @VirMach - FYI OP requests over/double payment be credited to account credit.
Yeah I saw that one, I think he also opened a ticket about it as well as an LET thread where everyone enjoyed it as an opportunity to attack us per usual, but there was no indication of it in any way being caused by a system fault on our end so I quickly moved on to other claims.
As in, it's a very clear case of someone making a payment and then refreshing a page or something on PayPal. It wasn't a cron. He'll still get helped, just in the regular queue.
Hello, I found that there may be something wrong with the configuration of paypal. It seems that there is an extra '/' at the end of the Url.
I'm not sure if this will lead to unknown problems.
This is very helpful, I haven't had time to look into it and I'm reviewing communication with our developer. I can't think of anything we may have recently changed that would be causing this outside of maybe a hook (but it wouldn't be specific to PayPal I don't think.) I'm working on all these now, the PayPal payment issue, the mass pay issue, and cancellation issue.
Glad this helped you, can you help to check the ticket #863566?
Because the service is about to expire and I haven't received a reply, I have to renew my service first. And in the process I found this little problem.
You made a suspension appeal, closed it, and made another one. Unfortunately you're not exactly in a group of great people, so this means everyone is spamming multiple appeals after they already get answered, which means I looked at it and saw you already had a closed appeal and closed the second. I think you're the first case of this happening but I'll try to spend more time looking back at them as long as it's not like the 5th copy/paste of the same appeal after it was already handled.
So your answer, in your ticket you wanted to know why it was closed without an answer: because you closed the first one, and it's one appeal per customer where we make an exception and process it for free.
I'll merge the three tickets now and leave it in the queue.
@matheny515 said: @VirMach it seems like some people, including me, are getting double charged, when and how do you plan to fix this (refund, credit?)
Very important question, did you only click once/go through the payment process once? I need to know if this is related to error page showing up after payment and then people getting confused and paying it a second time, or seeing error and then pressing back. You won't be penalized in any way by answering honestly, you'll get a refund either way.
@matheny515 said: @VirMach it seems like some people, including me, are getting double charged, when and how do you plan to fix this (refund, credit?)
Very important question, did you only click once/go through the payment process once? I need to know if this is related to error page showing up after payment and then people getting confused and paying it a second time, or seeing error and then pressing back. You won't be penalized in any way by answering honestly, you'll get a refund either way.
I paid using my phone (Android Chrome), and I only click pay once (no errors at all). I had Paypal automatic payment setup for VirMach, and that's how I got double charge, otherwise there no way I would click pay again after got charged once
Hello, I found that there may be something wrong with the configuration of paypal. It seems that there is an extra '/' at the end of the Url.
I'm not sure if this will lead to unknown problems.
This is very helpful, I haven't had time to look into it and I'm reviewing communication with our developer. I can't think of anything we may have recently changed that would be causing this outside of maybe a hook (but it wouldn't be specific to PayPal I don't think.) I'm working on all these now, the PayPal payment issue, the mass pay issue, and cancellation issue.
Glad this helped you, can you help to check the ticket #863566?
Because the service is about to expire and I haven't received a reply, I have to renew my service first. And in the process I found this little problem.
You made a suspension appeal, closed it, and made another one. Unfortunately you're not exactly in a group of great people, so this means everyone is spamming multiple appeals after they already get answered, which means I looked at it and saw you already had a closed appeal and closed the second. I think you're the first case of this happening but I'll try to spend more time looking back at them as long as it's not like the 5th copy/paste of the same appeal after it was already handled.
So your answer, in your ticket you wanted to know why it was closed without an answer: because you closed the first one, and it's one appeal per customer where we make an exception and process it for free.
I'll merge the three tickets now and leave it in the queue.
Okay, I got it, but I closed the first one just to add information according to the instructions of the appeal ticket. According to it's prompts, I can only manually close the first one and then add a new one and provide more information.
Anyway, thank you for merging them. I will continue to wait for it to be reviewed. Since I really like the service, I don't want to give it up.
Hello, I found that there may be something wrong with the configuration of paypal. It seems that there is an extra '/' at the end of the Url.
I'm not sure if this will lead to unknown problems.
This is very helpful, I haven't had time to look into it and I'm reviewing communication with our developer. I can't think of anything we may have recently changed that would be causing this outside of maybe a hook (but it wouldn't be specific to PayPal I don't think.) I'm working on all these now, the PayPal payment issue, the mass pay issue, and cancellation issue.
Glad this helped you, can you help to check the ticket #863566?
Because the service is about to expire and I haven't received a reply, I have to renew my service first. And in the process I found this little problem.
You made a suspension appeal, closed it, and made another one. Unfortunately you're not exactly in a group of great people, so this means everyone is spamming multiple appeals after they already get answered, which means I looked at it and saw you already had a closed appeal and closed the second. I think you're the first case of this happening but I'll try to spend more time looking back at them as long as it's not like the 5th copy/paste of the same appeal after it was already handled.
So your answer, in your ticket you wanted to know why it was closed without an answer: because you closed the first one, and it's one appeal per customer where we make an exception and process it for free.
I'll merge the three tickets now and leave it in the queue.
Okay, I got it, but I closed the first one just to add information according to the instructions of the appeal ticket. According to it's prompts, I can only manually close the first one and then add a new one and provide more information.
Anyway, thank you for merging them. I will continue to wait for it to be reviewed. Since I really like the service, I don't want to give it up.
Yeah what you did is fine, I was just explaining why the second one was closed without a response. Not saying we should have closed it, just why it occurred.
Anybody else seeing DENZ001 having issues? Have a server which started telling me "kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s" a bunch of times and now is completely unresponsive. I can get a console but it doesn't actually let me do anything.... :-/
@skorous said:
Anybody else seeing DENZ001 having issues? Have a server which started telling me "kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s" a bunch of times and now is completely unresponsive. I can get a console but it doesn't actually let me do anything.... :-/
I'm up on DENZ001 and have not seen any issues yet. Status page for DENZ001 shows everything in the green.
@skorous said:
Anybody else seeing DENZ001 having issues? Have a server which started telling me "kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s" a bunch of times and now is completely unresponsive. I can get a console but it doesn't actually let me do anything.... :-/
I'm up on DENZ001 and have not seen any issues yet. Status page for DENZ001 shows everything in the green.
Anyone else is offline in Phoenix? Reason im showed is : Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Since we are on page 200 now, everyone will receive free SSD2G.
Fast as fuck Core i9 VPS (aff) | Powerful AMD Ryzen VPS (aff)
Mail must have been lost in the pipes somewhere
thanks for info
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Pheonix (let's hope for the move to different DC!) went down 14 Nov 17:02 UTC+1 according to HetrixTools.
and ping is back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 18:35:36 (UTC 01:00)
and ping is down again
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 18:37:36 (UTC 01:00)
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Dc was fine for me.. only thing i hated was auto rdns of the ip to some giberish.hostmail-server.net and no option to change it
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
@VirMach it seems like some people, including me, are getting double charged, when and how do you plan to fix this (refund, credit?)
and ping is back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 19:52:29 (UTC 01:00)
and it's down again, I guess I will stop +1 post count until it's stable
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 20:02:30 (UTC 01:00)
and back
Noticed at: 2022-11-14 20:08:35 (UTC 01:00)
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Since we are on page 200 now, everyone who already have free SSD2G will receive 200MB extra RAM (for one month) and 200GB extra bandwidth (one time).
No hostname left!
My cancellation appeared to process . It was a nice run but all good things come to an end. Best of luck to Virmach and his customers.
Since we are on Page 200 now, those who were promised a free SSD2G around 100 pages ago, will still not receive it.
@VirMach Can you please look into this again? Whoever picked up the ticket just merged it into the billing ticket and put it back on hold. Thank you.
That's some wishful thinking
Glad this helped you, can you help to check the ticket #863566?
Because the service is about to expire and I haven't received a reply, I have to renew my service first. And in the process I found this little problem.
the MOVE been completed? seems the route not changed
200 pages!
I need someone to include all the details in one message if they want me to look at it seriously. Otherwise we're aware and gathering the details already. So far I've only come across tickets that sound more like this post (and maybe you did include other details elsewhere) so today I'll be checking the replies back hopefully and getting the actual invoice IDs, transaction IDs, payment method information, and so on.
This definitely seems like something that just needs a billing ticket and we'll get it sorted. Of course if our system somehow caused you to be double charged we'll rectify that with a refund.
I have to double check but it's the INAP datacenter that was shutting down, not their blend, which was already sold to Unitas Global. Aka, it should be the same blend. I do need to update the page as promised but didn't get to it. I'm basically just waiting on 100% confirmation on what I've been told so far before posting it officially.
From a couple of pages back. I also walked him thru filling out a billing ticket with this info but I do not know the ticket number. If he followed instructions ticket should be titled "Double payment of Invoice 1501639 Please refund second payment to account credit". I have asked him for ticket number by DM and will update this post if/when he responds.
Yeah I saw that one, I think he also opened a ticket about it as well as an LET thread where everyone enjoyed it as an opportunity to attack us per usual, but there was no indication of it in any way being caused by a system fault on our end so I quickly moved on to other claims.
As in, it's a very clear case of someone making a payment and then refreshing a page or something on PayPal. It wasn't a cron. He'll still get helped, just in the regular queue.
You made a suspension appeal, closed it, and made another one. Unfortunately you're not exactly in a group of great people, so this means everyone is spamming multiple appeals after they already get answered, which means I looked at it and saw you already had a closed appeal and closed the second. I think you're the first case of this happening but I'll try to spend more time looking back at them as long as it's not like the 5th copy/paste of the same appeal after it was already handled.
So your answer, in your ticket you wanted to know why it was closed without an answer: because you closed the first one, and it's one appeal per customer where we make an exception and process it for free.
I'll merge the three tickets now and leave it in the queue.
Very important question, did you only click once/go through the payment process once? I need to know if this is related to error page showing up after payment and then people getting confused and paying it a second time, or seeing error and then pressing back. You won't be penalized in any way by answering honestly, you'll get a refund either way.
I paid using my phone (Android Chrome), and I only click pay once (no errors at all). I had Paypal automatic payment setup for VirMach, and that's how I got double charge, otherwise there no way I would click pay again after got charged once
Okay, I got it, but I closed the first one just to add information according to the instructions of the appeal ticket. According to it's prompts, I can only manually close the first one and then add a new one and provide more information.
Anyway, thank you for merging them. I will continue to wait for it to be reviewed. Since I really like the service, I don't want to give it up.
Yeah what you did is fine, I was just explaining why the second one was closed without a response. Not saying we should have closed it, just why it occurred.
i have a pending reinstall for LA DEDI, and the server already shutdown for 2 weeks,can i ask when can it finish?
Anybody else seeing DENZ001 having issues? Have a server which started telling me "kernel:watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s" a bunch of times and now is completely unresponsive. I can get a console but it doesn't actually let me do anything.... :-/
I'm up on DENZ001 and have not seen any issues yet.
Status page for DENZ001 shows everything in the green.
Thank you sir. Strange .....
That error does sound like you are CPU starved though.