@flips said:
I added a Billing Dept. ticket a good while back, regarding double billing. Just after submitting it, I realized @VirMach also wanted me to state what/how it might have happened. But adding a comment/reply to the ticket was prohibited. Should I close the ticket and reopen one with the same info and the requested info, or just wait?
I still wonder if I should close the open ticket and create a new with the same info + a sentence about what might have happened ... 🤔😅
@ruikno said: I am worried about the uncertainty of the account, I see too many posts about deleted services/banned accounts on hostloc.
I think most of them are due to PayPal disputes, checkout with VPN, multiple accounts, fake personal information, and buying accounts. And they hide such negligence and say "banned for no reason". Of course there will be some wrong flags (a very low percentage), but I think eventually they will solve them.
However, you may have to wait a week, a month, or longer. Needless to say, if there are no problems, it should be delivered within a few hours.
Um, I can recommend VirMach to half of my friends, but not to the other half lol
@flips said:
I added a Billing Dept. ticket a good while back, regarding double billing. Just after submitting it, I realized @VirMach also wanted me to state what/how it might have happened. But adding a comment/reply to the ticket was prohibited. Should I close the ticket and reopen one with the same info and the requested info, or just wait?
I still wonder if I should close the open ticket and create a new with the same info + a sentence about what might have happened ... 🤔😅
Just need invoice ID and transaction IDs so we can locate the one that didn't go through and refund it.
@flips said:
I added a Billing Dept. ticket a good while back, regarding double billing. Just after submitting it, I realized @VirMach also wanted me to state what/how it might have happened. But adding a comment/reply to the ticket was prohibited. Should I close the ticket and reopen one with the same info and the requested info, or just wait?
I still wonder if I should close the open ticket and create a new with the same info + a sentence about what might have happened ... 🤔😅
Just need invoice ID and transaction IDs so we can locate the one that didn't go through and refund it.
Hi @Virmach, the SSL certificate of speedtest.virmach.com and most of your looking glass, has expired for a while now. This should have been a trivial issue since HTTP works fine.
However, there is an highly clickable, enticing "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form, and a modern web browser will actively reject to load misconfigured external HTTPS content. What should have been anticipated by your potential new customers is now replaced with a yellow warning sign given by their browser. This might be deemed as a red flag, discourages buying inclination and harms your brand image/credibility.
The logic is simple: If a VPS provider doesn't care about and actively monitor the experience of the order process, as it's their primary source of revenue, and fails to properly configure certbot/acme.sh(It's dead simple as I can do that at 12yo), their professionalism is doubtful, your potential new customer might wondering if you have the expertise to deliver a stable, usable VPS.
You would definitely witness a sales increase, if you either fix the SSL or remove the "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form.
edit: Although it might seem to some people with prejudice as I came here for "instigate" again, I post these words out of good will, since I have some of the craziest deadpooling BF deal of Virmach for years, and I wish they were in better financial shape.
@shallow said:
Anyone with a cartoon female child avatar is suspect in my books.
Anyone with a cartoon female child avatar is most likely a ACG enthusiast.
ACG is actually a pop culture among Chinese GenZ, like more than half of the avatar of my CS classmates are female character from anime/Genshin Impact/OC from Pixiv. I'm sorry if we ACG enthusiasts are suspect to you.
@Chisato said:
like more than half of the avatar of my CS classmates are female character from anime/Genshin Impact/OC from Pixiv. I'm sorry if we ACG enthusiasts are suspect to you.
Regarding the 12yo flame towards me, I don't get it, is it really that unimaginable for a junior middle school student(Just to prevent another flame, I enter elementary school at the age of 5, which is a bit early), to know basic Linux CLI, basic idea of networking and copy&paste command from DigitalOcean docs with Google Translate?
To get some real world perspective, here is a opensource JS library from a 14yo Chinese junior middle school student, which surpasses me in terms of capacity: https://github.com/fastjs-team/fastjs-next
@Chisato said:
like more than half of the avatar of my CS classmates are female character from anime/Genshin Impact/OC from Pixiv. I'm sorry if we ACG enthusiasts are suspect to you.
i am sorry if that is the case in your class.
Congratulations on another step on your way to becoming a MJJ
MJJ racist to weebs ACG lover
though some of the MJJ is ACG lover
@Jab said:
offtopic and nothing VirMach related.
Mods please ban /s
Just to state some simple facts:
The offtopic was started by @shallow, the following comments are mostly responding/explaining.
LES is an open community on Internet, instead of a Virmach echo chamber, don't cosplaying like it's CCP-controlled state media platform with no freedom of speech and only praise CCP is allowed. The topic generally sticks to Virmach, but in most cases some fluids should be deemed appropriated as it better enhances the fun of exchanging ideas and thoughts with people from different parts and culture of planet Earth.
@Jab said:
offtopic and nothing VirMach related.
Mods please ban /s
Just to state some simple facts:
The offtopic was started by @shallow, the following comments are mostly responding/explaining.
LES is an open community on Internet, instead of a Virmach echo chamber, don't cosplaying like it's CCP-controlled state media platform with no freedom of speech and only praise CCP is allowed. The topic generally sticks to Virmach, but in most cases some fluids should be deemed appropriated as it better enhances the fun of exchanging ideas and thoughts with people from different parts and culture of planet Earth.
@AuroraZero said:
Rule 1 don't be a dick. Bagging on one provider all the time = being a dick. That seems to be why you are here mainly to bag on one provider.
Indeed, I am awed by the sheer amount of discretionary power this rule can achieve.
Other discussions at LES are kinda boring in my perspective. But you sounds like it's a sin that I sticked to one discussion only.
“Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.” Therefore, I kindly suggest to change the title of this discussion from "VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat" to "VirMach - Chit Chat"
I did't mean to bag @Virmach, from the bottom of my heart, I wish his business could thrive in the long run, since I have a bunch of crazy BF deal with him for years. I really mean to spur and inspire @Virmach, pointing out some of his mistakes and inadequacies, and kindly giving advice, so he would (probably) last longer.
I believe every word and sentence I typed here in this discussion are based on pure rational logic and facts that makes sense, not ranting/nonsense whining.
I am not a solipsistic person, I know I am not qualified to "teach" him in the eyes of most "old acquaintance" members of this community, and indeed it is, he is a rich business owner that drives fancy cars(src: his open Facebook page, someone claims to be the CEO of Virmach LLC, I'm not sure), while I am a poor univ student. But I am just doing what I deemed to be necessary, even it doesn't mean any practical significance.
Try going outside and getting some air. Might do you wonders and you might chill out a bit.
Thanks for the kind life advice. I will.
But I currently live in some random rural village of China, it's kinda boring outside but I will be doing some mountain hiking tomorrow anyway.
@AuroraZero said:
Rule 1 don't be a dick. Bagging on one provider all the time = being a dick. That seems to be why you are here mainly to bag on one provider.
Indeed, I am awed by the sheer amount of discretionary power this rule can achieve.
Other discussions at LES are kinda boring in my perspective. But you sounds like it's a sin that I sticked to one discussion only.
“Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.” Therefore, I kindly suggest to change the title of this discussion from "VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat" to "VirMach - Praise - Chit Chat"
I did't mean to bag @Virmach, from the bottom of my heart, I wish his business could thrive in the long run, since I have a bunch of crazy BF deal with him for years. I really mean to spur and inspire @Virmach, pointing out some of his mistakes and inadequacies, and kindly giving advice, so he would (probably) last longer.
Try going outside and getting some air. Might do you wonders and you might chill out a bit.
Thanks for the kind life advice. I will.
But I currently live in some random rural village of China, it's kinda boring outside but I will going some mountain hiking tomorrow anyway.
Going to sleep. Good night.
I don't care if you hang in this thread for the rest of your life not the point at all and not against any rule that I know. The bagging on the provider is the issue not hanging out and chatting.
I have not looked but I am willing to bet at least 90 percent of your posts are bagging on Virmach. I have no idea why you persist, could be you think it is trolling. News for you bud this is not trolling at all.
As for the advice on going outside it makes no difference where you live or how boring it may be you sound like you need some air.
You can do as you please here just like everyone else, just don't be surprised when people get sick of it and refuse to reply anymore or help when you need it.
With that statement I am over it and will let you dig yourself deeper if you wish.
@Chisato said:
Hi @Virmach, the SSL certificate of speedtest.virmach.com and most of your looking glass, has expired for a while now. This should have been a trivial issue since HTTP works fine.
However, there is an highly clickable, enticing "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form, and a modern web browser will actively reject to load misconfigured external HTTPS content. What should have been anticipated by your potential new customers is now replaced with a yellow warning sign given by their browser. This might be deemed as a red flag, discourages buying inclination and harms your brand image/credibility.
The logic is simple: If a VPS provider doesn't care about and actively monitor the experience of the order process, as it's their primary source of revenue, and fails to properly configure certbot/acme.sh(It's dead simple as I can do that at 12yo), their professionalism is doubtful, your potential new customer might wondering if you have the expertise to deliver a stable, usable VPS.
You would definitely witness a sales increase, if you either fix the SSL or remove the "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form.
edit: Although it might seem to some people with prejudice as I came here for "instigate" again, I post these words out of good will, since I have some of the craziest deadpooling BF deal of Virmach for years, and I wish they were in better financial shape.
I understand why this is superficially important and that it obviously makes us look very bad, but unfortunately I actively choose to focus on what I believe is actually important with the limited time I have available to maximize the positive impact for the highest number of existing customers.
These were set up with an open source auto SSL script, that malfunctioned. It's supposed to renew every 3 months, it broke. We do have paid SSL but I specifically set up free Auto SSL to avoid having to manually manage payment and re-installation every year, as by the time the next year arrives I have to go digging for all the configuration documentation and information, set reminders, and basically all of that has to go down perfectly which makes it a time consuming process when there's so many different certificates and webservers and it's not really a "primary" part of my workflow.
It's on my list, I've tried getting to it several times this week.
While this may incorrectly indicate that we somehow are too stupid to configure SSL, the truth of the matter is that these things were obviously purposefully rushed out in small pockets of available time and we simply cannot afford attention to detail for such things when it's required elsewhere.
@VirMach instead of repeating yourself may I suggest that you tell new subscribers to this thread that bring up issues that have already been asked of, and answered by, you to read the thread to find the answer they seek, or use the search function ?
I only suggest this as a way to better manage your time, so that you can deal with new subjects, or put your time to better use. Just my 2 cents.
@Jab said: I have no idea what is happening here, but this seems like an offtopic and nothing VirMach related.
Mods please ban /s
I am glad you included a /s tag. I was getting ready to ban 50% of the members.
@Chisato just as an FYI. Use of this forum by children under 14 years old is a violation of the TOS.
@Chisatoregarding this there is a reason why there are not a hundred overly specific rules here at LES. Our founder Anthony was a pretty smart guy and knew that overly specific rules could be circumvented by meeting the letter, but not the spirit of the rule. Instead rule number one "Don't be a Dick" was implemented to be a catch all for negative behavior and give members a pretty clear understanding that good behavior was expected, and moderators the latitude to handle different situations as they came up.
You've been making plenty of negative comments about VirMach and considering the subject of this thread that is fine. I think maybe you are becoming a bit redundant by covering subjects that have already been covered previously in this thread. Obviously in @AuroraZero and some other members minds that crosses the "Dick" line. Try to be aware that this is a community of members and you could consider their opinion in your actions.
“Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.” IMO would imply balance, would you consider your comment history balanced ?
Don't take my comments above as a moderator action, just some thoughts from another member of the same community.
EDIT: Just in case it comes up later...
I am seeing taizi, shallow, and Flying_Chinaman comments above as poking fun at racist comments and not as actual racist comments.
You got me all excited because I took this gif as "The migration button is functional again". After checking that it still does not work, I am disappointed, and have taken my "thanks" back.
You got me all excited because I took this gif as "The migration button is functional again". After checking that it still does not work, I am disappointed, and have taken my "thanks" back.
@FrankZ said: @VirMach instead of repeating yourself may I suggest that you tell new subscribers to this thread that bring up issues that have already been asked of, and answered by, you to read the thread to find the answer they seek, or use the search function ?
I only suggest this as a way to better manage your time, so that you can deal with new subjects, or put your time to better use. Just my 2 cents.
I've kind of thrown in the towel a bit when it comes to that.
And I'm not singling anyone out here, just a general thing I've noticed about human nature. Telling them to find it means they'll get upset, confused, stick around longer, keep asking, and create more trouble. Not that I'm doing it to prevent that or for good PR, sometimes it's just faster to write it all out again.
Like I answered maybe 100 plus tickets so far today and I provide full answers slightly tailored to the person's situation because it's faster than linking Knowledgebase even though I've written it out thousands of times and it's there, and it shows up when you're making a ticket, etc. That's basically most tickets. It kind of sucks for everyone I guess in that situation because if we don't answer or mark it as Knowledgebase, there's a lot of those cases that end up with "my service has been offline for 6 months, I hate VirMach, they scammed me." For example one guy today had several tickets, a few marked knowledgebase, a few merged, a lot of complaining, closed out tickets, and ended up in that rabbit hole. All it would have taken for him to be able to use his service in this case was referring to the knowledgebase or whatever, let's not get too into it because I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the customer. Point is, let's say we're at fault here, it could have been prevented if I just wrote out the same reply for the 1000th time. All he needed was an OS install. (edit) Just to be very clear, it's exactly what I stated, as in he literally needed to install an OS. Nothing weird going on. Just an OS was never installed. (edit2) and just in case the other guy that also was in a 6 month scenario reads this and thinks I'm leaving out details, no, not you, it was someone else that I'm describing here. (edit3) Some similar variants to this would be 256-384MB plans going into kernel panic, people not knowing how to reset passwords, people mounting an ISO and confused on why VPS is offline, people putting it into rescue mode (maybe fat finger?) or resetting KVM password instead of root password, stuff like that. If we just say refer to knowledgebase (or even link the exact article), it leads to a lot of bad situations. And of course by default if we don't provide quick support since they created a ticket for something in the wrong department that's already on the knowledgebase and on the steps for creating the ticket, default bad situation if they do nothing about it.
(edit4) I'll end this by admitting fault here. This is where support has definitely fallen short, no matter what, after we got rid of outsourced support. Because I'm willing to stay up 3 days in a row and work on some complicated server problem but I just cannot be a knowledgebase robot, and I'm trying to be a big boy and provide a human touch by answering everyone over and over again.
(edit5) This doesn't mean I can keep up with that forever. Let's definitely establish that it's obviously still best to learn basic functions and search knowledgebase or read/search for answers for basic stuff. Anyway I feel like this skewed a lot toward the tickets so to bring it back, it's probably a lot easier to expect people to do that than find an answer to something over a dozen threads that are hundreds of pages. So I probably don't mind answering people here more than once in some cases if I'm doing it as part of a break. Remember, I love typing essays.
@VirMach said: And I'm not singling anyone out here, just a general thing I've noticed about human nature. Telling them to find it means they'll get upset, confused, stick around longer, keep asking, and create more trouble. Not that I'm doing it to prevent that or for good PR, sometimes it's just faster to write it all out again.
I have noticed this in other areas I moderate, that users would rather spend 1-5 minute writing up a question that was answered just above theirs, because it is easier to ask than it is to read. it is a shame, because they will only accept an answer directed right at them, and not a general answer that would of answered the question anyway.
I still wonder if I should close the open ticket and create a new with the same info + a sentence about what might have happened ... 🤔😅
Aha, I got you, thanks for your answer.
Just need invoice ID and transaction IDs so we can locate the one that didn't go through and refund it.
Ah, cool, it's all in the ticket.
Hi @Virmach, the SSL certificate of speedtest.virmach.com and most of your looking glass, has expired for a while now. This should have been a trivial issue since HTTP works fine.
However, there is an highly clickable, enticing "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form, and a modern web browser will actively reject to load misconfigured external HTTPS content. What should have been anticipated by your potential new customers is now replaced with a yellow warning sign given by their browser. This might be deemed as a red flag, discourages buying inclination and harms your brand image/credibility.
The logic is simple: If a VPS provider doesn't care about and actively monitor the experience of the order process, as it's their primary source of revenue, and fails to properly configure certbot/acme.sh(It's dead simple as I can do that at 12yo), their professionalism is doubtful, your potential new customer might wondering if you have the expertise to deliver a stable, usable VPS.
You would definitely witness a sales increase, if you either fix the SSL or remove the "Test Speed" button™ at your order location selection form.
edit: Although it might seem to some people with prejudice as I came here for "instigate" again, I post these words out of good will, since I have some of the craziest deadpooling BF deal of Virmach for years, and I wish they were in better financial shape.
That explains a whole lot the last few days. Anyone with a cartoon female child avatar is suspect in my books.
Anyone with a cartoon female child avatar is most likely a ACG enthusiast.
ACG is actually a pop culture among Chinese GenZ, like more than half of the avatar of my CS classmates are female character from anime/Genshin Impact/OC from Pixiv. I'm sorry if we ACG enthusiasts are suspect to you.
i am sorry if that is the case in your class.
Regarding the 12yo flame towards me, I don't get it, is it really that unimaginable for a junior middle school student(Just to prevent another flame, I enter elementary school at the age of 5, which is a bit early), to know basic Linux CLI, basic idea of networking and copy&paste command from DigitalOcean docs with Google Translate?
To get some real world perspective, here is a opensource JS library from a 14yo Chinese junior middle school student, which surpasses me in terms of capacity: https://github.com/fastjs-team/fastjs-next
Oooh colour me impressed. Is that why you think you're a know it all twat at 12yo? Congrats are in order Doogie Howser.
Congratulations on another step on your way to becoming a MJJ

MJJ racist to weebs ACG lover
though some of the MJJ is ACG lover
Ontario Dildo Inspector
I have no idea what is happening here, but this seems like an offtopic and nothing VirMach related.
Mods please ban /s
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Please ban 12 to 14 yo.
from google translate
Just to state some simple facts:
Hopefully not from children!
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
i have no idea on what you said but i can do this
Rule 1 don't be a dick. Bagging on one provider all the time = being a dick. That seems to be why you are here mainly to bag on one provider.
Try going outside and getting some air. Might do you wonders and you might chill out a bit.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Going to sleep. Good night.
I don't care if you hang in this thread for the rest of your life not the point at all and not against any rule that I know. The bagging on the provider is the issue not hanging out and chatting.
I have not looked but I am willing to bet at least 90 percent of your posts are bagging on Virmach. I have no idea why you persist, could be you think it is trolling. News for you bud this is not trolling at all.
As for the advice on going outside it makes no difference where you live or how boring it may be you sound like you need some air.
You can do as you please here just like everyone else, just don't be surprised when people get sick of it and refuse to reply anymore or help when you need it.
With that statement I am over it and will let you dig yourself deeper if you wish.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
I understand why this is superficially important and that it obviously makes us look very bad, but unfortunately I actively choose to focus on what I believe is actually important with the limited time I have available to maximize the positive impact for the highest number of existing customers.
These were set up with an open source auto SSL script, that malfunctioned. It's supposed to renew every 3 months, it broke. We do have paid SSL but I specifically set up free Auto SSL to avoid having to manually manage payment and re-installation every year, as by the time the next year arrives I have to go digging for all the configuration documentation and information, set reminders, and basically all of that has to go down perfectly which makes it a time consuming process when there's so many different certificates and webservers and it's not really a "primary" part of my workflow.
It's on my list, I've tried getting to it several times this week.
While this may incorrectly indicate that we somehow are too stupid to configure SSL, the truth of the matter is that these things were obviously purposefully rushed out in small pockets of available time and we simply cannot afford attention to detail for such things when it's required elsewhere.
@VirMach instead of repeating yourself may I suggest that you tell new subscribers to this thread that bring up issues that have already been asked of, and answered by, you to read the thread to find the answer they seek, or use the search function ?
I only suggest this as a way to better manage your time, so that you can deal with new subjects, or put your time to better use. Just my 2 cents.
I am glad you included a /s tag. I was getting ready to ban 50% of the members.
@Chisato just as an FYI. Use of this forum by children under 14 years old is a violation of the TOS.
@Chisato regarding this there is a reason why there are not a hundred overly specific rules here at LES. Our founder Anthony was a pretty smart guy and knew that overly specific rules could be circumvented by meeting the letter, but not the spirit of the rule. Instead rule number one "Don't be a Dick" was implemented to be a catch all for negative behavior and give members a pretty clear understanding that good behavior was expected, and moderators the latitude to handle different situations as they came up.
You've been making plenty of negative comments about VirMach and considering the subject of this thread that is fine. I think maybe you are becoming a bit redundant by covering subjects that have already been covered previously in this thread. Obviously in @AuroraZero and some other members minds that crosses the "Dick" line. Try to be aware that this is a community of members and you could consider their opinion in your actions.
“Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.” IMO would imply balance, would you consider your comment history balanced ?
Don't take my comments above as a moderator action, just some thoughts from another member of the same community.
EDIT: Just in case it comes up later...
I am seeing taizi, shallow, and Flying_Chinaman comments above as poking fun at racist comments and not as actual racist comments.
He's faking it anyway.
You got me all excited because I took this gif as "The migration button is functional again". After checking that it still does not work, I am disappointed, and have taken my "thanks" back.
sorry dear Frank ... i know how you feel
(added ) * TYOC007 - Broken reinstalls pending
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
I've kind of thrown in the towel a bit when it comes to that.
And I'm not singling anyone out here, just a general thing I've noticed about human nature. Telling them to find it means they'll get upset, confused, stick around longer, keep asking, and create more trouble. Not that I'm doing it to prevent that or for good PR, sometimes it's just faster to write it all out again.
Like I answered maybe 100 plus tickets so far today and I provide full answers slightly tailored to the person's situation because it's faster than linking Knowledgebase even though I've written it out thousands of times and it's there, and it shows up when you're making a ticket, etc. That's basically most tickets. It kind of sucks for everyone I guess in that situation because if we don't answer or mark it as Knowledgebase, there's a lot of those cases that end up with "my service has been offline for 6 months, I hate VirMach, they scammed me." For example one guy today had several tickets, a few marked knowledgebase, a few merged, a lot of complaining, closed out tickets, and ended up in that rabbit hole. All it would have taken for him to be able to use his service in this case was referring to the knowledgebase or whatever, let's not get too into it because I don't want to sound like I'm blaming the customer. Point is, let's say we're at fault here, it could have been prevented if I just wrote out the same reply for the 1000th time. All he needed was an OS install. (edit) Just to be very clear, it's exactly what I stated, as in he literally needed to install an OS. Nothing weird going on. Just an OS was never installed. (edit2) and just in case the other guy that also was in a 6 month scenario reads this and thinks I'm leaving out details, no, not you, it was someone else that I'm describing here. (edit3) Some similar variants to this would be 256-384MB plans going into kernel panic, people not knowing how to reset passwords, people mounting an ISO and confused on why VPS is offline, people putting it into rescue mode (maybe fat finger?) or resetting KVM password instead of root password, stuff like that. If we just say refer to knowledgebase (or even link the exact article), it leads to a lot of bad situations. And of course by default if we don't provide quick support since they created a ticket for something in the wrong department that's already on the knowledgebase and on the steps for creating the ticket, default bad situation if they do nothing about it.
(edit4) I'll end this by admitting fault here. This is where support has definitely fallen short, no matter what, after we got rid of outsourced support. Because I'm willing to stay up 3 days in a row and work on some complicated server problem but I just cannot be a knowledgebase robot, and I'm trying to be a big boy and provide a human touch by answering everyone over and over again.
(edit5) This doesn't mean I can keep up with that forever. Let's definitely establish that it's obviously still best to learn basic functions and search knowledgebase or read/search for answers for basic stuff. Anyway I feel like this skewed a lot toward the tickets so to bring it back, it's probably a lot easier to expect people to do that than find an answer to something over a dozen threads that are hundreds of pages. So I probably don't mind answering people here more than once in some cases if I'm doing it as part of a break. Remember, I love typing essays.
I have noticed this in other areas I moderate, that users would rather spend 1-5 minute writing up a question that was answered just above theirs, because it is easier to ask than it is to read. it is a shame, because they will only accept an answer directed right at them, and not a general answer that would of answered the question anyway.