cociu - - NETSILVANIA | Bankruptcy/dead pool?
Looks like @cociu might be in some financial trouble thus the downtime.
netsilvania/ are listed as being a debtor to GTS telecom with a court date next week. GTS telecom was his old upstream before he switched to single homed telia.
It also looks like his company has been operating at a large loss last year.
Financial details -
Court/debt details -ţii_generale
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Given their woefully shit service overall in the last few years I would not connect the above to current downtime as downtime is hardly an unusual thing for them. Not saying the above, whatever it relates to will not be a problem for them.
I would say that's not really a surprise, the prices of are simply too low and definitely not sustainable.
Didn't he say he was making money through a perfumery as main business?
knowing cociu for some years now, he must have an explanation, he always does
lets give him time to explain downtime first then the above website.
According to that website he is 60keuro in debt with only 700euro in the bank.
One looks like the official Romanian justice ministries website so is unlikely not to be the reason given the court date.
Hmm, isn't the downtime related to the 10G uplink upgrade he had/was planning? — Hosted on 🇪🇺 Scaleway Stardust with Native IPv6 | IPv4 Proxy, WAF & DNS via 🇳🇱 DutchIS
I also heard this. That the perfumes (and other goods) was his primary income that paid for the losses he made in the hosting business.
@MikePT did some work for @cociu if I remember correct. Perhaps he knows something about the situation?
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
having to fight in court over an old contract where some vendor still wants money that the other party refused to pay for some reason should be nothing completely out of the ordinary and more likely a risk a company of a certain size will take to fight for.
if 60k put his company at a real risk then it's either much smaller than everyone thought or he has other financial troubles already.
Why would someone intentionally want to charge so low that his "business" remains in continuous loss?
Recommend: MyRoot.PW|BuyVM|Inception Hosting|Prometeus
If I recall correctly his hosting Paypal account was cancelled due to all the chargebacks and he then started using a perfume company Paypal which is where that came to light he had that business.
He only ever offers explanations/promises and so on. Nothing ever improves.
Actually, it's been known for a long time that he's had a perfume company -- he's never tried to hide it. (Though it may have been news to some people.)
But there was an issue with PayPal + his hosting company, which is why he switched to PayPal + his perfume company.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
yeah he told that at one point... I wonder how this should make things better. it's a bit like filing for bancruptcy and having your wife opening/continuing the very same business under her name then.
I remember also that perfume name, but the last time his account was "SC Netsilvania Network SRL". His AS44220 and some of the net descriptions still name "Parfumuri SRL" asks me to disable my AdBlock... really, on a webshop? — Hosted on 🇪🇺 Scaleway Stardust with Native IPv6 | IPv4 Proxy, WAF & DNS via 🇳🇱 DutchIS
Seems to be no webshop any more, domain is parked and has some SEO sh*t.
That’s true, however it’s not the first time he switched carriers overnight. There’s a pattern there. Also, at least some servers appeared to have been moved from Oradea to Bucharest, which could be a sign. Maybe he was using GTS dark fiber in Oradea too.
Maybe both. Let’s be honest, I don’t think he ever sold a VM at the normal pricing. He always has some crazy sale and then there’s the ongoing credit offers.
Cociu’s services are good for what they are: very cheap storage boxes with no uptime guarantee. But you really need to have a massive volume to make that profitable.
Since 2019, so nothing changed.
shit. I didn't pay an annuals but recently did a top up. should I be asking for refound?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Raise a tiket
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Although I experienced many down time before, but I feel the end is nigh this time.
Action and Reaction in history
To much money on sisters???
(To soon????)
“Technology is best when it brings people together.” – Matt Mullenweg
I have a feeling it might be ryzen related
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
I hope that cociu pulls through this, but the present signs don't look especially encouraging. In particular, if it's true that his perfume business is no longer operating, this may be a worrisome sign.
"A single swap file or partition may be up to 128 MB in size. [...] [I]f you need 256 MB of swap, you can create two 128-MB swap partitions." (M. Welsh & L. Kaufman, Running Linux, 2e, 1996, p. 49)
It has surprised me every day he manages to survive to the next. I have long since suspected the double credits deals and other ridiculous offers are simply keeping the wolves from the door for another x period and then another deal does the same. Very pyramid-like is the way I have seen that operation.
Never used them and never would. Even today they still want you to agree to terms/conditions that don't exist.
Anyone with a server due renewal there?
Got a shitbox that is already a week over due date. No invoice, no nothing.
Not that I care about it, just wondering.
Me. No invoice, nothing. Actually the VPS went up after the due date too, while it was down for 2-3 weeks before.
I have never used them as well, his outlet always looked fishy to me because of consistently offering unsustainable pricing. If someone is offering good deals on BF/Xmas/New year/Eid/Anniversary that is something I can understand but with some hosts it is quite obvious that they are either running a pump & dump or pyramid scheme. But unfortunately in the LE* world, people seem to be always ready to fall prey to such gimmicks.
Recommend: MyRoot.PW|BuyVM|Inception Hosting|Prometeus
The very first red flag for me was the fact they were entirely reliant on the crazy offers. They are not some provider like say Prometeus that was already big on the corporate side but threw out cheap offers for everyone just to fill some space, in other words, they could afford to lose on them.
Not really sure many 'fall prey' to these gimmicks, they know fine well how absurd many of the deals are. They go in eyes wide open only to throw their arms up in outrage when it goes wrong.
Not suggesting they are Deadpool but it does seem suspicious that they had 'issues' with GTS and 'made the decision' to move to Telia now GTS is suing them for a 60k EUR debt. So it does appear that GTS was cutting them off due to unpaid debts.
He had a lot of storage servers, perhaps he moved it all to chia mining. It would make him way more money than selling VPS at a loss.