Sorry, haven't had a chance to review all the new orders here. I'm finally gearing up to recreate everyone affected on SJCZ007 and SJCZ003. It didn't help that the Tokyo maintenance was less than ideal, and TYOC038 has another disk having problems so that has to be queued for recreations as well as we can't handle all these at the same time the way we would like...
I promise I'm doing all I can all day, there's just a lot of things that need to be simultaneously tended to, as we do have timelines. Trying to avoid everything else from having a negative domino effect.
Just a ton of continued bad luck with this brand new hardware.
Some Updates - Providing them here instead of OGF.
Tokyo has two new servers online. Provisioning will continue but I may have to wait for our developer to come online as I want to give people a chance on the older nodes to create on these new ones to balance everything out a bit and also reduce ticket load. This way people that aren't satisfied with their node can have a chance to self-recreate hopefully.
Dallas has been available but there was an issue with creating old pre-orders, these will be processed today. I'll also run back and check all other locations on creations that may have been missed.
NYC Metro should be set up and available today.
Miami is finally being signed and hardware sent out soon.
Hardware batches for all locations are being completed in bulk and hopefully sent off by tomorrow. Re-evaluating storage nodes today to make sure we can try to send one of those out as well at least.
We just closed a ton of tickets related to accounts that are either [1] marked as problematic, [2] special offer related, [3] multi-account. We realize this may have some false positives so if you had an important ticket, please re-create it in the priority department. Otherwise please consider waiting some time to re-create it as basically 9 out of 10 tickets in this specific queue was just spam so we couldn't sift through them to get to the ones that really need help. It was causing a stand-still in our ability to continue processing the queue (things like asking for updates on pending order, people not rebooting or re-installing their VPS after interrupting the process, asking to be able to buy expired deals, the web VNC not working when any other VNC works, relating to network status and maintenance emails we already sent, migrate for free, etc.)
Will the early birds ever fly? Before allowing to rebalance and recreate i think it's fair to create the pending tokyo preorders from March to see light...
@VirMach said: We just closed a ton of tickets related to accounts that are either [1] marked as problematic, [2] special offer related, [3] multi-account. We realize this may have some false positives so if you had an important ticket, please re-create it in the priority department. Otherwise please consider waiting some time to re-create it as basically 9 out of 10 tickets in this specific queue was just spam so we couldn't sift through them to get to the ones that really need help. It was causing a stand-still in our ability to continue processing the queue (things like asking for updates on pending order, people not rebooting or re-installing their VPS after interrupting the process, asking to be able to buy expired deals, the web VNC not working when any other VNC works, relating to network status and maintenance emails we already sent, migrate for free, etc.)
You could create an "Unofficial Ask FrankZ" department to dump all the redundant meaningless tickets like this into.
I probably would not screw it up too bad. [Insert Evil Laugh]
My Order Number is:1416964,Please help me start the server
Order #561167
Please help me start the server
Please help me start the server - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
Please help me close the server
Please help me find the server
Please help me ship the server
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
404 Server not found
blog | exploring visually |
party pooper.
Please help me, server.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
My Order Number is:1415174,Please help me start the server
Please server help me
Please help, serve me
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
beef or chicken ?
beef , the top grade
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Sorry, haven't had a chance to review all the new orders here. I'm finally gearing up to recreate everyone affected on SJCZ007 and SJCZ003. It didn't help that the Tokyo maintenance was less than ideal, and TYOC038 has another disk having problems so that has to be queued for recreations as well as we can't handle all these at the same time the way we would like...
I promise I'm doing all I can all day, there's just a lot of things that need to be simultaneously tended to, as we do have timelines. Trying to avoid everything else from having a negative domino effect.
Just a ton of continued bad luck with this brand new hardware.
Some Updates - Providing them here instead of OGF.
Tokyo has two new servers online. Provisioning will continue but I may have to wait for our developer to come online as I want to give people a chance on the older nodes to create on these new ones to balance everything out a bit and also reduce ticket load. This way people that aren't satisfied with their node can have a chance to self-recreate hopefully.
Dallas has been available but there was an issue with creating old pre-orders, these will be processed today. I'll also run back and check all other locations on creations that may have been missed.
NYC Metro should be set up and available today.
Miami is finally being signed and hardware sent out soon.
Hardware batches for all locations are being completed in bulk and hopefully sent off by tomorrow. Re-evaluating storage nodes today to make sure we can try to send one of those out as well at least.
My Order Number is:1401352 and 1401436,Please help me start the server
Glad to hear that. I'm on Tokyo node 40. Will self-recreate a new one on a new node as soon as it's available.
I'm sure a ticket like "Move my VPS to a new node!" will be opened.
Work order
Written in barely understandable English using one of them duwang translator
We didn’t start the server
Disks were always churning
And cpu cycles burning.
We didn’t start the server…
blog | exploring visually |
We just closed a ton of tickets related to accounts that are either [1] marked as problematic, [2] special offer related, [3] multi-account. We realize this may have some false positives so if you had an important ticket, please re-create it in the priority department. Otherwise please consider waiting some time to re-create it as basically 9 out of 10 tickets in this specific queue was just spam so we couldn't sift through them to get to the ones that really need help. It was causing a stand-still in our ability to continue processing the queue (things like asking for updates on pending order, people not rebooting or re-installing their VPS after interrupting the process, asking to be able to buy expired deals, the web VNC not working when any other VNC works, relating to network status and maintenance emails we already sent, migrate for free, etc.)
Will the early birds ever fly? Before allowing to rebalance and recreate i think it's fair to create the pending tokyo preorders from March to see light...
When will the ryzen migration start again?
all stand up!
Will there be any bigger offers? 4+ cores ideally, for the Premium Idling Experience™
Invoice #1415174 , service always pending. Thank you.
Invoice #1416964, service always pending. Thank you.
You need service always pending?
You could create an "Unofficial Ask FrankZ" department to dump all the redundant meaningless tickets like this into.
[Insert Evil Laugh]
I probably would not screw it up too bad.