KivoBytes.com - Powerful Ryzen VPS at an affordable price!
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(Quote) Yellow, how are ya?
(Quote) I'm missing Asia from my collection still :wink:
Got one. Let's see how easy it will be to set up https://github.com/Ne00n/route-bender-4000
Glad to see you are back! How big is your commit with your ISP?
Home: (Image) Colocated: The home is running under the home NAT. And colocated server has /29 IPv4 + /64 IPv6
My Server colocated with v6node: # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2024-04-22 ## https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script …
Yeah, this is possible, as long as that $1.4 per TB only applies to the HDD disks, not the RAM or the CPU.
Exactly 1 to my Colocated Server. Its purpose is access to the internal network. Rest is just Keepsolid VPN that I got from stacksocial. Suits my needs pretty well.
@typicalGta get ur ass in here boiiii
Hey, We can handle this @ Crunchbits. Create an account and make a ticket (mention that you are from LES) [not sure if we have capacity in 1 server for 21 TB, but we do if you decide to split it into 2]. I'll see if Eric will allow the 2 weeks, but…
Part 2 Time E-everybody! FAT32-FDG1C5F8 FAT32-UE7T9FBH I'll upload some more in a few minutes! Hope y'all don't miss out on this deal of a lifetime with the 32.32% discount on the Storage Line of VPS
If y'all missed the sweet, sweet storage deal from crunchbits, here is your second chance: FAT32-DSHDO57R FAT32-JF91JSY3 I'll upload some more in a few minutes! Hope y'all don't miss out on this deal of a lifetime with the 32.32% discount on the S…
Hey [I'm not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice] So first of all, I'd send them probably some mail reminding them to pay the invoice (with a confirmation of delivery via signature) so that you can build up your case. As you may know, Germany is…
Why colocrossing is bad, and not allowed
(Quote) But does he have endless bandwidth?
(Quote) Sent him a DM already, with a WAY better price than that. Hopefully he takes it, as I also had some bad times, and having someone who will help you go through them is way better than trying to overcome them alone.
seems like self-hosted grafana would be the best here