All of you bitching about services (especially you @ForMat_eXt4 since you like to spam and make sure your name gets shown a lot) should think about something:
Even if you weren't one of the ones reselling (or haven't been proven as such yet), you have been affected by them. All of this extra work and headache dealing with liars & thieves here and in tickets has delayed YOUR service from working because it's taken time away from focusing on it.
So you should be mad at the resellers and scalpers and everyone using their services, they caused Virmach to take longer. And Virmach even offered to refund the most commonly complained about thing, the storage servers. And if you have used the scalpers / resellers / etc, well then you made your own issues AND made them worse.
If they didn't have to deal with your bullshit and the abusers bullshit, there would have been more time to put into getting those servers running.
I have just changed the email address on my account due to me having email providers like MailChimp and a few others to blacklist my email address.
As I have an old gmail access from like 2003/2004 and someone has kept signing me up to porn and dating sites and those sites would not blacklist me email address, so I did the extreme,
But I have a server setup with AnonAddy that I use for all my accounts now,
So Hopefully my account does not get flagged due to the mail change.
I still pay via paypal using my original email address, but I no longer get a lot of legitimate emails directly to my email without being relayed via AnonAddy.
If need be, I can PM or open a Ticket to let you know the account
Beating a dead horse springs to mind, with regards to these abusers/cheat/liars. Ban them everywhere, especially here, to prevent them spamming abuse and false commentary at Virmach. Guys, please start flagging their posts - pointless me doing it and looking like the old fart in the corner is just moaning again.
@Daevien said: All of you bitching about services (especially you @ForMat_eXt4 since you like to spam and make sure your name gets shown a lot) should think about something:
You've amused me by saying dirty words, and I won't talk back which will lower my moral standard.
What you've accused me of can be pointed to most people here, for example, the original poster: @Virmach, many of paid moderators. Their names appeared most frequently, and you may call that their job, duty, responsibility, or something.
Some victims are afraid of retaliations from VirMach, (e.g. account deletion) and there are huge amount of affiliation commission in their account. That's why they only complained quietly in Telegram Channels, but I'm, whiter than white, worried about nothing about it.
Reply to me with compensation scheme of down time cause by the Great Migration, any seconds?
If you think I'm too noisy, just try what most OGs have told customers:
> @Ympker said: So, my suggestion would be to just move on. Leave a respective review, if you must. But registering a domain just to badmouth a provider you've not been happy with is a waste of energy and money imho.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
What you've accused me of can be pointed to most people here, for example, the original poster: Virmach, many of paid moderators. Their names appeared most frequently, and you may call that their job, duty, responsibility, or something.
Uh, I don't see any moderator participating in the discussion?
Some victims are afraid of retaliations from VirMach, (e.g. account deletion) and there are huge amount of affiliation commission in their account. That's why they only complained quietly in Telegram Channels, but I'm, whiter than white, worried about nothing about it.
If they don't break any TOS, like selling the account, no need to fear for account suspension or deletion right?
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
1. You've amused me by saying dirty words, and I won't talk back which will lower my moral standard.
No dirty words used
What you've accused me of can be pointed to most people here, for example, the original poster: @Virmach, many of paid moderators. Their names appeared most frequently, and you may call that their job, duty, responsibility, or something.
They aren't saying the same nonsense over and over again, the repeated things are just in reply to your comments
Some victims are afraid of retaliations from VirMach, (e.g. account deletion) and there are huge amount of affiliation commission in their account. That's why they only complained quietly in Telegram Channels, but I'm, whiter than white, worried about nothing about it.
Read that line again please.
So if you aren't a customer, you aren't a victim either. You are the ones DOING the crime, not the victim of the crime.
Reply to me with compensation scheme of down time cause by the Great Migration, any seconds?
Once gain, you are NOT a customer if you are under someone else's account. No compensation is needed, required, or a right.
Virmach has however gone way above what they need to in the offers they've made. Far far more than other providers or basically anyone else would with all this BS you keep spewing. Since you can't actually take Virmach up on teh offer though and keep complaining, it means you are the ones doing the crime and can't verify. So once again, NOT the victim.
If you think I'm too noisy, just try what most OGs have told customers:
Perhaps you don't realize what the OG tag means. It means we've been here since the beginning. Meaning we were here far longer than you and the others that showed up to cry about your actions catching up to you.
I have just changed the email address on my account due to me having email providers like MailChimp and a few others to blacklist my email address.
As I have an old gmail access from like 2003/2004 and someone has kept signing me up to porn and dating sites and those sites would not blacklist me email address, so I did the extreme,
But I have a server setup with AnonAddy that I use for all my accounts now,
So Hopefully my account does not get flagged due to the mail change.
I still pay via paypal using my original email address, but I no longer get a lot of legitimate emails directly to my email without being relayed via AnonAddy.
If need be, I can PM or open a Ticket to let you know the account
I love my VirMach services.
We don't flag for email changes. Some people thought it'd be smart for some reason to change it back to the old email, maybe some weird plot by the scalpers to get access back to their account to sell again otherwise it makes no sense.
There's apparently some discussion on Loc and its so weird to read it like they actually have some type of believe that it works in not finding them or at least that's how I saw it with the poor translations. Anyway, assuming it's not actually caught up in any of the ways we did flag them and you don't contact us and get caught even if you did at this point, I don't see this being a problem.
If you're adding that on top of everything else then if you did it, it won't exactly "improve" any appeal. It'll do the opposite.
@VirMach said: All of these are yours. Make a thread on HostLoc refunding everyone who purchased from you so they don't hurt, but it definitely looks like you're actively using all of them yourself for some form of abuse to generate revenue.
[edit] My resource usage is low and I don't want me to affect other people. You should really check what happened to TYOC002s, I started reporting possible problems to you in late September, but you ignored it. However, my source of income is website advertising, not abuse, and you also checked my suspended server before, and as I said, it's used for the website server.
@VirMach said: Then you can make a spreadsheet with all the accounts, original payment, customer payment matching the date there was an account change, and refund that matches that original payment and communication for the purchase. Oh wait you're not going to do that and can't be trusted. All you were required to do is not lie on your abuse reports, over and over, and understand I was trying to help you. Maybe show people on Loc how you were told to cut the lies and just actually figure out what you wanted to do since you just go back to abusing on massive levels.
I will make a form to send to you and also please let me know how much fine I need to pay so that no one else is affected.
@VirMach said: You do realize you're the primary guy that started this wave, correct? It all started with TYOC002S abuse and it was impossible to ignore how careless you were being, then one of your friends on Loc made another arrogant move and he was directly linked with the other 12 accounts, all pretty much people that got together in a thread there I assume and thought they're about to pull off a sick move and those 13 accounts led directly to all the others.
So there's a reason almost everyone is so loud, rude, deceptive, and malicious. It's because they in one way or another associated with the least smart & most horrendous people on that board so they will clearly feel the most entitled.
@VirMach said: So go on, tell all your buddies on there what actually happened and what you did, and how miserably you failed them. If only you were capable of taking my communication seriously they'd all at least have more time. If you can get the people there to be more understanding instead of pouring gasoline on the fire, maybe something else can be done. But it does not appear that it can be a real option when there is zero effort on your part and from others who surround you.
I can post to tell them what happened between me and you. Obviously I'm not innocent, I'm the trigger, but you seem to have closed many accounts, even pending machines.
Okay since you insist, I'll look into all those accounts flagged earlier today for you. Don't worry, the pending ones we can activate and then suspend.
How are you still going to start off with "my resource usage is low and I don't want me to affect other people" after you were literally caught in 4K bragging about how high your resource usage was? You clearly are not interested in any way to not have all accounts suspended. It's apparently impossible to reason with you, and that's fine at this point but I must say, every single move you've made so far has been abysmal and made it worse and worse for you especially seeing how lucky you were with the numerous chances offered to be a decent person.
@edenten said: @VirMach said: Let me know if you want $25 fee to look into it further but if that was you it sounds like it's already been checked and proven as multi-account as well as potential Tokyo forced migration, no point in wasting your money.
I can be sure that I have no Tokyo forced relocation.I requested it through your migration button.Unless you have never added Tokyo to the migration.You can look at my dates. Is it the same as what you have set?
As for multiple accounts, I'm not really sure of your criteria.If it's because of the ip, I admit I'm using a vpn.If it's a problem with my profile. Like you said, I'm in China and it's hard for me to prove it to you.
As for the abuse that you say you are most concerned about, I am also sure that I do not abuse it, or even that I basically do not use it.
My suggestion is to handle the abusers.But you immediately gave me the death penalty.I'm sure I'll have the other problems you think I'll have.As long as you think.
Did you check the date for the button that adds "Tokyo"?This proves that I have no Tokyo forced migration.
@AlwaysSkint said:
Guys, please start flagging their posts - pointless me doing it and looking like the old fart in the corner is just moaning again.
So you're thinking three or four old farts moaning is better? ;-)
I'd happily see ForMat_eXt4 gone though since he's just trying to stir up trouble.
"Provoking troubles and stirring up quarrels", that's what I meant "pocket crime": sick ones would put everyone they dislike into it.
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
@VirMach said: Okay since you insist, I'll look into all those accounts flagged earlier today for you. Don't worry, the pending ones we can activate and then suspend.
You can go into my servers to investigate, they all have the same SSH passwd and port as before.
@VirMach said: How are you still going to start off with "my resource usage is low and I don't want me to affect other people" after you were literally caught in 4K bragging about how high your resource usage was? You clearly are not interested in any way to not have all accounts suspended. It's apparently impossible to reason with you, and that's fine at this point but I must say, every single move you've made so far has been abysmal and made it worse and worse for you especially seeing how lucky you were with the numerous chances offered to be a decent person.
I'd like to communicate with you over email to discuss what I can do.
@skorous said: So you're thinking three or four old farts moaning is better?
Missus has a vision of a table in the corner of a pub, with a pint & a nip sitting beside them, pointing the finger and muttering about the others.
That's exactly the vision I had. Occasionally laughing at something that nobody else gets.
@ForMat_eXt4 said: "Provoking troubles and stirring up quarrels", that's what I meant "pocket crime": sick ones would put everyone they dislike into it.
Sometimes I wonder if you're actually a bot. You make sentences like these where all the words are ordered properly but make no sense.
Hey now I'm not wishing death on anybody, even some asshole pretending to be me ( @skor0u5 ). Now if you happened to forget the URL to this board I'd probably do a little dance.
@VirMach With all the drama perhaps I missed it but any updates on IPv6 and/or IPMI for dedi's? Obviously there's other pain points at the moment, just wondered.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
@VirMach said:
I hope everyone appealing understands that we only did a small window for the checks/suspensions that had a direct relation to the initial 13 services, meaning when I look into it for free as a courtesy it means I see all the other stuff we didn't yet take action on and those will get suspended as well. Of course if it's a purchased account issue then it's in your own best interest to do that but I also see a bunch of people who have multiple accounts themselves that they self-referred and did a bunch of shady stuff on (as in it looks like it's clearly one owner with like 20 accounts) and that just means you're getting suspended on all the rest.
What you want to do is up to you but come on man. Just stop in that case, be smart, for your own benefit not ours. I'm assuming the cluster ones are actually just some of the scalpers themselves (so it makes sense since they screwed everyone over by making very questionable decisions.)
Alright let's do a little dig into this with @infplus
Immediately, IP used to make the appeal linked to two other accounts but maybe it's some public shared service so we'll double check them. Wow that's weird, immediately they also share another one that happens to be the same one, password changes, email changes. And then changed back because for some reason they think this is a smart move and throws us off or that we even used that as the method for flagging them down, instead all it did is send a huge smoke signal for everyone who did that.
Oh wow the other IP has other accounts attached to it as well, let's manually repeat and confirm this a few times. Wow really weird all these accounts really like using the same Ip and changing emails and then changing them back! They're clearly all different people that just decided to do that at the same time. This is so weird this one uses an email that has "infplus" in it, must be a coincidence.
A lot of these are already flagged and have been for a while. Must be yet another coincidence.
I'm interested let's use google translate real quick, surely I wouldn't be able to just plug in something like "infplus 滥用" and get a result. Wait, this is so weird.
No way it's the same infplus, I wonder what this thread is about.
Okay maybe someone just happens to use the same username and the same profile picture.
Let's search "infplus" wow this is a popular email to use, a lot of people like using it. They must all be different human beings. They definitely all like buying storage and special offers though. They also like changing their emails too! And using the same IP around the same time.
I'm sure this guy doesn't abuse though, he said so in his last post and said I could even check his one server on one account. Maybe we'll do that in a bit but this has taken like 5-10 minutes of work, so difficult, I'll take a break and check back later.
Hint: there's a reason I knew the first account was his and it's not because he told us. He's that obvious. I'm sure it was worth it to proclaim his innocence on one service on one account.
If you need more information, I can send you an email with the server I own and the SSH password, but please don't hurt anyone else.
@DanSummer said: In what universe is using 90% cpu not an abuse?
Thanks to the inspiration of someone on here, I've got folding@home running full whack on the AMS beta server, to stress it. Currently a Load of 1.1 (98% F@H process) on a single vCPU and a project completion of approx 11.5 hours. Normally, this could be classed as abuse, if not on a dedi or a VPS with dedicated core/thread.
(Project 18434, for anyone interested.)
Now where's Virmach got to with the Transfer coding project and the remainder of the 2G freebies?
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Maybe this is mentioned somewhere in this enormous thread, but I didn't find it in the last few pages... the LAX node that went down in June, my system that was there is still down, although it shows a new address and purportedly on LAXA011. Is this still the normal state of those systems? I can't seem to bring it back to online state anyway.
@jtk Last I remember, stuff was being moved off the hardware but there were issues slowing it down I think. If it shows as on a diff host now though, it should in theory work. Did you try vnc to see if it actually boots up? For example if you used networking reconfig but your OS uses something other than eth0 for a nic, it won't be enough to bring the system online with new ip. But if it runs, going in via VNC shodul let you manually reconfigure it
All of you bitching about services (especially you @ForMat_eXt4 since you like to spam and make sure your name gets shown a lot) should think about something:
Even if you weren't one of the ones reselling (or haven't been proven as such yet), you have been affected by them. All of this extra work and headache dealing with liars & thieves here and in tickets has delayed YOUR service from working because it's taken time away from focusing on it.
So you should be mad at the resellers and scalpers and everyone using their services, they caused Virmach to take longer. And Virmach even offered to refund the most commonly complained about thing, the storage servers. And if you have used the scalpers / resellers / etc, well then you made your own issues AND made them worse.
If they didn't have to deal with your bullshit and the abusers bullshit, there would have been more time to put into getting those servers running.
I have just changed the email address on my account due to me having email providers like MailChimp and a few others to blacklist my email address.
As I have an old gmail access from like 2003/2004 and someone has kept signing me up to porn and dating sites and those sites would not blacklist me email address, so I did the extreme,
But I have a server setup with AnonAddy that I use for all my accounts now,
So Hopefully my account does not get flagged due to the mail change.
I still pay via paypal using my original email address, but I no longer get a lot of legitimate emails directly to my email without being relayed via AnonAddy.
If need be, I can PM or open a Ticket to let you know the account
I love my VirMach services.
Beating a dead horse springs to mind, with regards to these abusers/cheat/liars. Ban them everywhere, especially here, to prevent them spamming abuse and false commentary at Virmach. Guys, please start flagging their posts - pointless me doing it and looking like the old fart in the corner is just moaning again.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
> @Ympker said: So, my suggestion would be to just move on. Leave a respective review, if you must. But registering a domain just to badmouth a provider you've not been happy with is a waste of energy and money imho.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
and i wonder how they got it
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Uh, I don't see any moderator participating in the discussion?
If they don't break any TOS, like selling the account, no need to fear for account suspension or deletion right?
So you handed over money to someone - but you have no idea who and no record of it ever happening - and you think you bought a legitimate service?
You're not even a very good troll. Just stealing resources from actual customers.
No dirty words used
They aren't saying the same nonsense over and over again, the repeated things are just in reply to your comments
Read that line again please.
So if you aren't a customer, you aren't a victim either. You are the ones DOING the crime, not the victim of the crime.
Once gain, you are NOT a customer if you are under someone else's account. No compensation is needed, required, or a right.
Virmach has however gone way above what they need to in the offers they've made. Far far more than other providers or basically anyone else would with all this BS you keep spewing. Since you can't actually take Virmach up on teh offer though and keep complaining, it means you are the ones doing the crime and can't verify. So once again, NOT the victim.
Perhaps you don't realize what the OG tag means. It means we've been here since the beginning. Meaning we were here far longer than you and the others that showed up to cry about your actions catching up to you.
We don't flag for email changes. Some people thought it'd be smart for some reason to change it back to the old email, maybe some weird plot by the scalpers to get access back to their account to sell again otherwise it makes no sense.
There's apparently some discussion on Loc and its so weird to read it like they actually have some type of believe that it works in not finding them or at least that's how I saw it with the poor translations. Anyway, assuming it's not actually caught up in any of the ways we did flag them and you don't contact us and get caught even if you did at this point, I don't see this being a problem.
If you're adding that on top of everything else then if you did it, it won't exactly "improve" any appeal. It'll do the opposite.
Okay since you insist, I'll look into all those accounts flagged earlier today for you. Don't worry, the pending ones we can activate and then suspend.
How are you still going to start off with "my resource usage is low and I don't want me to affect other people" after you were literally caught in 4K bragging about how high your resource usage was? You clearly are not interested in any way to not have all accounts suspended. It's apparently impossible to reason with you, and that's fine at this point but I must say, every single move you've made so far has been abysmal and made it worse and worse for you especially seeing how lucky you were with the numerous chances offered to be a decent person.
So you're thinking three or four old farts moaning is better? ;-)
I'd happily see ForMat_eXt4 gone though since he's just trying to stir up trouble.
Missus has a vision of a table in the corner of a pub, with a pint & a nip sitting beside them, pointing the finger and muttering about the others.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Did you check the date for the button that adds "Tokyo"?This proves that I have no Tokyo forced migration.
"Provoking troubles and stirring up quarrels", that's what I meant "pocket crime": sick ones would put everyone they dislike into it.
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
LowEndSpirit is most supreme.
You can go into my servers to investigate, they all have the same SSH passwd and port as before.
I'd like to communicate with you over email to discuss what I can do.
That's exactly the vision I had. Occasionally laughing at something that nobody else gets.
Sometimes I wonder if you're actually a bot. You make sentences like these where all the words are ordered properly but make no sense.
Hey now I'm not wishing death on anybody, even some asshole pretending to be me ( @skor0u5 ). Now if you happened to forget the URL to this board I'd probably do a little dance.
@VirMach With all the drama perhaps I missed it but any updates on IPv6 and/or IPMI for dedi's? Obviously there's other pain points at the moment, just wondered.
No, I do not allow that.
You bring drama here - you end drama here! We are part of it now and we want to know all the juicy details!
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
In what universe is using 90% cpu not an abuse?
Thanks to the inspiration of someone on here, I've got folding@home running full whack on the AMS beta server, to stress it. Currently a Load of 1.1 (98% F@H process) on a single vCPU and a project completion of approx 11.5 hours. Normally, this could be classed as abuse, if not on a dedi or a VPS with dedicated core/thread.
(Project 18434, for anyone interested.)
Now where's Virmach got to with the Transfer coding project and the remainder of the 2G freebies?

It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Maybe this is mentioned somewhere in this enormous thread, but I didn't find it in the last few pages... the LAX node that went down in June, my system that was there is still down, although it shows a new address and purportedly on LAXA011. Is this still the normal state of those systems? I can't seem to bring it back to online state anyway.'s current server hosting provider list
@jtk Last I remember, stuff was being moved off the hardware but there were issues slowing it down I think. If it shows as on a diff host now though, it should in theory work. Did you try vnc to see if it actually boots up? For example if you used networking reconfig but your OS uses something other than eth0 for a nic, it won't be enough to bring the system online with new ip. But if it runs, going in via VNC shodul let you manually reconfigure it
Oh oh~ What have I missed.
Always be impressed by the drama on the thread
Ontario Dildo Inspector
After left the shitty ColoCrossing and migrated to Ryzen.
I doubt whether there will be any more flash sales.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Gonna missing the old day: slacking off and constantly refresh the deal page during the sale
Ontario Dildo Inspector
@VirMach Request a $3 Refund

Virmach has gone personally to Shreveport to return the $3 but could not find cvbbn.
I think Virmach has been scammed by this customer for wasting his travel cost.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.