What you're requesting is not in any way reasonable. If this was directly based off an export of disputes and chargebacks, that means for the 200-300 that's already potentially up to $9,000 in costs the business has incurred. Now you want us to go through them one by one and compile information for everyone first, before collecting a fee.
That's not how it works. It's funny so far the only person that paid the processing fee was someone who knew they opened a dispute and then closed it, and we promptly investigated it, refunded them, and cleared their account. Everyone else clearly doesn't want to pay because they know the results won't come back with a refund, which is fine, but we're not going to dedicated additional resources just to appease people that have taken away the only thing ever given to us for a service which is the payment.
This is all laid out in our terms of service. None of this is a surprise. We even gave people a heads up, usually a payment dispute/reversal is an immediate suspension and I believe compared to many providers this by itself is much more courteous as other providers would normally just fully terminate your account without a suspension or notice.
Based on everything you've said in the past I think most people can immediately agree that you most definitely did open a payment dispute. In the future if you want to be taken more seriously consider not starting off by constantly lying in the past. And if you are innocent, pay the fee, have it investigated, and it'll clearly be returned if there's no dispute. Otherwise if you do not trust us to do that, then consider going with a provider you trust.
@Franzkafka said: Anyway,I won't pay the 25$.if you suspended my service again,I will file a dispute in PayPal.
You have a lot of guts, or bravery, and set a good example for every customer of vir.
Don't hesitate to request for refund, and I reckon that PayPal will make a fair judgement which maximises interests of both parties.
Also, don't forget to rate vir without bias on TrustPilot and promote your (un)happy experience in your native language on local forums or groups or social networks.
@VirMach said:
What you're requesting is not in any way reasonable. If this was directly based off an export of disputes and chargebacks, that means for the 200-300 that's already potentially up to $9,000 in costs the business has incurred. Now you want us to go through them one by one and compile information for everyone first, before collecting a fee.
That's not how it works. It's funny so far the only person that paid the processing fee was someone who knew they opened a dispute and then closed it, and we promptly investigated it, refunded them, and cleared their account. Everyone else clearly doesn't want to pay because they know the results won't come back with a refund, which is fine, but we're not going to dedicated additional resources just to appease people that have taken away the only thing ever given to us for a service which is the payment.
This is all laid out in our terms of service. None of this is a surprise. We even gave people a heads up, usually a payment dispute/reversal is an immediate suspension and I believe compared to many providers this by itself is much more courteous as other providers would normally just fully terminate your account without a suspension or notice.
Based on everything you've said in the past I think most people can immediately agree that you most definitely did open a payment dispute. In the future if you want to be taken more seriously consider not starting off by constantly lying in the past. And if you are innocent, pay the fee, have it investigated, and it'll clearly be returned if there's no dispute. Otherwise if you do not trust us to do that, then consider going with a provider you trust.
Well.So you still can't give me more details about my so-called " dispute" or something payment issue but insist on letting me pay 25$ first.I won't.You can do whatever you want.
@Franzkafka said: Well.So you still can't give me more details about my so-called " dispute" or something payment issue but insist on letting me pay 25$ first.I won't.You can do whatever you want.
Sure, just for you, I won't pass on an opportunity to continue publicly exposing your lies if it makes you happy. I don't know why you always think it would be helpful to your cause, but here you go. I don't even have you flagged but I can immediately tell who you are based on how you act.
It's so fitting how it's of course on another account, this way you can pretend like you did nothing wrong when the same PayPal account was used on all these...
01/28/2023 11:08 - Reversed - $25.00
March 13, 2022 at 10:57:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
March 13, 2022 at 10:53:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
So you literally have services you didn't pay for at this point, and out of everyone you're the one complaining the most about a $25 fee to get it sorted out. You're probably #1 medalist for MJJ disputer, go tell all your friends, they may be proud of you.
Looking forward to more disputes from you since that's your go-to for everything.
Honorary mention: you even disputed $0.25 "item not as described" on January 2nd because your $0.25 Tokyo promo didn't get immediately activated after you ordered it two days earlier, while we were trying to process the refunds.
Anyway I'm sure you'll have a clever and definitely 100% truthful response to this.
@Franzkafka said: Well.So you still can't give me more details about my so-called " dispute" or something payment issue but insist on letting me pay 25$ first.I won't.You can do whatever you want.
Sure, just for you, I won't pass on an opportunity to continue publicly exposing your lies if it makes you happy. I don't know why you always think it would be helpful to your cause, but here you go. I don't even have you flagged but I can immediately tell who you are based on how you act.
It's so fitting how it's of course on another account, this way you can pretend like you did nothing wrong when the same PayPal account was used on all these...
01/28/2023 11:08 - Reversed - $25.00
March 13, 2022 at 10:57:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
March 13, 2022 at 10:53:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
So you literally have services you didn't pay for at this point, and out of everyone you're the one complaining the most about a $25 fee to get it sorted out. You're probably #1 medalist for MJJ disputer, go tell all your friends, they may be proud of you.
Looking forward to more disputes from you since that's your go-to for everything.
Honorary mention: you even disputed $0.25 "item not as described" on January 2nd because your $0.25 Tokyo promo didn't get immediately activated after you ordered it two days earlier, while we were trying to process the refunds.
Anyway I'm sure you'll have a clever and definitely 100% truthful response to this.
You haven't disputed that one payment yet, sure. Let's see how it looks in a few days. Doesn't change the fact that previous payments from you were disputed. Anyway, have a great rest of your week. I've already gone beyond the level of support deserved in this situation.
@VirMach said:
You haven't disputed that one payment yet, sure. Let's see how it looks in a few days. Doesn't change the fact that previous payments from you were disputed. Anyway, have a great rest of your week. I've already gone beyond the level of support deserved in this situation.
No evidence,no dispute details.so you can say anything you want. It's Okay.I will report more details about What you have done to your customers.
How to measure IOPS/s for disk I got shutdown that on 2 VPS, have no idea why now, and how my app that run on it is optimized
if I run iostat -xd 1 10 i get: https://ibb.co/2dSpRkQ
@reb0rn said:
How to measure IOPS/s for disk I got shutdown that on 2 VPS, have no idea why now, and how my app that run on it is optimized
if I run iostat -xd 1 10 i get: https://ibb.co/2dSpRkQ
If swap enabled maybe you can consider turning it off.
@Franzkafka Thank you.
Personally I don't know why you would want to stay with such a provider, given your stated experiences. Your post history of 83 comments is pretty much all about how much you dislike, or have issues with VirMach. You and VirMach go together like oil and water. My advise is cancel all your services with this provider, and don't pay anymore invoices. Your health is more imprortaint than a low price on a VPS.
@FrankZ said: @Franzkafka Thank you.
Personally I don't know why you would want to stay with such a provider, given your stated experiences. Your post history of 83 comments is pretty much all about how much you dislike, or have issues with VirMach. You and VirMach go together like oil and water. My advise is cancel all your services with this provider, and don't pay anymore invoices. Your health is more imprortaint than a low price on a VPS.
I agree.But I have to let more people know how awful Virmach's service is.So I came here.
I expect you are correct, VirMach does not care. VirMach has stated previously that he wants bad reviews. That seems to be his marketing angle. People find him because he is high profile due to all the bad review threads, then they buy sales offers because "For that price why not see for my self" or similar. Even the people making these complaints seem to have a hard time not renewing and wanting to buy more VirMach VPS. Happy customers do not seem to make review threads.
There is a long running public/indexed VirMach thread in the "Reviews" section that people can make their VirMach views known. By opening new threads to "let more people know how awful Virmach's service is" I expect people are unwittingly just doing his marketing for him.
@reb0rn said:
How to measure IOPS/s for disk I got shutdown that on 2 VPS, have no idea why now, and how my app that run on it is optimized
if I run iostat -xd 1 10 i get: https://ibb.co/2dSpRkQ
The screenshot provided doesn't represent good results. I believe the first line is the one that shows your averages from since it's booted up, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as we don't generally use iostat for the averages. That doesn't matter too much, since the results are per second anyway. But the answer to your question is what you're doing is the perfect way of measuring it.
It's showing 10MB/s in reads and writes which could by itself be fine but rareq-sz and wareq-sz are 84 and 43, which is average size in KB of the requests issued. So 84KB and 43KB. This makes the 10MB/s read and write much more intensive. So if we're trying to measure IOPS, this is oversimplifying it and it's not how it actually works but you can do 10MB+10MB = 20MB, divided by (84+43)/2 (the average of the two, for a quick ballpark measurement.)
So 20,000KB/63.5KB = 315.
It'd have to do about 315 requests of that size per second to be able to do 20MB per second.
Remember though, I said this is oversimplifying. It's not actually how it works but it gets you a close enough number even though the methodology is incorrect. But I actually said you should do it this way for a reason, to provide a better understanding of what it all means. If you want to measure your IOPS, the simpler way to do it is to look at the "r/s" and "w/s" columns. So that's 111 and 231, for a total of 342 which is very close to the other method we just used to measure it.
There's a final column that I don't believe I see on your readouts, perhaps because it counts the actual transfers per second issued to the physical device, and this happens outside of virtualization. Because the actual impact doesn't necessarily end up being 342, it can somewhat be combined to a degree in a more efficient manner. In any case, the IOPS is the 342 number.
Now, the most alarming thing in that image is the %util
Which is:
Percentage of elapsed time during which I/O requests were issued to the device (bandwidth utilization for the device)
This more effectively measures your impact in a simple way. If it's 29.01% then that's really high.
The rest of your readouts for the time intervals you put are all over the lace but not quite as high as the average at the top which tells me it's possible that once in a while it's going really really high, if it's averaging out to that level. This ends up being even worse since it could mean for example for 10 or 20 minutes you could be doing way more and then other times less.
More bursty = bottleneck points, impacting others.
Short answer: your screenshot shows you the operations that you can add up as well as other important information showing why it's too high. 20MB/s at average 60KB is really intensive on the disk, and this shows on the utilization column. This could of course be fine if this was on your computer at home, but you don't have a full disk to yourself and therefore the amount is too high for your chunk.
(edit) One cool part with iostat is that it's more granular so if you actually look at it longer you can come to a more precise conclusion than the above. For example, your spikes seem to be happening when it's a bunch of rareq-sz of 4KB, so random reads are most likely what's causing your issue. Whatever you're running that could be related to small random reads. The writes seem fine, in that image in the way they happen.
This last part won't be helpful in understanding why our system is detecting you as it wouldn't go that granular, but more on fixing the underlying problem.
@vyas said: Moderators may I know why we have a separate bitch and moan Virmach thread when there is already a must a threat where people can complain ??
You are right of course, this thread subject is a duplicate of the thread you mentioned. I have no excuse for not merging this thread with the other one when I first saw it. Bad Moderator, bad. I will merge them now.
@vyas said:
Moderators may I know why we have a separate bitch and moan Virmach thread when there is already a must a threat where people can complain ??
@Franzkafka is back... after his 'last', "last" and then last ticket. Again, back. Stockholm syndrome.
Funny thing - guy haven't bought any VPS from VirMach according to his PayPal from 2021 to now - one for 0.25$ in December (trying again....) that was refunded and now this 8.88$ in March 2023 (trying again again)... but we all have seen him here BEFORE December so he must have some services, right?
@Jab said: @Franzkafka is back... after his 'last', "last" and then last ticket. Again, back. Stockholm syndrome.
Funny thing - guy haven't bought any VPS from VirMach according to his PayPal from 2021 to now - one for 0.25$ in December (trying again....) that was refunded and now this 8.88$ in March 2023 (trying again again)... but we all have seen him here BEFORE December so he must have some services, right?
So yes, it wasn't him with that chargeback/dispute ]:->
HINT: Contact your scalper for 25$.
Also what do you think about just moving on and not using VirMach services - it's gonna be very good for your mental health.
So why Virmach restore my service and issue a invoice to notify me?Why didn't reject my payment when I pay it?Why should I pay 25$ for the investigation although I provide details in my ticket? I am here to report what Virmach had done to their Customers. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself.Just a puppy of Virmach.
@Franzkafka said: I am here to report what Virmach had done to Customers. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself.Just a puppy of Virmach.
I am here to report what Customers had done to VirMach. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself. Just a puppy of /damn, I have nothing good here, let's leave it empty/.
Just filling blanks in your story that you totally, by coincide left empty - the fact that you had account(s)/service(s) bought via scalpers/shady people. The fact that (most likely?) they did dispute and you totally forgot to mention things like that when Frank asked you if you ever disputed a payment.
@VirMach said: It's showing 10MB/s in reads and writes which could by itself be fine but rareq-sz and wareq-sz are 84 and 43, which is average size in KB of the requests issued. So 84KB and 43KB. This makes the 10MB/s read and write much more intensive. So if we're trying to measure IOPS, this is oversimplifying it and it's not how it actually works but you can do 10MB+10MB = 20MB, divided by (84+43)/2 (the average of the two, for a quick ballpark measurement.)
So 20,000KB/63.5KB = 315.
It'd have to do about 315 requests of that size per second to be able to do 20MB per second.
Isn't this just w/s (231.65) and r/s? (111.49) combined?
r/s The number (after merges) of read requests
completed per second for the device.
w/s The number (after merges) of write requests
completed per second for the device.
@Franzkafka said: I am here to report what Virmach had done to Customers. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself.Just a puppy of Virmach.
I am here to report what Customers had done to VirMach. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself. Just a puppy of /damn, I have nothing good here, let's leave it empty/.
Just filling blanks in your story that you totally, by coincide left empty - the fact that you had account(s)/service(s) bought via scalpers/shady people. The fact that (most likely?) they did dispute and you totally forgot to mention things like that when Frank asked you if you ever disputed a payment.
Now that they restored my service and issue a invoice and accept my payment, it indicates that they accept me as their legal customers.And I paid Virmach by my own PayPal account,no dispute,no charge back.I provide my proof in my tickets and here. While Virmach not. It's the problem.
What you're requesting is not in any way reasonable. If this was directly based off an export of disputes and chargebacks, that means for the 200-300 that's already potentially up to $9,000 in costs the business has incurred. Now you want us to go through them one by one and compile information for everyone first, before collecting a fee.
That's not how it works. It's funny so far the only person that paid the processing fee was someone who knew they opened a dispute and then closed it, and we promptly investigated it, refunded them, and cleared their account. Everyone else clearly doesn't want to pay because they know the results won't come back with a refund, which is fine, but we're not going to dedicated additional resources just to appease people that have taken away the only thing ever given to us for a service which is the payment.
This is all laid out in our terms of service. None of this is a surprise. We even gave people a heads up, usually a payment dispute/reversal is an immediate suspension and I believe compared to many providers this by itself is much more courteous as other providers would normally just fully terminate your account without a suspension or notice.
Based on everything you've said in the past I think most people can immediately agree that you most definitely did open a payment dispute. In the future if you want to be taken more seriously consider not starting off by constantly lying in the past. And if you are innocent, pay the fee, have it investigated, and it'll clearly be returned if there's no dispute. Otherwise if you do not trust us to do that, then consider going with a provider you trust.
You have a lot of guts, or bravery, and set a good example for every customer of vir.
Don't hesitate to request for refund, and I reckon that PayPal will make a fair judgement which maximises interests of both parties.
Also, don't forget to rate vir without bias on TrustPilot and promote your (un)happy experience in your native language on local forums or groups or social networks.
MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V
Well.So you still can't give me more details about my so-called " dispute" or something payment issue but insist on letting me pay 25$ first.I won't.You can do whatever you want.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Sure, just for you, I won't pass on an opportunity to continue publicly exposing your lies if it makes you happy. I don't know why you always think it would be helpful to your cause, but here you go. I don't even have you flagged but I can immediately tell who you are based on how you act.
It's so fitting how it's of course on another account, this way you can pretend like you did nothing wrong when the same PayPal account was used on all these...
01/28/2023 11:08 - Reversed - $25.00
March 13, 2022 at 10:57:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
March 13, 2022 at 10:53:43 AM PDT - Disputed on August 9th - Reversed - $12.17
So you literally have services you didn't pay for at this point, and out of everyone you're the one complaining the most about a $25 fee to get it sorted out. You're probably #1 medalist for MJJ disputer, go tell all your friends, they may be proud of you.
Looking forward to more disputes from you since that's your go-to for everything.
Honorary mention: you even disputed $0.25 "item not as described" on January 2nd because your $0.25 Tokyo promo didn't get immediately activated after you ordered it two days earlier, while we were trying to process the refunds.
Anyway I'm sure you'll have a clever and definitely 100% truthful response to this.

can you tell me that whether I have a dispute against you for now.I provide my evidence,what about you.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
You haven't disputed that one payment yet, sure. Let's see how it looks in a few days. Doesn't change the fact that previous payments from you were disputed. Anyway, have a great rest of your week. I've already gone beyond the level of support deserved in this situation.
No evidence,no dispute details.so you can say anything you want. It's Okay.I will report more details about What you have done to your customers.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
How to measure IOPS/s for disk I got shutdown that on 2 VPS, have no idea why now, and how my app that run on it is optimized
if I run iostat -xd 1 10 i get:
Question @Franzkafka
Have you ever disputed payments to VirMach previous to the date of this thread ?
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
No. Definitely .I am glad to see that Virmach can provide more info about the so-called "dispute" from my PayPal account.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
If swap enabled maybe you can consider turning it off.
Their reviews are god awful...
@Franzkafka Thank you.
Personally I don't know why you would want to stay with such a provider, given your stated experiences. Your post history of 83 comments is pretty much all about how much you dislike, or have issues with VirMach. You and VirMach go together like oil and water. My advise is cancel all your services with this provider, and don't pay anymore invoices. Your health is more imprortaint than a low price on a VPS.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
From 2021.08.01~2023.03.22,all transactions listed.

As you can see,no dispute,no charge back. Nothing.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
I agree.But I have to let more people know how awful Virmach's service is.So I came here.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Aha, they deserved.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
It was disabled, memory use was no issue
Ontario Dildo Inspector
they do, cuz @VirMach doesnt care and some admin will close the threat sooner or later
I expect you are correct, VirMach does not care. VirMach has stated previously that he wants bad reviews. That seems to be his marketing angle. People find him because he is high profile due to all the bad review threads, then they buy sales offers because "For that price why not see for my self" or similar. Even the people making these complaints seem to have a hard time not renewing and wanting to buy more VirMach VPS. Happy customers do not seem to make review threads.
There is a long running public/indexed VirMach thread in the "Reviews" section that people can make their VirMach views known. By opening new threads to "let more people know how awful Virmach's service is" I expect people are unwittingly just doing his marketing for him.
Just my personal 2 cents.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
The screenshot provided doesn't represent good results. I believe the first line is the one that shows your averages from since it's booted up, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as we don't generally use iostat for the averages. That doesn't matter too much, since the results are per second anyway. But the answer to your question is what you're doing is the perfect way of measuring it.
It's showing 10MB/s in reads and writes which could by itself be fine but rareq-sz and wareq-sz are 84 and 43, which is average size in KB of the requests issued. So 84KB and 43KB. This makes the 10MB/s read and write much more intensive. So if we're trying to measure IOPS, this is oversimplifying it and it's not how it actually works but you can do 10MB+10MB = 20MB, divided by (84+43)/2 (the average of the two, for a quick ballpark measurement.)
So 20,000KB/63.5KB = 315.
It'd have to do about 315 requests of that size per second to be able to do 20MB per second.
Remember though, I said this is oversimplifying. It's not actually how it works but it gets you a close enough number even though the methodology is incorrect. But I actually said you should do it this way for a reason, to provide a better understanding of what it all means. If you want to measure your IOPS, the simpler way to do it is to look at the "r/s" and "w/s" columns. So that's 111 and 231, for a total of 342 which is very close to the other method we just used to measure it.
There's a final column that I don't believe I see on your readouts, perhaps because it counts the actual transfers per second issued to the physical device, and this happens outside of virtualization. Because the actual impact doesn't necessarily end up being 342, it can somewhat be combined to a degree in a more efficient manner. In any case, the IOPS is the 342 number.
Now, the most alarming thing in that image is the %util
Which is:
This more effectively measures your impact in a simple way. If it's 29.01% then that's really high.
The rest of your readouts for the time intervals you put are all over the lace but not quite as high as the average at the top which tells me it's possible that once in a while it's going really really high, if it's averaging out to that level. This ends up being even worse since it could mean for example for 10 or 20 minutes you could be doing way more and then other times less.
More bursty = bottleneck points, impacting others.
Short answer: your screenshot shows you the operations that you can add up as well as other important information showing why it's too high. 20MB/s at average 60KB is really intensive on the disk, and this shows on the utilization column. This could of course be fine if this was on your computer at home, but you don't have a full disk to yourself and therefore the amount is too high for your chunk.
(edit) One cool part with iostat is that it's more granular so if you actually look at it longer you can come to a more precise conclusion than the above. For example, your spikes seem to be happening when it's a bunch of rareq-sz of 4KB, so random reads are most likely what's causing your issue. Whatever you're running that could be related to small random reads. The writes seem fine, in that image in the way they happen.
This last part won't be helpful in understanding why our system is detecting you as it wouldn't go that granular, but more on fixing the underlying problem.
Moderators may I know why we have a separate bitch and moan Virmach thread when there is already a must a threat where people can complain ??
Is the plan to turn this place into mini LET for more eyeballs?
Do not get me wrong. I would just like to know the thought process because as a eyeball gathering strategy this is fair and well!!
Best rgds
blog | exploring visually |
You are right of course, this thread subject is a duplicate of the thread you mentioned. I have no excuse for not merging this thread with the other one when I first saw it. Bad Moderator, bad. I will merge them now.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
On that thought, should we have dedicated threads like virmach's for other providers as well?
@Franzkafka is back... after his 'last', "last" and then
ticket. Again, back. Stockholm syndrome.Funny thing - guy haven't bought any VPS from VirMach according to his PayPal from 2021 to now - one for 0.25$ in December (trying again....) that was refunded and now this 8.88$ in March 2023 (trying again again)... but we all have seen him here BEFORE December so he must have some services, right?
Let's https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/102399/#Comment_102399 oh...
Frankly I didn't pay you directly,no renewal and no adding funds.
So yes, it wasn't him with that chargeback/dispute ]:->
HINT: Contact your scalper for 25$.
Also what do you think about just moving on and not using VirMach services - it's gonna be very good for your mental health.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
So why Virmach restore my service and issue a invoice to notify me?Why didn't reject my payment when I pay it?Why should I pay 25$ for the investigation although I provide details in my ticket? I am here to report what Virmach had done to their Customers. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself.Just a puppy of Virmach.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
I am here to report what Customers had done to VirMach. None of your business. Don't judge me by yourself. Just a puppy of /damn, I have nothing good here, let's leave it empty/.
Just filling blanks in your story that you totally, by coincide left empty - the fact that you had account(s)/service(s) bought via scalpers/shady people. The fact that (most likely?) they did dispute and you totally forgot to mention things like that when Frank asked you if you ever disputed a payment.
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Isn't this just
(231.65) andr/s
? (111.49) combined?Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Now that they restored my service and issue a invoice and accept my payment, it indicates that they accept me as their legal customers.And I paid Virmach by my own PayPal account,no dispute,no charge back.I provide my proof in my tickets and here. While Virmach not. It's the problem.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
No, it's not. You are the problem by buying from shady sources and then being pissed off when you get burned.