That’s on the server right? So there’s this thing. If the account has no entry in /etc/shadow, DA gives a “disabled” error on login. If Jay has the ability to reset a DA password in his billing system that a user can press, this solves that problem.
If he doesn’t have that feature enabled, it’s more complex because DA’s password reset isn’t likely to get through thanks to what I’ve done to block the annoying LetsEncrypt reminder emails across the fleet.
When I was attempting a new migration method for the Lucy server to increase capacity and redundancy, I made a mistake that I had to email customers about (so really just the resellers themselves). The migration being experimental shouldn’t have impacted production, but the mistake I made did in fact do so. I accidentally wiped out most of /etc in probably the most incredibly bad mistake anyone could have made. I briefly, accidentally, reversed the direction of an rsync.
I had a choice between engaging encrypted backups with JetBackup or rebuilding it by hand. The backups were meant to restore whole accounts, I couldn’t very well just go picking through them without reverse engineering how their software functions or overwriting every account on the system from backup over the next 2-3 weeks (thanks, slow as shit backup software). So I rebuilt it all by hand in under an hour, everything but DA account passwords. Users have to set a password through the billing system. To date, resellers continue to reach out about this having not read the email I sent out. Many of their customers are still unaware, and I’m on the fence about how I can solve it further without stepping on their toes.
@AlwaysSkint said:
I wonder if @jarland will offer refugee transfers, for the ex-SmallWeb deals.
I'm starting to think that I should offer some refugee plans also, tho stealing customers from nexusbytes feels kinda bad
That last part is kind of how I feel about it as well. I wouldn’t do anything to step on Jay’s toes. As far as I know from writing this right now we’re in good standing on billing and stuff, but I’ll take a glance a bit later to be sure.
I think I can make sure everyone on resold email is fine, and I’m sure I can figure out a way to get everyone new DA passwords that needs one, and get them emailed out without stepping on reseller toes. Specifically in regards to this reseller.
I hate (Yeah, right) to be a dick, but this is the circle of life within Low end world, ain't it?
I specifically avoid any hosts on LET and LES for this reason.
Could easily throw some refugee offers up but I respect Jay and want to give some time for the situation to be rectified, and if it’s definitely not going to be rectified, then we can talk.
I am going to write a message RE SmallWeb and whether offloading that back to me could benefit Jay in his personal and business life, but at the moment I have no where to actually send that message where I can guarantee he’ll see it.
I don't have any services with Nexus bites, but I'm glad I don't either. I always had a bit of a weird feeling with his offers. probably something to do with marketing the term family. cuz 90% of the time family sucks. you just don't see it till it's too late.
I currently have the $3/yr Email Package with NB, can anyone recommend any other MXRoute resellers with similar pricing if things do happen to go south? - Free Shared Hosting in 4 Locations. fk ipv6.
@beanman109 said:
I currently have the $3/yr Email Package with NB, can anyone recommend any other MXRoute resellers with similar pricing if things do happen to go south?
Give me a bit to see if this is something I can negotiate a smooth plan for. I can confirm that it's all in good standing and there's no current risk of MXroute suspending/terminating NB customers.
@beanman109 said:
I currently have the $3/yr Email Package with NB, can anyone recommend any other MXRoute resellers with similar pricing if things do happen to go south?
Give me a bit to see if this is something I can negotiate a smooth plan for. I can confirm that it's all in good standing and there's no current risk of MXroute suspending/terminating NB customers.
I would also wish to migrate if possible. I got 2 MXRoute plans with SmallWeb.
Could easily throw some refugee offers up but I respect Jay and want to give some time for the situation to be rectified, and if it’s definitely not going to be rectified, then we can talk.
I don't want to sound like a dick here, but I have to ask what you mean by "some time"?
Jay has been missing for what now, a year? Not a word, no explanation, nothing. Jord stepped up and kept stuff rolling, and big credits to him for that, without him NB would already be deadpooled.
I have nothing against Jay, he was always nice and friendly and with great offers. I was part of the "family" of happy users, and I still have some services running at Nexusbytes.
But still, it bothers me that a lot of providers here have been totally trashed and banned within hours or at most a few days when pulling stunts like this, but Jay has totally neglected every single customer for a pretty long time now and people still wish him the best of luck and no hard feelings.
Again, nothing at all against Jay, but this double standard really bugs me.
If a provider at this point would offer refugee packages I would not call it stealing customers, I would call it saving abandoned users.
@rcy026 said:
But still, it bothers me that a lot of providers here have been totally trashed and banned within hours or at most a few days when pulling stunts like this, but Jay has totally neglected every single customer for a pretty long time now and people still wish him the best of luck and no hard feelings.
Again, nothing at all against Jay, but this double standard really bugs me.
Maybe because this 'deadpool' was definitely not on purpose. It was not a 'run a few deals, grab some extra money and disappear' scheme. Jay has been (HAS BEEN) pretty verbose about his health issues, he appointed Jord to clean up for him. Though, where he is clearly at fault is just keeping silent all the while and from that you could tell that things would fall apart eventually. This was not sustainable. And when more services stop working because of non-payment and he still is incommunicado, I'm sure he'll get called out.
Could easily throw some refugee offers up but I respect Jay and want to give some time for the situation to be rectified, and if it’s definitely not going to be rectified, then we can talk.
I don't want to sound like a dick here, but I have to ask what you mean by "some time"?
Jay has been missing for what now, a year? Not a word, no explanation, nothing. Jord stepped up and kept stuff rolling, and big credits to him for that, without him NB would already be deadpooled.
I have nothing against Jay, he was always nice and friendly and with great offers. I was part of the "family" of happy users, and I still have some services running at Nexusbytes.
But still, it bothers me that a lot of providers here have been totally trashed and banned within hours or at most a few days when pulling stunts like this, but Jay has totally neglected every single customer for a pretty long time now and people still wish him the best of luck and no hard feelings.
Again, nothing at all against Jay, but this double standard really bugs me.
If a provider at this point would offer refugee packages I would not call it stealing customers, I would call it saving abandoned users.
Jay replied to me on Facebook messenger last on Nov 8. So from my perspective at least, he hasn’t been MIA. I can appreciate that his customers have a different perspective but as long as I can say he responds to me when I reach out, I can say subjectively that giving time seems appropriate.
I know you weren’t responding to me directly but it was an echo of my sentiment so I thought it worth replying. If I were a customer I wouldn’t speak the way I am in this particular post, but at least as a vendor in good standing I can speak this way and probably should.
That’s on the server right? So there’s this thing. If the account has no entry in /etc/shadow, DA gives a “disabled” error on login. If Jay has the ability to reset a DA password in his billing system that a user can press, this solves that problem.
If he doesn’t have that feature enabled, it’s more complex because DA’s password reset isn’t likely to get through thanks to what I’ve done to block the annoying LetsEncrypt reminder emails across the fleet.
When I was attempting a new migration method for the Lucy server to increase capacity and redundancy, I made a mistake that I had to email customers about (so really just the resellers themselves). The migration being experimental shouldn’t have impacted production, but the mistake I made did in fact do so. I accidentally wiped out most of /etc in probably the most incredibly bad mistake anyone could have made. I briefly, accidentally, reversed the direction of an rsync.
I had a choice between engaging encrypted backups with JetBackup or rebuilding it by hand. The backups were meant to restore whole accounts, I couldn’t very well just go picking through them without reverse engineering how their software functions or overwriting every account on the system from backup over the next 2-3 weeks (thanks, slow as shit backup software). So I rebuilt it all by hand in under an hour, everything but DA account passwords. Users have to set a password through the billing system. To date, resellers continue to reach out about this having not read the email I sent out. Many of their customers are still unaware, and I’m on the fence about how I can solve it further without stepping on their toes.
Do everything as though everyone you’ll ever know is watching.
That last part is kind of how I feel about it as well. I wouldn’t do anything to step on Jay’s toes. As far as I know from writing this right now we’re in good standing on billing and stuff, but I’ll take a glance a bit later to be sure.
I think I can make sure everyone on resold email is fine, and I’m sure I can figure out a way to get everyone new DA passwords that needs one, and get them emailed out without stepping on reseller toes. Specifically in regards to this reseller.
Do everything as though everyone you’ll ever know is watching.
I hate (Yeah, right) to be a dick, but this is the circle of life within Low end world, ain't it?
I specifically avoid any hosts on LET and LES for this reason.
♻ Amitz day is October 21.
♻ Join Nigh sect by adopting my avatar. Let us spread the joys of the end.
Agreed with @jarland
Could easily throw some refugee offers up but I respect Jay and want to give some time for the situation to be rectified, and if it’s definitely not going to be rectified, then we can talk.
I am going to write a message RE SmallWeb and whether offloading that back to me could benefit Jay in his personal and business life, but at the moment I have no where to actually send that message where I can guarantee he’ll see it.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
If you're looking to migrate UK VPS, we're with Zare (same upstream), so same network and DC. - Managed cPanel Hosting & VPS Hosting in UK
@Mason multiple locations are now down, requesting title update.
sed -i 's/Possible/Probable/'
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
@Jord ask employees if they have any access, or know his passwords
Crunchbits Technical Support, Technical Writer, and Sales
Contact me at: +1 (509) 606-3569 or
I don't have any services with Nexus bites, but I'm glad I don't either. I always had a bit of a weird feeling with his offers. probably something to do with marketing the term family. cuz 90% of the time family sucks. you just don't see it till it's too late.
Anyone with non-storage VPS want an alternative PM me your invoice and shit and I'll see if I can match it depending on location.
RackColo - Find colocation plans
Wish a provider would do a Melbourne location instead of a very common Singapore/Tokyo
Little demand + Expensive location = Unprofitable
RackColo - Find colocation plans
Why not Adelaide?
Looking for a reseller hosting account in US.
too much fritz and sauce there
I currently have the $3/yr Email Package with NB, can anyone recommend any other MXRoute resellers with similar pricing if things do happen to go south? - Free Shared Hosting in 4 Locations. fk ipv6.
Give me a bit to see if this is something I can negotiate a smooth plan for. I can confirm that it's all in good standing and there's no current risk of MXroute suspending/terminating NB customers.
Do everything as though everyone you’ll ever know is watching.
I would also wish to migrate if possible. I got 2 MXRoute plans with SmallWeb.
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
I hope you ordered your Chinese foods.
Oh, that's why mrvm's NY NAT VPS are down for some days... - Public DNSCrypt resolvers hosted by LowEnd providers • Need a free NAT LXC? ->
No hostname left!
I don't want to sound like a dick here, but I have to ask what you mean by "some time"?
Jay has been missing for what now, a year? Not a word, no explanation, nothing. Jord stepped up and kept stuff rolling, and big credits to him for that, without him NB would already be deadpooled.
I have nothing against Jay, he was always nice and friendly and with great offers. I was part of the "family" of happy users, and I still have some services running at Nexusbytes.
But still, it bothers me that a lot of providers here have been totally trashed and banned within hours or at most a few days when pulling stunts like this, but Jay has totally neglected every single customer for a pretty long time now and people still wish him the best of luck and no hard feelings.
Again, nothing at all against Jay, but this double standard really bugs me.
If a provider at this point would offer refugee packages I would not call it stealing customers, I would call it saving abandoned users.
Oh! no again... first Crissic, then VaporNode, now NexusBytes?
Backend Ruby Dev and Linux user
Poisson, is that you??
blog | exploring visually |
Maybe because this 'deadpool' was definitely not on purpose. It was not a 'run a few deals, grab some extra money and disappear' scheme. Jay has been (HAS BEEN) pretty verbose about his health issues, he appointed Jord to clean up for him. Though, where he is clearly at fault is just keeping silent all the while and from that you could tell that things would fall apart eventually. This was not sustainable. And when more services stop working because of non-payment and he still is incommunicado, I'm sure he'll get called out.
Jay replied to me on Facebook messenger last on Nov 8. So from my perspective at least, he hasn’t been MIA. I can appreciate that his customers have a different perspective but as long as I can say he responds to me when I reach out, I can say subjectively that giving time seems appropriate.
I know you weren’t responding to me directly but it was an echo of my sentiment so I thought it worth replying. If I were a customer I wouldn’t speak the way I am in this particular post, but at least as a vendor in good standing I can speak this way and probably should.
Do everything as though everyone you’ll ever know is watching.
It's not too late to order your pizzas.
You're not wrong. There's three types of providers here.