^ Same for me, but I have just finished radiotherapy and hormone treatment. So cold, coughing, hot flushes (seriously going through the menopause) tired etc etc. But laying in bed and automating the building of Virmach servers is actually beneficial !!!!
Keep warm and work on ideas to make maintaining all of your servers easier.
@msatt said:
^ Same for me, but I have just finished radiotherapy and hormone treatment. So cold, coughing, hot flushes (seriously going through the menopause) tired etc etc. But laying in bed and automating the building of Virmach servers is actually beneficial !!!!
Keep warm and work on ideas to make maintaining all of your servers easier.
Okey, now I am not complaining anymore, my life is epic nice!
Finished radiotherapy on 23rd and problems get worse for about 20 days before hopefullly getting better. The hormone treatment certainly has big side effects although some men don't get any. I honestly know what women go through now (with the menopause).
Catching a bug during daily radiotherapy has certainly not helped, but I am recovering.
But on a health note - All men over 45 should get a PSA blood test every year irrespective of having any symptoms.
Sorry to derail - lets just get back to Virmach and wait for the vicious dealers choce
@msatt said:
Finished radiotherapy on 23rd and problems get worse for about 20 days before hopefullly getting better. The hormone treatment certainly has big side effects although some men don't get any. I honestly know what women go through now (with the menopause).
Catching a bug during daily radiotherapy has certainly not helped, but I am recovering.
But on a health note - All men over 45 should get a PSA blood test every year irrespective of having any symptoms.
Sorry to derail - lets just get back to Virmach and wait for the vicious dealers choce
@msatt said:
Finished radiotherapy on 23rd and problems get worse for about 20 days before hopefullly getting better. The hormone treatment certainly has big side effects although some men don't get any. I honestly know what women go through now (with the menopause).
Catching a bug during daily radiotherapy has certainly not helped, but I am recovering.
But on a health note - All men over 45 should get a PSA blood test every year irrespective of having any symptoms.
Sorry to derail - lets just get back to Virmach and wait for the vicious dealers choce
Offer CANDLE #3
1 cores
13GB NVMe Storage
1 IPv4
5120GB Bandwidth
$70 per 2 YEARS> @ususk said:
There is no NYC only phony NY aka Secaucus, not even in NY like Buffalo
There is NYC Metro area though.
Nevermind just read Kris's answer it's way better than mine.
Hope I get 2.5GB RAM, 55GB disk, maybe in my dream.. no need b/w.
I'm curious to know about my Day 3 still. I'm not complaining. I joked about buying it to be annoying so getting trolled in return being last just feels fair. I am interested to see what happens though.
It's gone far enough and I'm not going to let this offer thread devolve into a LET like drama thread. @ususk can have his opinion, and @Kris can also. They do not need to agree.
If this needs to continue we have a thread for that take it there.
And then our San Jose is probably the biggest offender, it's actually Santa Clara, which is its own well known area, but luckily they do have an airport. SNU. No wait that's technically San Jose's airport.
Hol' up. So you're telling me that when people talk about death by snu, they're talking about people who died in the mile high club while flying to Santa Clara? TIL
@VirMach said:
Add another provider to your naughty list.
Is there some other kind of list, mate?
No IPv6 Hall of Shame by @yoursunny
On a side note, as a bystander I wonder if @VirMach going to reveal day 4, 5 and 6 box content soon? Day 6 oos now.
Day 3's are done outside of the four I have to wait/re-evaluate later. For reference, just so you know in case you're one of these:
Don't worry you're on a spreadsheet and I won't forget about you.
Day 4/5 have gotten their day 5 prizes. Waiting on their day 4 dealer mystery. I'll also provide some bad news, it seems like this time around the luck has run out, as a lot of them (maybe half) landed on servers that are almost out of memory and relatively high CPU usage (nothing crazy on the CPU, but high enough to where pushing them into something like 4 to 6 cores could be a problem.) This means those got the two "depending on node" resource changes of disk and bandwidth which I assume would be less popular AND it makes it more difficult to do the dealer's mystery for them since I have to keep that in mind now. It's also kind of weird because we already boosted the two specs most likely to be available and now we have to do something else, which just means making it more lopsided or assigning the least available resources.
I think this is the universe confirming I'm a terrible gambler and don't know how to do it. I originally planned to start with a candle #3 VPS and continue most of the other days if things seemed promising.
Candle #3 (ordered SJC): 3GB RAM, 2x cores, 25GB disk
Candle #4 (ordered SJC): 1GB RAM, 2x cores, 55GB disk
Last year's mystery box: 2GB RAM, 2x cores, 25GB disk
I'm sure they're not a bad value, objectively-speaking, but it's probably not worth me picking up more mid-spec'd idlers.
Now that I've thrown in the towel, I'm sure @VirMach will do something crazy and boost upcoming candles. I hope I can enjoy vicariously. lol
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
^ Same for me, but I have just finished radiotherapy and hormone treatment. So cold, coughing, hot flushes (seriously going through the menopause) tired etc etc. But laying in bed and automating the building of Virmach servers is actually beneficial !!!!
Keep warm and work on ideas to make maintaining all of your servers easier.
Okey, now I am not complaining anymore, my life is epic nice!
How you feeling?
Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.
Finished radiotherapy on 23rd and problems get worse for about 20 days before hopefullly getting better. The hormone treatment certainly has big side effects although some men don't get any. I honestly know what women go through now (with the menopause).
Catching a bug during daily radiotherapy has certainly not helped, but I am recovering.
But on a health note - All men over 45 should get a PSA blood test every year irrespective of having any symptoms.
Sorry to derail - lets just get back to Virmach and wait for the vicious dealers choce
take care and all the best!
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
That is rough. Wishing you a full recovery.
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
There is NYC Metro area though.
Nevermind just read Kris's answer it's way better than mine.
You tripping? auto capped at 128GB?
wild insane unpredicted
Wait... typo and not really 558GB RAM, right? that would be pretty insane and this was only supposed to be wild?
Who needs NVME if you can have a 500GB ramdisk!
No Ryzen support up to 500+ GB
I bought one 29th, was it day 3, 4, 5?
4 & 5.
Hope I get 2.5GB RAM, 55GB disk, maybe in my dream.. no need b/w.
I'm curious to know about my Day 3 still. I'm not complaining. I joked about buying it to be annoying so getting trolled in return being last just feels fair. I am interested to see what happens though.
dont say that
It's gone far enough and I'm not going to let this offer thread devolve into a LET like drama thread.
@ususk can have his opinion, and @Kris can also. They do not need to agree.
If this needs to continue we have a thread for that take it there.
Everything moved to this thread
For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at https://support.lowendspirit.com/index.php?a=add
Whoa, you're right! If you zoom in enough, you can see her having an orgasm.
Is there some other kind of list, mate?
No IPv6 Hall of Shame by @yoursunny
On a side note, as a bystander I wonder if @VirMach going to reveal day 4, 5 and 6 box content soon? Day 6 oos now.
Day 3's are done outside of the four I have to wait/re-evaluate later. For reference, just so you know in case you're one of these:
Don't worry you're on a spreadsheet and I won't forget about you.
Day 4/5 have gotten their day 5 prizes. Waiting on their day 4 dealer mystery. I'll also provide some bad news, it seems like this time around the luck has run out, as a lot of them (maybe half) landed on servers that are almost out of memory and relatively high CPU usage (nothing crazy on the CPU, but high enough to where pushing them into something like 4 to 6 cores could be a problem.) This means those got the two "depending on node" resource changes of disk and bandwidth which I assume would be less popular AND it makes it more difficult to do the dealer's mystery for them since I have to keep that in mind now. It's also kind of weird because we already boosted the two specs most likely to be available and now we have to do something else, which just means making it more lopsided or assigning the least available resources.
I guess I'll have to get creative with it.
Day 6 can now be ordered. Link if you have cache issues: https://billing.virmach.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=268
My wish came through...thanks @VirMach
I totally thought I bought a Day 4 / 5, well it was on that Day 4 even though it showed 3 afternoon Day 4.
Just realized I might have gotten another #3
So what is Day 6 flavor looking like?
I think this is the universe confirming I'm a terrible gambler and don't know how to do it. I originally planned to start with a candle #3 VPS and continue most of the other days if things seemed promising.
Candle #3 (ordered SJC): 3GB RAM, 2x cores, 25GB disk
Candle #4 (ordered SJC): 1GB RAM, 2x cores, 55GB disk
Last year's mystery box: 2GB RAM, 2x cores, 25GB disk
I'm sure they're not a bad value, objectively-speaking, but it's probably not worth me picking up more mid-spec'd idlers.
Now that I've thrown in the towel, I'm sure @VirMach will do something crazy and boost upcoming candles. I hope I can enjoy vicariously. lol
Seemingly one of mine got 55GB disk and nothing else (thought it was day #4, seemingly day #3 so your luck could be worse)
1G -> 2.5G
20G -> 55G at San Jose, pretty cool.
1 core?
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
one good core.