@Princeton said: This sound goods. I have placed an order using in house credit (which is refunded from a terminated server), but it's pending manual review in the ticket #215138. Do I need to submit anything for authorization?
Nope, and yours looks okay. It'll be cleared, you just have to wait.
If you want your info removed, go to your details and change it. If not allowed let me know. To remove email make a throwaway email, add it as a user, then create ticket to make it the primary user and remove the other user. Then use a VPN so your last IP that remains on the account isn't yours, and reply for us to terminate the server to leave no trace.
(edit) even if you lived in EU for GDPR, we're a US company, and even then, if we wanted to honor that law, there's no requirement to allow someone to delete another person's account. It's not yours to delete. If someone shows up and proves it is theirs and they're really concerned, maybe we'll consider something. We don't even have an agent so we're already not GDPR compliant, feel free to reach out to the authorities for that instead of the IRS like someone else mentioned because we don't owe any taxes. We haven't exactly been rocking it in the profits department with everything going on (not the measly number of services suspended or boycott, just the whole buying a million dollars of equipment and getting allegedly screwed over by a company that shall not be named part.)
I'm trying to make a list of all that's left before we can do the sale, let me know if anything's left out.
All tickets (and presumably issues but we'll also clean up any remaining disk/provision issues)
Adding everyone's additional IPs (part of above)
rDNS requests (already halfway done, just setting it up on SVM)
Giving everyone IPv6 or at least adding a button where you can request it with priority
Shipping off Amsterdam storage (can't promise not getting stuck @ customs, last time it was quick. Ooh EU storage special?)
Fixing/migrating any remaining nodes (mainly LAXA014)
Wrapping up getting nodes stabilized (probably send out some extra parts per location, and servers)
@VirMach said: Here, I'll promise one thing and make sure to remind me of it a week before BF: if the consensus is that we haven't gone everything stable & done, let me know and we'll definitely cancel the BF sale.
Basically this, let me know what I should add to the list above. All feedback is welcome. And I'll consider the opinion of every person who has a VirMach account (their own) in good standing.
please add --- provision those won the free 2SSD vps.
Literally no. Everyone who was actually keeping up with it and followed instructions in first batch got it, the second batch is such a mess. I promise it might come faster than your spin.
@VirMach said: Here, I'll promise one thing and make sure to remind me of it a week before BF: if the consensus is that we haven't gone everything stable & done, let me know and we'll definitely cancel the BF sale.
Basically this, let me know what I should add to the list above. All feedback is welcome. And I'll consider the opinion of every person who has a VirMach account (their own) in good standing.
Prepare for some new servers for the sale.
Don't sell too many in one time until all of them being stable.
You can sell them out easy even not at BF.
@VirMach said: It's a super obvious pattern and used in previous BF sniping/automation for account creations.
Understand why you suspended these vps.Most of them should have used the virmach.me account registration script that you used to partner with.So they look like one.But it's likely not a person's account.
@VirMach said: There's one other pattern I'm going after which was most of @infplus accounts and manually going through those as well. It's a super obvious pattern and used in previous BF sniping/automation for account creations. I'll reveal the queries afterward but this is something we were looking into doing anyway since last BF.
Probably better to not tip the idiots off too much.
Okay so update on this, the account list is huge, just finished running the query. It's all literally the same exact lazy pattern and we already have the list so I can reveal it now. Most likely it's what @yetopen mentioned except as I've said we never partnered with those guys and every time we were asked we made it clear to say we're not aware of that and probably isn't a good idea to register accounts using a third party site. And that's just basically the very huge part of them just phishing details if they want, then the whole multi-account issue, and so on.
So pattern is:
3 alphanumeric first name, 3 alphanumeric last name, 7 alphanumeric company name (just... why?) and country randomized between either some or all of the "A" countries. Address is also license-platey.
So yes we have a lot of weird license-plate name companies registered in American Samoa, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, and so on.
884 accounts. Plus one guy in China that thought it was cool to also use the same exact pattern, I don't know why. Like whoever coded it has never heard of using a word list/file in their introductory computer science course.
Unsure what to do with them, but less drastic than immediate suspension for any left over (unless linked to something else.)
please add --- provision those won the free 2SSD vps.
@nightcat said: Prepare for some new servers for the sale.
Don't sell too many in one time until all of them being stable.
You can sell them out easy even not at BF.
Yep, sale will be set plans, set quantities at a time in batches. They'll get sold out, we have a day buffer where we clear out tickets, then restock. And yep, if we hurry up with the rest of the stuff the plan is to start early November and end around end of year.
New servers already prepared, we're also putting pretty much all the money we get from the sale into more equipment and not pocketing the profits and have like a 1-2 year plan worked out (don't worry, includes keeping the power on.) This does NOT mean that we don't already have the servers for the sale, it's just bonus servers to replace the ones we fill.
We'll have enough spaces to fill in about the same as we usually would sell during a BF sale already, plus even more space is opening up from people that don't renew (which is a significant amount per year.)
Oh and Tokyo may be excluded until specific times and posted on thread instead. I'll try to do a little stock checker on main page so you don't have to click on everything.
Let's actually do a test run, I hope it doesn't count as us breaking a promise. 5 quantities each only to see if we can handle up to 20 of them and how long it takes so we can multiply it out. I'll specifically not check anything to make sure it's a complete disaster for the 20 people that do order to simulate everything going wrong. And also see how many go over the limit or anything shady that goes on, I'll be here to monitor it. I'm also interested how many order annual versus biennial, location breakdown, and how popular one plan is versus the other. (Oh no, what if no one buys it)
Transfer tickets will be done part of first bullet point for tickets. Transfer button being worked on but I don't know what'll go wrong, worst case scenario we have a basic version that just takes you to prefilled ticket.
Okay so far the order rate is 0 per 10 minutes. I think we'll be fine during the actual sale. 30 days * 24 hours * 6 x 10 minute chunks = 0 total sale volume.
@VirMach said:
Let's actually do a test run, I hope it doesn't count as us breaking a promise. 5 quantities each only to see if we can handle up to 20 of them and how long it takes so we can multiply it out. I'll specifically not check anything to make sure it's a complete disaster for the 20 people that do order to simulate everything going wrong. And also see how many go over the limit or anything shady that goes on, I'll be here to monitor it. I'm also interested how many order annual versus biennial, location breakdown, and how popular one plan is versus the other. (Oh no, what if no one buys it)
@ahnlak said:
Oof. No port 80/443? I'm used to SMTP being closed off, but ruling out web services too is ... kinda limiting
Maybe I should reword that or reconsider and make a more adamant decision. It might end up being $5 fee, might not happen, or might be just temporary block/unblock (edit) after X days or some other way.
Our new IP provider isn't as strict so honestly it doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. I'll figure that out, for the 20 people that buy these you can assume it won't be blocked and we'll figure it out for the rest before the sale.
@yoursunny said:
2022 Black Friday pricing guidelines for Ryzen/EPYC:
1 GB: $12
2 GB: $20
4 GB: $36
EPYC can have way more RAM, weird to do price guideline using RAM amounts but okay I'll see what can be done. Will @yoursunny be solely responsible for our BF pricing AND IPv6 policy?
@ahnlak said:
Oof. No port 80/443? I'm used to SMTP being closed off, but ruling out web services too is ... kinda limiting
Maybe I should reword that or reconsider and make a more adamant decision. It might end up being $5 fee, might not happen, or might be just temporary block/unblock (edit) after X days or some other way.
Our new IP provider isn't as strict so honestly it doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. I'll figure that out, for the 20 people that buy these you can assume it won't be blocked and we'll figure it out for the rest before the sale.
Do you get that much abuse from that? I (perhaps naively) assumed that web serving was a fairly prime VPS use.
Also, which of your locations is least ... troubled, in case I was to grab an offer
@yoursunny said: /special-offers is worse than this.
Annual prices will be skewed up no matter what because of the way we do calculations, biennial divided by two will be close. I have something planned which I can't disclose, in fact it's possible we move forward without disclosing it at all until the end of sale.
@cybertech said: US dollars is so strong now. can we have 2G at $18? lol
It'd be fun if we can do a sale where foreign currency gets accepted at the rate it used to be last Black Friday plus exchange fee. Maybe I can set that somewhere.
Ah it'd be too annoying to peg it to the buyer's country though.
@cybertech said: US dollars is so strong now. can we have 2G at $18? lol
It'd be fun if we can do a sale where foreign currency gets accepted at the rate it used to be last Black Friday plus exchange fee. Maybe I can set that somewhere.
Ah it'd be too annoying to peg it to the buyer's country though.
Soon,I am pretty sure.
💩:Virmach,Greencloud,Pacificrack really sucks
Nope, and yours looks okay. It'll be cleared, you just have to wait.
Right now? Assuming you pass auto fraud check yeah.
If you want your info removed, go to your details and change it. If not allowed let me know. To remove email make a throwaway email, add it as a user, then create ticket to make it the primary user and remove the other user. Then use a VPN so your last IP that remains on the account isn't yours, and reply for us to terminate the server to leave no trace.
(edit) even if you lived in EU for GDPR, we're a US company, and even then, if we wanted to honor that law, there's no requirement to allow someone to delete another person's account. It's not yours to delete. If someone shows up and proves it is theirs and they're really concerned, maybe we'll consider something. We don't even have an agent so we're already not GDPR compliant, feel free to reach out to the authorities for that instead of the IRS like someone else mentioned because we don't owe any taxes. We haven't exactly been rocking it in the profits department with everything going on (not the measly number of services suspended or boycott, just the whole buying a million dollars of equipment and getting allegedly screwed over by a company that shall not be named part.)
I'm trying to make a list of all that's left before we can do the sale, let me know if anything's left out.
Basically this, let me know what I should add to the list above. All feedback is welcome. And I'll consider the opinion of every person who has a VirMach account (their own) in good standing.
please add --- provision those won the free 2SSD vps.
Wishful thinking apparently
Literally no. Everyone who was actually keeping up with it and followed instructions in first batch got it, the second batch is such a mess. I promise it might come faster than your spin.
Prepare for some new servers for the sale.
Don't sell too many in one time until all of them being stable.
You can sell them out easy even not at BF.
No hostname left!
what is that?
Okay so update on this, the account list is huge, just finished running the query. It's all literally the same exact lazy pattern and we already have the list so I can reveal it now. Most likely it's what @yetopen mentioned except as I've said we never partnered with those guys and every time we were asked we made it clear to say we're not aware of that and probably isn't a good idea to register accounts using a third party site. And that's just basically the very huge part of them just phishing details if they want, then the whole multi-account issue, and so on.
So pattern is:
3 alphanumeric first name, 3 alphanumeric last name, 7 alphanumeric company name (just... why?) and country randomized between either some or all of the "A" countries. Address is also license-platey.
So yes we have a lot of weird license-plate name companies registered in American Samoa, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, and so on.
884 accounts. Plus one guy in China that thought it was cool to also use the same exact pattern, I don't know why. Like whoever coded it has never heard of using a word list/file in their introductory computer science course.
Unsure what to do with them, but less drastic than immediate suspension for any left over (unless linked to something else.)
Yep, sale will be set plans, set quantities at a time in batches. They'll get sold out, we have a day buffer where we clear out tickets, then restock. And yep, if we hurry up with the rest of the stuff the plan is to start early November and end around end of year.
New servers already prepared, we're also putting pretty much all the money we get from the sale into more equipment and not pocketing the profits and have like a 1-2 year plan worked out (don't worry, includes keeping the power on.) This does NOT mean that we don't already have the servers for the sale, it's just bonus servers to replace the ones we fill.
We'll have enough spaces to fill in about the same as we usually would sell during a BF sale already, plus even more space is opening up from people that don't renew (which is a significant amount per year.)
Oh and Tokyo may be excluded until specific times and posted on thread instead. I'll try to do a little stock checker on main page so you don't have to click on everything.
Let's actually do a test run, I hope it doesn't count as us breaking a promise. 5 quantities each only to see if we can handle up to 20 of them and how long it takes so we can multiply it out. I'll specifically not check anything to make sure it's a complete disaster for the 20 people that do order to simulate everything going wrong. And also see how many go over the limit or anything shady that goes on, I'll be here to monitor it. I'm also interested how many order annual versus biennial, location breakdown, and how popular one plan is versus the other. (Oh no, what if no one buys it)
Buy at your own risk. Price may go down and you might be sad that you bought it for more or it may go up.
512 - https://billing.virmach.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=212
1G - https://billing.virmach.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=211
2G - https://billing.virmach.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=210
4G - https://billing.virmach.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=203
Transfer button/provision.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Transfer tickets will be done part of first bullet point for tickets. Transfer button being worked on but I don't know what'll go wrong, worst case scenario we have a basic version that just takes you to prefilled ticket.
@VirMach ; FYI, i was the very first who commented for the free SSD, just didn't pm you soon.
i recall i did say i still want to kick your balls thou. Anyway , i will remind you on monthly bases.
It kind of bothers me how the links go 212 --> 211 --> 210 --> 203
VirMach: destroys the entire DB due to OCD
Same but I wasn't as mean as you.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Okay so far the order rate is 0 per 10 minutes. I think we'll be fine during the actual sale. 30 days * 24 hours * 6 x 10 minute chunks = 0 total sale volume.
Oof. No port 80/443? I'm used to SMTP being closed off, but ruling out web services too is ... kinda limiting
Maybe I should reword that or reconsider and make a more adamant decision. It might end up being $5 fee, might not happen, or might be just temporary block/unblock (edit) after X days or some other way.
Our new IP provider isn't as strict so honestly it doesn't really serve a purpose anymore. I'll figure that out, for the 20 people that buy these you can assume it won't be blocked and we'll figure it out for the rest before the sale.
2022 Black Friday pricing guidelines for Ryzen/EPYC:
is worse than this.No hostname left!
EPYC can have way more RAM, weird to do price guideline using RAM amounts but okay I'll see what can be done. Will @yoursunny be solely responsible for our BF pricing AND IPv6 policy?
Do you get that much abuse from that? I (perhaps naively) assumed that web serving was a fairly prime VPS use.
Also, which of your locations is least ... troubled, in case I was to grab an offer
Tokyo, we just got rid of a lot of abusers but if you don't want the $10 fee pick any location where Hivelocity may be possible, or xTom AMS.
US dollars is so strong now. can we have 2G at $18? lol
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Annual prices will be skewed up no matter what because of the way we do calculations, biennial divided by two will be close. I have something planned which I can't disclose, in fact it's possible we move forward without disclosing it at all until the end of sale.
It'd be fun if we can do a sale where foreign currency gets accepted at the rate it used to be last Black Friday plus exchange fee. Maybe I can set that somewhere.
Ah it'd be too annoying to peg it to the buyer's country though.
you might incur losses though.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.