VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 2023

    @VirMach said: .... So I probably don't mind answering people here more than once in some cases if I'm doing it as part of a break. Remember, I love typing essays.

    I surely would not want to infringe on your simple pleasures, given how hard you work. :)

  • edited January 2023

    @ruikno said:

    Oops, you got a new bad review now.

    Perhaps you've written some of those negative reviews too? :)
    Not sure why you think VirMach should reply each of your post or question about a negative comment on Trustpilot.

    Something fishy about all these questions.

  • edited January 2023

    @FrankZ said:
    @Chisato just as an FYI. Use of this forum by children under 14 years old is a violation of the TOS.

    Rest assured, I will be 18 this year.

    @Mumbly said: He's faking it anyway.
    @Mumbly said: since I have a bunch of crazy BF deal with him for years.

    Fake what? Like my parents would refuse me to pay some few $ invoices once a year using their Alipay?

    @FrankZ said: Instead rule number one "Don't be a Dick" was implemented to be a catch all for negative behavior and give members a pretty clear understanding that good behavior was expected.

    The P.R.C. have some similar vibe of crime/articles of law in place, such as "crime of picking quarrels and provoking troubles", implemented to be a catch all for negative, or even mild criticism towards the CCP regime, read some tragedy events this crime/articles of law can achieve at (w/ English translation) if you are interested.

    Would you say to have such a "catch all" crime name in place is good for people expressing their genuine will and freedom of speech?

    @FrankZ said: “Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise.” IMO would imply balance, would you consider your comment history balanced ?

    While it's not strictly balanced,

    @Chisato said: You are actually a nice guy, generous enough to support the low-end spirit with unsustainable pricing

    @Chisato said: Thanks @Virmach, for sharing and explicating these hosting industry insights and behind-scenes in detail for this community. What appears to be a dumpster fire is actually a combination of so many unfortunate factors and events happening at the same time.

    but I did have some genuine praises towards @Virmach.

    @FrankZ said: EDIT: Just in case it comes up later...
    I am seeing taizi, shallow, and Flying_Chinaman comments above as poking fun at racist comments and not as actual racist comments.

    What @taizi was trying to express(with poor English level) is that most MJJs from despise(he misuse the "racist" noun) ACG enthusiast. By showing the similar trait he deemed this as a sufficient and unnecessary condition for becoming a MJJ.

    @VirMach said: It's supposed to renew every 3 months, it broke.

    Having the mindset of proactively monitoring using morden DevOps methodology, is better than "set it, and forget it."

    @VirMach said: While this may incorrectly indicate that we somehow are too stupid to configure SSL

    I've never experienced any failed auto SSL certificate renew, whether it's using AIO automation with Caddy or certbot/, if configured correctly.
    Welp, sh*ts do hapen sometimes. Don't put too much faith in some random open source script, when it's related to your major source of income and PR image.

    @VirMach said: we simply cannot afford attention to detail for such things when it's required elsewhere.

    When it's required elsewhere, such as teasing some random purple fat guy(@FrankZ Just in case it comes up later, I mean to circumvent keyword ban in this community, shouldn't be deemed as personal attack) on Trustpilot 2 days ago:

    @VirMach said: Like I answered maybe 100 plus tickets so far today and I provide full answers slightly tailored to the person's situation because it's faster than linking Knowledgebase even though I've written it out thousands of times and it's there

    @VirMach said: after we got rid of outsourced support. Because I'm willing to stay up 3 days in a row and work on some complicated server problem but I just cannot be a knowledgebase robot, and I'm trying to be a big boy and provide a human touch by answering everyone over and over again.

    @VirMach said: (edit) Just to be very clear, it's exactly what I stated, as in he literally needed to install an OS. Nothing weird going on. Just an OS was never installed. (edit2) and just in case the other guy that also was in a 6 month scenario reads this and thinks I'm leaving out details, no, not you, it was someone else that I'm describing here. (edit3) Some similar variants to this would be 256-384MB plans going into kernel panic, people not knowing how to reset passwords, people mounting an ISO and confused on why VPS is offline, people putting it into rescue mode (maybe fat finger?) or resetting KVM password instead of root password, stuff like that. If we just say refer to knowledgebase (or even link the exact article), it leads to a lot of bad situations. And of course by default if we don't provide quick support since they created a ticket for something in the wrong department that's already on the knowledgebase and on the steps for creating the ticket, default bad situation if they do nothing about it.

    It's touching to see you did so far to provide human touch support.

    However, as a rich business owner who drives fancy cars, and the CEO of a decent size company. You need to learn some Business Management 101: delegation of repetitive, mundane tasks.

    Considering the (unbeatable low) pricing scheme of yours, the rational expectation of your low-end clients attracted by low pricing, cannot be like every single one of them have some basic CS knowledge or even common sense. It's really a torturous experience communicating with any ignorant and stupid simian(@FrankZ Just in case it comes up later, I mean to enlighten @Virmach, shouldn't be deemed as personal attack). Any mature CEO in a decent size company would hire some random community college degree IT guy, to do these sh*tty L1-L2 support work, to prevent from mental health problems(@FrankZ Just in case it comes up later, I mean to enlighten @Virmach, shouldn't be deemed as personal attack), and save time to plan the strategic direction of the company and develop reusable workflow and SOP, and to assign work tasks and KPI/OKR to the company's middle managers. That's what a mature CEO should do.

    @VirMach said: I love typing essays.

    I love it, too. I feel you, bro.

    @AuroraZero said: dig yourself deeper

    into the glorious brighter future of Virmach®, while effectively practicing my English writing skills during my univ winter break at some random boring rual village, since I don't see any else more fun things to do than enlightening @Virmach.

  • @VirMach
    My Node TYOC036 today was changed to Node SJCZ004B and offline.
    Invoice #1413533
    Please help me,thanks!

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King
    edited January 2023

    guys he's only 18 and using his parent's money to pay. let him be lol

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 2023

    [@Chisato said] ...

    When you compare Anthony & LES to the CCP. your just being a dick.
    EDIT: I don't think this community is a good fit for you, goodbye.
    EDIT2: Based on an appeal to the community of the ban of this member, the ban has been removed.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    that escalated quickly

    Thanked by (2)lemoncube AlwaysSkint

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • @iesky said:
    My Node TYOC036 today was changed to Node SJCZ004B and offline.
    Invoice #1413533
    Please help me,thanks!

    Hmm, 768MB. Is this a $2.22 plan or something?

  • I don't know when this difficult time will end, have a nice day to you

  • @FrankZ said: When you compare Anthony & LES to the CCP. your just being a dick.

    :/ either you or himself fulfilled his prophecy. can't really tell.

  • @nutjob said:

    Hmm, 768MB. Is this a $2.22 plan or something?

    I guess it's Ryzen Special 768 (2022)

    SPECIAL 768 $15.21/y
    20GB NVMe
    1 vCore Ryzen CPU
    2TB @ 1Gbps Bandwidth
    1x IPv4 Address
    Thanked by (1)nutjob
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Chisato said: However, as a rich business owner who drives fancy cars

    I like servers and I like cars. Since this is the second time this has been brought up and the HostLoc people feel as if I need to justify what I do in my personal life, as if I somehow should after 8 years of running a business not even be able to make any large purchase, then I have some good news for you: the vehicle that you guys saw literally getting towed in the photo is an awful vehicle and it was an investment purchase after selling other assets unrelated to VirMach. I purchased it right around the COVID panic crashing a the prices of a lot of "fancy cars" and otherwise had excess money from selling other assets and I was unsure of the stock market but felt as if it was a bad time to hold onto cash. I'm 29 years and before VirMach, I had other jobs, made other investments, and it shouldn't be unfathomable that I'm able to make at least $20,000 a year over a 10 year period to make that purchase.

    Don't worry, I haven't been able to put many miles on it in between being virtually locked in an office for 2 years and it breaking down constantly (source: see all the times I mention having vehicle problems or the photo) so that means so far it's appreciated about 40% in value. So when I sell it I can buy more servers for you guys.

    There's a reason we don't deadpool. I'd pour in everything I have personally if necessary to meet our obligations to our customers. In any case, rest assured it's definitely not from selling $8 a year specials.

    But allow me to be very clear: if I want to dig a big hole in the ground and put everything I've personally earned in there and burn it, you have no say in that.

    and the CEO of a decent size company.

    So is it a decent sized company or one man show?

    @Chisato said: You need to learn some Business Management 101: delegation of repetitive, mundane tasks.

    This is the part where I'll follow @FrankZ's advice and tell you to use the search feature here and on OGF. Go through a few hundred pages and you'll see I thoroughly discussed everything related to that.

  • AlwaysSkintAlwaysSkint OGSenpai
    edited January 2023

    @iesky said: Please help me,thanks!

    Let's see; have you even tried to reinstall it?
    If incapable of proper troubleshooting, then just transfer it. :|

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • Focus:Node TYOC036 today was changed to Node SJCZ004B
    I did not replace the node myself.

  • @AlwaysSkint said:

    Let's see; have you even tried to reinstall it?
    If incapable of proper troubleshooting, then just transfer it. :|

  • @iesky said:
    Focus:Node TYOC036 today was changed to Node SJCZ004B
    I did not replace the node myself.

    Congrats. You made it to the promised land.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @Chisato said: [...]

    This thread has everything: whiners, beggars, liars, the angry, the crazy, mjj and now sad, underage, trolls.

    What did this thread ever do to deserve all this?

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @Chisato said: with poor English level


  • @Chisato said: And the end is nigh: people will return to work tomorrow.

    Finally I saw a correct usage of "the end is nigh".

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • ruiknoruikno Retired
    edited January 2023

    @DanSummer said:
    Perhaps you've written some of those negative reviews too? :)
    Not sure why you think VirMach should reply each of your post or question about a negative comment on Trustpilot.

    Something fishy about all these questions.

    Perhaps you don't know this site is virmach told me? :)
    If you are familiar with virmach, this may not affect you, but I am new, and usually see these reviews I will just leave.

    Something fishy about taunting new customers.

  • Anyone else experiencing issues with DALZ008 again?

    It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
    NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited January 2023

    @AlwaysSkint said:
    Anyone else experiencing issues with DALZ008 again?

    yes, both of mine on that node are down. It is also on the VirMach status page as down. orange.

    Thanked by (1)AlwaysSkint
  • @Chisato said: According to some rumors and in terms of the declining professionalism of the wording on the network status page, I believe you might have acquired Virmach from the previous, more professional owner.

    Oh, great minds think alike. That's my guess too, otherwise how could one explain the deterioration started from the exodus to Ali-Cloud last April.

    I've warned several times my Chinese friends of stopping Internet circumvention with Virmach VPS, and migrate to other providers for privacy and individual safety.
    Luckily some of them had quit Virmach, though not for better privacy or satety, but because of the worsening SLA and other annoyances.

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @bliss said: Oh, great minds think alike. That's my guess too, otherwise how could one explain the deterioration started from the exodus to Ali-Cloud last April.

    VirMach is the same owner/guy for the last 7+ years. VirMach was not sold to someone else a year or whatever ago.

  • @FrankZ said:

    VirMach is the same owner/guy for the last 7+ years. VirMach was not sold to someone else a year or whatever ago.

    1. Just a wild guess, thanks for correcting though. And sorry for any trouble caused.
    2. I feel sorry for virmach for becoming worse in SLA and ticket support.
    3. I've idled my virmach VPS for about 1 month, which is scheduled to be cancelled next month. And I've move my service to Web-Horizon, which is super stable.

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • A good life starts with staying away from vir... :)

    Thanked by (1)VirMach
  • @aiexo said:
    A good life starts with staying away from vir... :)

    But hanging around their forums threads is "the good life"?

  • @Chisato said: @FrankZ

    Dear lawful neutral moderator:

    In the following conversation, a GIF w/ JPG demonstrates a yellow monkey being crushed by a container hanging from a crane (which was thanked by @FrankZ, btw). Referring to the context, it is clearly an implicit reference to discriminate against Asians whose skin is yellow.

    I don't think a gif is a proof of discrimination, otherwise I can sense from most GIFs in the Black Friday Mega thread of discrimination of all kinds.

    There is saying: A picture is worth of a thousand words.
    And an agent of KGB can convict anyone with just 3 sentences said by the victims.

    And will Chisato be convict of groundless discrimination speech? I'll see, but
    monkey is one beloved animal in across Asia. Haven't you heard of Dragon Ball, whose hero is a Chinese monkey (monkey king as it is called).

    And crane is believed to have great wish of long life and delivery of babies to parents. People in China love crane, so how could money and crane are used for discrimination? Make some Taiwanese friends and learn some Chinese culture, and you will avoid this inter-culture communication errors.

    MicroLXC is lovable. Uptime of C1V

  • @aiexo said:
    A good life starts with staying away from vir... :)

    You should thank virmach then for banning you and allowing you to live a "good life"

  • edited January 2023

    i will always think twice when i post gifs

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ shallow
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