You do realize you're the primary guy that started this wave, correct? It all started with TYOC002S abuse and it was impossible to ignore how careless you were being
So that's the reason for the horrible cpu steal on TYO002S?
Although it's not fixed yet. Still spiking now and then. Hopefully it'll resolved in the end.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
I think spaming and redundant posts are a sufficient reason.
Wishing for death falls under that - since our latest tests and stats show that LES has a 99.99% member mortality rate, i.e. every single member will die except @Amitz - he's immortal!
On a more serious note:
Free speech is always tricky.
But there must be a line, to prevent the forum from turning into shit.
For now, I feel I can freely suggest different ideas and criticize any moderation decisions, and practically all of them have been reasonable and common sense so far (even those I disagree with, such as the max. offer price limit ).
If I ever see that is not the case, I'd be the first to call it and hang up my mod. boots. Colour me naive, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I'd like to (ab)use this opportunity to thank all the members who are making and keeping this a great place to be. Forum is what we make of it. Stay cool.
For those who've asked, our standard provider tag rates haven't changed (no inflation on LES! ), with these payment options to choose from:
One kidney
House by the sea
Your first-born for slave labour in BikeGremlin's sweatshop
Pick whichever is most convenient for you to pay with. We accept pigeon transfers and countervalue in goats.
Hmm, is there something busted with Add Funds or is it just me? Just getting this:
It's that time of year where my BF invoices start getting generated, figured I'd just add enough to cover them all as they generate, but ran into this.
@bakageta said:
Hmm, is there something busted with Add Funds or is it just me? Just getting this:
It's that time of year where my BF invoices start getting generated, figured I'd just add enough to cover them all as they generate, but ran into this.
Message me your email, I'll check if there's anything preventing it from working.
You do realize you're the primary guy that started this wave, correct? It all started with TYOC002S abuse and it was impossible to ignore how careless you were being
So that's the reason for the horrible cpu steal on TYO002S?
Although it's not fixed yet. Still spiking now and then. Hopefully it'll resolved in the end.
I don't know how many times I've repeated myself but to summarize again, countering abuse helps in that it prevents periods of time where the node might lock up from extreme usage by those people.
It does not address the inherent problem with that location where almost every single person is using it differently than other normal storage servers. Traffic is always more consolidated based on local time, way more than normal, and most people are not just using it for storing personal files/backups.
Same thing will apply every time it's asked, I'll just have less time to elaborate.
Hahahaha how are you still here? I already replied to you indirectly, go find the reply. Or I guess I'll see your next massive screenshot post in a couple days.
@jtk said:
Maybe this is mentioned somewhere in this enormous thread, but I didn't find it in the last few pages... the LAX node that went down in June, my system that was there is still down, although it shows a new address and purportedly on LAXA011. Is this still the normal state of those systems? I can't seem to bring it back to online state anyway.
It means you might have already been migrated and it's another issue. It could be a SolusVM port bug issue where after migrating, VNC port tries to remain the same and someone else is already using that VNC port. I have no idea how they haven't fixed that or at least allow people to click a button client-side but what you could do is disable VNC to see if it comes online I think and that confirms that's the issue.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
Just a little feedback here if I may, I'm all for free speech as well but seeing as there's no mute feature (please tell me there isn't or else I could have been living such a better life without realizing it) it also gets pretty annoying and hard to actually monitor threads and keep up with the conversation when it's just the same person essentially copy/pasting the same exact thing over and over.
This is what originally made it difficult to go on OGF and I'm afraid it's also becoming a problem any time someone is upset enough to spend their entire day here repeating themselves.
I don't know what can be done in terms of addons or modifications but it'd be sweet if there was something that tells people to basically chill out and come back later to specific threads. If someone is posting more than I am on here while I'm basically naturally the one with the most posts, maybe something is "abnormal" if some random new account that's never posted before comes here to make like 30 comments in one thread over two or three days. Or I don't know I'm sure it can be done in a much better way but I feel like what I'm saying makes sense to some level. I don't necessarily mind the negativity as much as I do having to basically go through multiple pages of fluff to actually get to real discussions that aren't just one-sided conversations and that would also naturally calm people down to where it doesn't lead to just flinging insults/threats.
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
Just a little feedback here if I may, I'm all for free speech as well but seeing as there's no mute feature (please tell me there isn't or else I could have been living such a better life without realizing it) it also gets pretty annoying and hard to actually monitor threads and keep up with the conversation when it's just the same person essentially copy/pasting the same exact thing over and over.
This is what originally made it difficult to go on OGF and I'm afraid it's also becoming a problem any time someone is upset enough to spend their entire day here repeating themselves.
I don't know what can be done in terms of addons or modifications but it'd be sweet if there was something that tells people to basically chill out and come back later to specific threads. If someone is posting more than I am on here while I'm basically naturally the one with the most posts, maybe something is "abnormal" if some random new account that's never posted before comes here to make like 30 comments in one thread over two or three days. Or I don't know I'm sure it can be done in a much better way but I feel like what I'm saying makes sense to some level. I don't necessarily mind the negativity as much as I do having to basically go through multiple pages of fluff to actually get to real discussions that aren't just one-sided conversations and that would also naturally calm people down to where it doesn't lead to just flinging insults/threats.
Something to consider (thinking out loud with both of my brain cells):
Regarding any forum changes:
Is a problem re-occuring? If yes, how often, and how severe is it?
Regarding this particular thread:
Is there a problem (or problems) with your service that would result in such "passionate & persistent" feedback - and if yes, what can you do to fix it?
This thread is definitely a mod time-pit.
On a positive note, the offer thread gets bumped better than those "double my bandwidth" threads.
You are officially the new king of marketing!
Yeah, when the same person has been answered multiple times but continues to spam over and over, it pretty much won't end well, like a death threat lets say. Most will probably also lose their shit if they were told by a moderator to relax and stop repeating the same thing, leading to their escalation to something bannable. And for some reason, at least some of them already think that the moderators are cracking down on them even if they do that freely. shrugs
@bikegremlin said:
Regarding this particular thread:
Is there a problem (or problems) with your service that would result in such "passionate & persistent" feedback - and if yes, what can you do to fix it?
For me at least, I think its more of the ones that would literally ask the same thing 10+ times even though it was answered by Virmach and other members after the first, second and third times. Aka even if you told it to them 100 times, they just didn't want to hear it, they just wanted to disrupt things or grind everyone down until they got the answer they wanted rather than the one they really deserved / were going to get / got but didn't like.
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
@Flying_Chinaman said: Worth to mention that your counterpart GreencloudVPS which in the same data-center, only give 1TB per month for the same disk size.
Alternatively, cap the VM CPU limit, if it's a thing in SolusVM - it is available in Proxmox.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Hmm 6tb for 500g is more than my storage servers have yeah. I wouldn't mind having more bandwidth on some of my larger vps on Virmach heh. And adjusting down any packages now would be troublesome. The fact that it's new ryzen cores even if it's just one core means it's potentially a lot of power. And I'm not sure the limiters in SolusVM work all that well. No big surprise, Cpanel and SolusVM are brothers in terribleness and broken "features".
For comparison, my three vps storage servers are (others are local or stored with friends):
InceptionHosting - 1x 2200mhz core, 1 tb space, 1tb bandwidth, special deal i've had since Aug 2020
Letbox - 1x ryzen 3900 core, 1tb space, 10tb bandwidth, older deal marked as legacy from june 2021
Wishosting - 1tb space with 250mbit unmetered and no real ip, just some ports behind NAT (cores / cpu / location have all changed due to length of time (jan 2018) and migrations of the package and some downtime so it's hard to compare those heh)
So I guess yeah that much transfer that close to home made them really pay attention and go crazy to get them.
@VirMach said: and most people are not just using it for storing personal files/backups.
Yo chad, them have been given too much bandwidth limit.
6TB traffic per month for a 500GB storage service, just encourage folks use it as seed-box, website static file serve, whatever.
Worth to mention that your counterpart GreencloudVPS which in the same data-center, only give 1TB per month for the same disk size.
I agree. bandwidth should be double, no more than triple the disk size otherwise people will abuse it.
Does torrenting consume a lot of CPU power though?
Can you limit the CPU usage for all storage VPS users? Like a user can only burst up to 100% of one core per 500GB storage for no longer than half an hour every 24 hours, as other providers greencloudVPS included did. @VirMach
Torrents will eat cpu and io, especially if it's just thrown together quickly without trying to optimize it (either through lack of knowledge or lack of caring)
I believe some of the monitoring was either temp changed / broken / removed due to all of the issues. And it seems others realized that and have taken advantage of it. Mostly in that one location to an extreme it would appear. I don't know enough about Virmach's setup and they prob won't give out much for details either so people don't try and work around the measures they do have / have planned / etc.
@VirMach said: it also gets pretty annoying and hard to actually monitor threads and keep up with the conversation when it's just the same person essentially copy/pasting the same exact thing over and over.
Whenever you have time, check it out, I'm sure it's not a forced migration.I have given proof of the date. I hope you won't ignore me again.
I've always been in favor of punishing abusers.
@ixixan15888 said:
I regret that I bought the account from someone else, but I like your service very much, I feel it has the right price and very good performance, after I bought the account, I paid the account within a short time. The account has been recharged, which shows that I have the will to continue to use it. I hope you can reply to my service. I am willing to continue to increase the account funds, and I promise not to change the email name of the account in the future. My support ticket number is #968440, thank you! @VirMach
@ForMat_eXt4 said:
And you want to see me gone, then I'd like to see @skor0u5 passed away.
Maybe it's a language barrier thing, maybe not. I'm normally a proponent of free speech here (as evidenced by all the verbal diarrhea that wasn't acted on in this thread, and yes, I've read all of it), but this crosses the line. We don't allow wishing the death of our members. Pretty sure you've said all that you've needed to say anyways, so best be on your merry way and to leave this place behind. Have a good life!
Just a little feedback here if I may, I'm all for free speech as well but seeing as there's no mute feature (please tell me there isn't or else I could have been living such a better life without realizing it) it also gets pretty annoying and hard to actually monitor threads and keep up with the conversation when it's just the same person essentially copy/pasting the same exact thing over and over.
This is what originally made it difficult to go on OGF and I'm afraid it's also becoming a problem any time someone is upset enough to spend their entire day here repeating themselves.
I don't know what can be done in terms of addons or modifications but it'd be sweet if there was something that tells people to basically chill out and come back later to specific threads. If someone is posting more than I am on here while I'm basically naturally the one with the most posts, maybe something is "abnormal" if some random new account that's never posted before comes here to make like 30 comments in one thread over two or three days. Or I don't know I'm sure it can be done in a much better way but I feel like what I'm saying makes sense to some level. I don't necessarily mind the negativity as much as I do having to basically go through multiple pages of fluff to actually get to real discussions that aren't just one-sided conversations and that would also naturally calm people down to where it doesn't lead to just flinging insults/threats.
I've been throwing some ideas around in my mind as well to address this, but nothing has stuck. We currently don't have a mute feature, though that is something worth looking into. I think I recall someone on OGF creating a tampermonkey script that auto-hides certain users' comments from the client-side -- that'll probably also work here. I can look into seeing if Vanilla's flood/spam controls have anything that limit the number of posts in a single thread for a certain amount of time, though I suspect the rules are more basic/generalized than that.
Unfortunately the only thing I can come up with is basically someone actively monitoring the thread, but that basically means someone needs to babysit the thread when available to look out for problem users and gag/mute them for a bit when needed. But we are pretty slim on the admin/mod side, so I can't really see this being feasible long-term. I have been consuming this thread in batches (maybe a day or half-day worth of posts at a time), so by the time I act, the damage would have already been done. Another idea might be to have some flagging mechanism where if a single post is flagged a certain number of times, then it gets auto-hidden for review. But I don't really know how something like this could be done in Vanilla (I am very much not a PHP person) and also there is a high possibility of abuse (single person or group of "friends" flagging shit they don't agree with to get it hidden or something).
So not really sure how to address this issue or what my options are yet. Will keep brainstorming.
"Vanilla 2021.009 Compatibility
The community has said nothing."
2021.009 seems to be latest I guess, plugin hasn't been updated in a while but it's supposed to be "Official! This product is maintained by the Vanilla Forums staff and core team."
@Daevien said: Torrents will eat cpu and io, especially if it's just thrown together quickly without trying to optimize it (either through lack of knowledge or lack of caring)
This here is the most important part and why it's against our terms of service but if you do it properly, we'll never even notice.
@Daevien said: I believe some of the monitoring was either temp changed / broken / removed due to all of the issues. And it seems others realized that and have taken advantage of it. Mostly in that one location to an extreme it would appear. I don't know enough about Virmach's setup and they prob won't give out much for details either so people don't try and work around the measures they do have / have planned / etc.
This is part of "category 1" as I mentioned before and it does calm down the nodes overall. Think of it as 100 cars getting on the highway during rush hour, it will obviously be less problematic if there's not already 30 trucks there (high users/abusers.)
Now "category 2" think of it like 1000 motorcycles zooming through on short trips over and over, randomly. With 30 trucks, it's a disaster. Without 30 trucks, it's still not very good.
Time to bill them for travel, 5 star meal, nice bottle of whiskey to help Virmach sleep, etc
So that's the reason for the horrible cpu steal on TYO002S?
Although it's not fixed yet. Still spiking now and then. Hopefully it'll resolved in the end.
instead of charging $25 to investigate each account, they should each add a bottle of wine at least for him to relax.
and $25 surcharge for each account found to be linked.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Occasional CPU steal burst:
%Cpu(s): 4.4 us, 6.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 64.3 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.3 si, 24.5 st
It has been half year since launch, lucky my storage VPS chicken does not require much CPU.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Yo fellas~ My popcorn is ready!
Another episode about the refund of a MJJ Yankee live in
Kansas.No alcohol during working hours. Just wonder what will happen when the drunk chad handling the tickets.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
I think spaming and redundant posts are a sufficient reason.
Wishing for death falls under that - since our latest tests and stats show that LES has a 99.99% member mortality rate, i.e. every single member will die except @Amitz - he's immortal!
On a more serious note:
Free speech is always tricky.
But there must be a line, to prevent the forum from turning into shit.
For now, I feel I can freely suggest different ideas and criticize any moderation decisions, and practically all of them have been reasonable and common sense so far (even those I disagree with, such as the max. offer price limit
If I ever see that is not the case, I'd be the first to call it and hang up my mod. boots. Colour me naive, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
I'd like to (ab)use this opportunity to thank all the members who are making and keeping this a great place to be. Forum is what we make of it. Stay cool.
), with these payment options to choose from:
For those who've asked, our standard provider tag rates haven't changed (no inflation on LES!
Pick whichever is most convenient for you to pay with. We accept pigeon transfers and countervalue in goats.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
Hmm, is there something busted with Add Funds or is it just me? Just getting this:
It's that time of year where my BF invoices start getting generated, figured I'd just add enough to cover them all as they generate, but ran into this.
great, I am a legit customer that uses it for some personal projects and recommended a few friends also, love my servers with you
Message me your email, I'll check if there's anything preventing it from working.
I don't know how many times I've repeated myself but to summarize again, countering abuse helps in that it prevents periods of time where the node might lock up from extreme usage by those people.
It does not address the inherent problem with that location where almost every single person is using it differently than other normal storage servers. Traffic is always more consolidated based on local time, way more than normal, and most people are not just using it for storing personal files/backups.
Same thing will apply every time it's asked, I'll just have less time to elaborate.
Hahahaha how are you still here? I already replied to you indirectly, go find the reply. Or I guess I'll see your next massive screenshot post in a couple days.
It means you might have already been migrated and it's another issue. It could be a SolusVM port bug issue where after migrating, VNC port tries to remain the same and someone else is already using that VNC port. I have no idea how they haven't fixed that or at least allow people to click a button client-side but what you could do is disable VNC to see if it comes online I think and that confirms that's the issue.
Just a little feedback here if I may, I'm all for free speech as well but seeing as there's no mute feature (please tell me there isn't or else I could have been living such a better life without realizing it) it also gets pretty annoying and hard to actually monitor threads and keep up with the conversation when it's just the same person essentially copy/pasting the same exact thing over and over.
This is what originally made it difficult to go on OGF and I'm afraid it's also becoming a problem any time someone is upset enough to spend their entire day here repeating themselves.
I don't know what can be done in terms of addons or modifications but it'd be sweet if there was something that tells people to basically chill out and come back later to specific threads. If someone is posting more than I am on here while I'm basically naturally the one with the most posts, maybe something is "abnormal" if some random new account that's never posted before comes here to make like 30 comments in one thread over two or three days. Or I don't know I'm sure it can be done in a much better way but I feel like what I'm saying makes sense to some level. I don't necessarily mind the negativity as much as I do having to basically go through multiple pages of fluff to actually get to real discussions that aren't just one-sided conversations and that would also naturally calm people down to where it doesn't lead to just flinging insults/threats.
Something to consider (thinking out loud with both of my brain cells):
Regarding any forum changes:
Is a problem re-occuring? If yes, how often, and how severe is it?
Regarding this particular thread:
Is there a problem (or problems) with your service that would result in such "passionate & persistent" feedback - and if yes, what can you do to fix it?
This thread is definitely a mod time-pit.
On a positive note, the offer thread gets bumped better than those "double my bandwidth" threads.
You are officially the new king of marketing!
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
BikeGremlin's web-hosting reviews
Yeah, when the same person has been answered multiple times but continues to spam over and over, it pretty much won't end well, like a death threat lets say. Most will probably also lose their shit if they were told by a moderator to relax and stop repeating the same thing, leading to their escalation to something bannable. And for some reason, at least some of them already think that the moderators are cracking down on them even if they do that freely. shrugs
For me at least, I think its more of the ones that would literally ask the same thing 10+ times even though it was answered by Virmach and other members after the first, second and third times. Aka even if you told it to them 100 times, they just didn't want to hear it, they just wanted to disrupt things or grind everyone down until they got the answer they wanted rather than the one they really deserved / were going to get / got but didn't like.
Yo chad, them have been given too much bandwidth limit.
6TB traffic per month for a 500GB storage service, just encourage folks use it as seed-box, website static file serve, whatever.
Worth to mention that your counterpart GreencloudVPS which in the same data-center, only give 1TB per month for the same disk size.
Ontario Dildo Inspector
We are of the same mind.
I said waaay back in this thread that some of the more persistent spammers should be banned but at least given a warning.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I wish I could, but I am too sexy for heaven and too hot for hell...
Amitz, a very stable genius (it's true!) and Grand Rectumfier of the official LESLOS® (LES League of Shitposters).
Certified braindead since 1974 and still perfectly happy.
Alternatively, cap the VM CPU limit, if it's a thing in SolusVM - it is available in Proxmox.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Hmm 6tb for 500g is more than my storage servers have yeah. I wouldn't mind having more bandwidth on some of my larger vps on Virmach heh. And adjusting down any packages now would be troublesome. The fact that it's new ryzen cores even if it's just one core means it's potentially a lot of power. And I'm not sure the limiters in SolusVM work all that well. No big surprise, Cpanel and SolusVM are brothers in terribleness and broken "features".
For comparison, my three vps storage servers are (others are local or stored with friends):
InceptionHosting - 1x 2200mhz core, 1 tb space, 1tb bandwidth, special deal i've had since Aug 2020
Letbox - 1x ryzen 3900 core, 1tb space, 10tb bandwidth, older deal marked as legacy from june 2021
Wishosting - 1tb space with 250mbit unmetered and no real ip, just some ports behind NAT (cores / cpu / location have all changed due to length of time (jan 2018) and migrations of the package and some downtime so it's hard to compare those heh)
So I guess yeah that much transfer that close to home made them really pay attention and go crazy to get them.
I agree. bandwidth should be double, no more than triple the disk size otherwise people will abuse it.
Does torrenting consume a lot of CPU power though?
Can you limit the CPU usage for all storage VPS users? Like a user can only burst up to 100% of one core per 500GB storage for no longer than half an hour every 24 hours, as other providers greencloudVPS included did.
Torrents will eat cpu and io, especially if it's just thrown together quickly without trying to optimize it (either through lack of knowledge or lack of caring)
I believe some of the monitoring was either temp changed / broken / removed due to all of the issues. And it seems others realized that and have taken advantage of it. Mostly in that one location to an extreme it would appear. I don't know enough about Virmach's setup and they prob won't give out much for details either so people don't try and work around the measures they do have / have planned / etc.
such a long time man.
how are you and? health? can you still get it up?
Whenever you have time, check it out, I'm sure it's not a forced migration.I have given proof of the date. I hope you won't ignore me again.
I've always been in favor of punishing abusers.
Hi @VirMach, you'll get back to me, right?
Advice: don't push it; patience.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I've been throwing some ideas around in my mind as well to address this, but nothing has stuck. We currently don't have a mute feature, though that is something worth looking into. I think I recall someone on OGF creating a tampermonkey script that auto-hides certain users' comments from the client-side -- that'll probably also work here. I can look into seeing if Vanilla's flood/spam controls have anything that limit the number of posts in a single thread for a certain amount of time, though I suspect the rules are more basic/generalized than that.
Unfortunately the only thing I can come up with is basically someone actively monitoring the thread, but that basically means someone needs to babysit the thread when available to look out for problem users and gag/mute them for a bit when needed. But we are pretty slim on the admin/mod side, so I can't really see this being feasible long-term. I have been consuming this thread in batches (maybe a day or half-day worth of posts at a time), so by the time I act, the damage would have already been done. Another idea might be to have some flagging mechanism where if a single post is flagged a certain number of times, then it gets auto-hidden for review. But I don't really know how something like this could be done in Vanilla (I am very much not a PHP person) and also there is a high possibility of abuse (single person or group of "friends" flagging shit they don't agree with to get it hidden or something).
So not really sure how to address this issue or what my options are yet. Will keep brainstorming.
Head Janitor @ LES • About • Rules • Support
I don't know Vanilla forums well, I've run a bunch of others though. i poked into source here and saw there is some references to plugins.
I found which may work?
"Vanilla 2021.009 Compatibility
The community has said nothing."
2021.009 seems to be latest I guess, plugin hasn't been updated in a while but it's supposed to be "Official! This product is maintained by the Vanilla Forums staff and core team."
Edit: found another page about ignoring:
And my original link is the only ignore plugin I see in their archive. That post is from sep 2022. So should work?
If the forum burns down, I uh, was not involved.
This here is the most important part and why it's against our terms of service but if you do it properly, we'll never even notice.
This is part of "category 1" as I mentioned before and it does calm down the nodes overall. Think of it as 100 cars getting on the highway during rush hour, it will obviously be less problematic if there's not already 30 trucks there (high users/abusers.)
Now "category 2" think of it like 1000 motorcycles zooming through on short trips over and over, randomly. With 30 trucks, it's a disaster. Without 30 trucks, it's still not very good.