Bought a machine with 3 cores and 8GB RAM in virmach special offer.
But the CPU is a 3950X, which really annoys me. If you want to upgrade to 5950X, I can add money
@H2Kimi said:
Bought a machine with 3 cores and 8GB RAM in virmach special offer.
But the CPU is a 3950X, which really annoys me. If you want to upgrade to 5950X, I can add money
Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 791
Multi Core | 827
Full Test |
CPU Limits
More restrictive limits based on clock. 50% AUP on 3GHz turns into 33%
@H2Kimi said:
Bought a machine with 3 cores and 8GB RAM in virmach special offer.
But the CPU is a 3950X, which really annoys me. If you want to upgrade to 5950X, I can add money
Is anyone else's node currently locked? Trying to figure out which node to follow the server status updates correctly. I forgot which node I'm on but the LA node my VPS is on is locked unfortunately...
Sucks that it's down but can't complain due to the awesome pricing. It happens...
@Edmond said:
Is anyone else's node currently locked? Trying to figure out which node to follow the server status updates correctly. I forgot which node I'm on but the LA node my VPS is on is locked unfortunately...
Sucks that it's down but can't complain due to the awesome pricing. It happens...
@Edmond said:
Is anyone else's node currently locked? Trying to figure out which node to follow the server status updates correctly. I forgot which node I'm on but the LA node my VPS is on is locked unfortunately...
Sucks that it's down but can't complain due to the awesome pricing. It happens...
received my renew invoice,but should i pay it.according virmach's reply,should i don't pay it so that virmach can terminated exist one and create new one in receiver account easier?
@host4cheap said: @VirMach A few of us have requested about when can we expect the provisioning of these
12 quantity for DALZ010 offer, 4GB RAM / 4 Core / 130GB Disk
It will be good to know a rough timeline. Not complaining but setting expectations. Original post lacked clarity.
Lack of clarity was there as I do not have any information on expected timeline.
Could you kindly provide an update on this matter? It has been some time since the orders have been pending and while it is not a pressing issue, any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Ah, damn. Still hoping it just kinda goes away on its own one day, lol.
GreenCloud and Virmach would be cheapest of them all.. You have more expensive at xtom and misaka
ServerStatus , slackvpn <-- openVPN auto install script for Slackware 15
Bought a machine with 3 cores and 8GB RAM in virmach special offer.
But the CPU is a 3950X, which really annoys me. If you want to upgrade to 5950X, I can add money
At least the current special offers do not promise anything other than "Ryzen CPU". Where were you promised a specific model?
Thank you! Do you want my PayPal address and send it to me directly?
See I thought they were offering money to upgrade the entire node which I thought was very generous indeed.
Not to sure I would trust such a philanthropic endeavor from a user. I may have just a few reservations on something like this, if it were true.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Tsk tsk ... Why such a Suspicious Sasquatch? What could possibly go wrong?
Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
VirMach: Customer’s Service cannot use more than 10% of the monthly allocated bandwidth in under twenty-four (24) hours.
let me know which location you will pay for, i will migrate there after upgrade.
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
any news about TPAZ003.VIRM.AC ???
Backend Ruby Dev and Linux user
Is anyone else's node currently locked? Trying to figure out which node to follow the server status updates correctly. I forgot which node I'm on but the LA node my VPS is on is locked unfortunately...
Sucks that it's down but can't complain due to the awesome pricing. It happens...
Licking dog?
cunt? 🤭
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
It's my utter pleasure to witness the victim of VirmAch bump up this thread each time.

Ontario Dildo Inspector
@VirMach Just curious when remote DC hands were scheduled to work on node DALZ008 again ?
received my renew invoice,but should i pay it.according virmach's reply,should i don't pay it so that virmach can terminated exist one and create new one in receiver account easier?
Yo Virmach's car so fast, support is but only furious
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Texans, whenever.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
Does anyone abuse TYOC002S network again? It's significantly worse than TYOC026. scratch that
It would be funny if MJJ chase the old fart around while holding the stolen manhole cover
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Could you kindly provide an update on this matter? It has been some time since the orders have been pending and while it is not a pressing issue, any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Can confirm, he made me pay $200 in Uber fees > @AlwaysSkint said:
$20 on FLASH-SPECIAL still pending
Is the Nycb027 node down?
Can't tell as is down.
Ping it, if you have the hostname.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
@VirMach needs an update.
This is getting ridiculous to be honest. That node has been down for 6 days and not a peep from the provider (didn't get any email notification).
Node AMSD025 is acting up last few hours.
Up & down.